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研究生: 林哲墩
Lin Jhe Dun
論文名稱: 室內泳池加氯消毒副產物暴露與風險評估-以某大學泳池為例
Health risk assessment of chlorinated disinfection by-products exposure in an university's indoor swimming pool
指導教授: 曾治乾
Tseng, Chie-Chien
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 健康促進與衛生教育學系
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 119
中文關鍵詞: 室內泳池總三鹵甲烷鹵乙酸暴露評估健康風險評估
英文關鍵詞: indoor swimming pool, total trihalomethanes, haloacetic acids, exposure assessment, health risk assessment
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202205488
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:495下載:22
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  • 本研究對國立臺灣師範大學游泳池進行20次採樣,紀錄水溫、氣溫、pH值、餘氯濃度和游泳人數,分析總三鹵甲烷、鹵乙酸、總有機碳及濁度,發現池水總三鹵甲烷濃度介於31.75 - 182.33 µg/L,氣相總三鹵甲烷濃度介於13.70 - 63.86 µg/m3,池水鹵乙酸濃度介於48.09 - 126.47 µg/L。
    用美國環保署開發之游泳者暴露模式評估總三鹵甲烷與鹵乙酸各暴露途徑之終身每日暴露量,結合致癌斜率係數,算出游泳暴露總三鹵甲烷之終身致癌總風險為1.85 × 10-6 - 1.05 × 10-5;暴露鹵乙酸之終身致癌總風險為4.21 × 10-7 - 1.18 × 10-6。結果顯示游泳暴露加氯消毒副產物之致癌風險,主要源自呼吸吸入總三鹵甲烷,建議室內泳池提高換氣率,降低氣相總三鹵甲烷濃度。

    We sampled National Taiwan Normal University swimming pool 20 times, water temperature, air temperature, pH, concentrations of chlorine and number of swimmers were recorded. Concentrations of total trihalomethanes, haloacetic acids, total organic carbon and turbidity were analyzed.
    The results revealed that concentrations of total trihalomethanes in pool water ranged from 31.75 to 182.33 μg/L. Ambient air total trihalomethanes concentrations ranged from 13.70 to 63.86 μg/m3. Concentrations of haloacetic acids in pool water ranged from 48.09 to 126.47 μg/L.
    Swimmer exposure model developed by United States Environmental Protection Agency was used to assess lifeltime average daily dose from total trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids. Lifetime cancer risk was calculated by lifetime average daily dose times cancer slope factors.
    The results showed that lifetime cancer risk exposured to total trihalomethanes ranged from 1.85 × 10-6 to 1.05 × 10-5; while lifetime cancer risk exposured to haloacetic acids ranged from 4.21 × 10-7 to 1.18 × 10-6.
    According to the results, lifetime cancer risk exposured to chlorinated by-products, major contributed from inhaling of total trihalomethanes. Increasing ventilation rate of indoor pools may help decreasing the risk.
    The number of swimmers was positively correlated with concentrations of total trihalomethanes in pool water, total trihalomethanes in ambient air and haloacetic acids in pool water. Concentrations of total trihalomethanes in pool water were also positively correlated with turbidity.
    We recommended pool managers to limit the number of swimmers, advise swimmers that they wash their body before swimming to reduce the amount of organic compounds, and strengthen the function of filtration system to decrease turbidity.

    第一章 緒論.................................................1 第一節 研究動機...........................................2 第二節 研究目的...........................................3 第二章 文獻探討..............................................7 第一節 加氯消毒的原理......................................7 第二節 加氯消毒副產物......................................7 一、揮發性與非揮發性加氯消毒副產物........................8 二、總三鹵甲烷........................................10 三、鹵乙酸...........................................11 四、總三鹵甲烷與鹵乙酸的致癌物質分類......................12 第三節 加氯消毒副產物生成相關因素...........................14 一、有機物濃度........................................14 二、游泳人數..........................................15 三、鹵素濃度..........................................15 四、反應時間..........................................16 五、pH值.............................................17 六、溫度.............................................17 七、濁度.............................................17 第四節 加氯消毒副產物的暴露評估.............................18 一、游泳池加氯消毒副產物暴露文獻.........................18 二、游泳者暴露模式.....................................21 三、國內游泳者游泳頻率文獻..............................30 四、國內游泳者游泳時間文獻..............................31 第五節 加氯消毒副產物的健康風險評估.........................32 一、終身致癌風險計算方法................................32 二、可接受之風險大小...................................33 三、游泳池加氯消毒副產物的終身致癌風險文獻.................34 第三章 研究方法.............................................36 第一節 研究對象..........................................36 一、國立臺灣師範大學游泳池..............................36 二、國立臺灣師範大學游泳池之游泳者.......................37 第二節 研究設計..........................................38 第三節 採樣與分析........................................40 一、池水樣本採樣......................................41 二、氣相總三鹵甲烷樣本採樣..............................43 三、樣品分析..........................................44 第四節 研究工具..........................................56 一、採樣工具..........................................56 二、分析工具..........................................57 第四章 結果與討論...........................................59 第一節 非競賽型游泳者特性調查結果...........................59 一、游泳者游泳頻率.....................................59 二、游泳者每次游泳時間.................................60 第二節 游泳池採樣與分析結果................................61 一、游泳池採樣環境紀錄.................................61 二、游泳池池水總三鹵甲烷濃度............................64 三、游泳池氣相總三鹵甲烷濃度............................68 四、游泳池池水鹵乙酸濃度................................72 第三節 消毒副產物生成因子與TTHMs、HAAs濃度之相關性...........77 一、游泳池游泳人與總三鹵甲烷、鹵乙酸濃度之相關性............78 二、游泳池總有機碳與總三鹵甲烷、鹵乙酸濃度之相關性..........80 三、游泳池濁度對與總三鹵甲烷、鹵乙酸濃度之相關性............82 四、游泳池溫度與總三鹵甲烷、鹵乙酸濃度之相關性.............83 五、消毒副產物生成相關因子與TTHMs、HAAs濃度之相關性........85 第四節 游泳者之總三鹵甲烷與鹵乙酸暴露評估....................86 一、游泳者暴露總三鹵甲烷之終身每日暴露量..................88 二、游泳者暴露鹵乙酸之終身每日暴露量......................89 第五節 游泳者暴露總三鹵甲烷與鹵乙酸之終身致癌風險評估..........93 一、游泳者暴露總三鹵甲烷之終身致癌風險....................94 二、游泳者暴露鹵乙酸之終身致癌風險.......................95 三、游泳者暴露加氯消毒副產物之終身致癌風險.................96 第五章 結論與建議..........................................100 第一節 結論............................................100 第二節 建議............................................104 參考書目..................................................107

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