研究生: |
黃惠斌 |
論文名稱: |
「全校性健康五蔬果」介入計劃對國中學生每日攝取五蔬果及相關因素之影響—以彰化縣立鹿鳴國中學生為例 |
指導教授: | 劉潔心 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
健康促進與衛生教育學系 Department of Health Promotion and Health Education |
論文出版年: | 2003 |
畢業學年度: | 91 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 176 |
中文關鍵詞: | 五蔬果 、攝取 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:249 下載:28 |
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1. 「全校性健康五蔬果」介入計畫實施後,
2. 「全校性健康五蔬果」介入計畫實施後,在控制前測得分下,
根據本研究結果,建議未來在發展每日五蔬果教育計畫課程時,應根據行為改變階段理論、社會認知理論、溝通說服模式、社會支持策略及影響每日五蔬果攝食行為的重要變項,發展一個包含全校健康促進理念的支持性環境改變及全面教學介入的計畫,而且教育活動必需包括媒體造勢及鼓吹(media - marketing campaign)活動,透過此全面性整合的教育方式,可增強學生改變的興趣與意願,且對學生每日五蔬果行為亦產生顯著提昇的效果。
The purposes of this study were to develop an effective comprehensive 5-A-Day intervention program, and to determine the effectives of the intervention program.
Quasi-experimental method was used to explore the effect of the campaign on junior high school students. Lu-Ming junior high school(experimental group 1 and experimental group 2)and Ho-Ching junior high school(control group)in Chanhwang were selected as the subjects. The 5-A-Day intervention program consisted of 3 components: 5 classroom activities, 5 school-wide activities, and school food service changes. Experimental group 1 took part 5 classroom activities and 5 school-wide activities, but experimental group 2 took part 5 school-wide activities only. In experimental school, vegetables were served every day and fruits served two days a week at school lunch. A closed-ended pre-posttest questionnaire was the instruments used to evaluate the intervention effectiveness. There were 306 students finished the pre-test and the post-test questionnaires(104 students for the experimental group 1, 109 students for the experimental group 2, 93 students for the control group).
The data was analyzed by using paired-t-test, Chi-square test, one-way ANCOVA, and Wilcoxon’s sign-rank test with SAS 8e statistical software package.The result of the study were as follow:
1. In the experimental group 1, the mean scores of knowledge, Prons, social support, and behavior about 5-A-Day in the post-test were better than the scores in the pre-test, and their differences were significant. In the experimental group 1, the mean score of the Cons about 5-A-Day in the post-test was less than the score in the pre-test, and its difference is significant.
2. In the experimental group 2, the mean scores of knowledge, Prons, social support, and behavior about 5-A-Day in the post-test were better than the scores in the pre-test, and their differences were significant. In the experimental group 2,the difference of the mean score about 5-A-Day Cons in the post-test and in the pre-test was no significant.
3. The mean score of knowledge about 5-A-Day in the post-test of the experimental group 1 is better than the core in the experimental group 2. The mean score of Cons about 5-A-Day in the post-test of the experimental group 1 was less than the core in the experimental group 2.The differences of the mean scores about 5-A-Day Cons, social support, and behavior in the experimental 1 and in the experimental 2 were no significant. .
4. The mean scores of knowledge, Prons, social support, and behavior about 5-A-Day in the post-test of the experimental group 1 were better than the cores in the control group. The mean score of Cons about 5-A-Day in the post-test of the experimental group 1 was less than the core in the control group.
5. The mean scores of Prons, social support, and behavior about 5-A-Day in the post-test of the experimental group 2 were better than the cores in the control group. The differences of post-test mean scores about 5-A-Day knowledge and Cons in the experimental 2 and in the control group were no significant.
According to the findings of this study, some recommendations for the future 5-A-Day intervention program: health educators should accord strategies of behavior change, social cognitive theory, health communication theory, social support and other important items to development a comprehensive program that contains health school promotion concept, school environment changes, and media marketing campaign. Implementing the comprehensive intervention program will trigger off students’ changing motivation and their 5-A-Day effectiveness was proved.
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