簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 廖健次
LIAO, Chien-tzu
論文名稱: 從手盤到鍵盤台灣印刷發展歷程自傳式論述
An autobiographical discussion of the development history of printing in Taiwan
指導教授: 張晏榕
Chang, Yen-Jung
口試委員: 張晏榕
Chang, Yen-Jung
Tzren-Ru Chou
Hsu, Chao-Yi
口試日期: 2024/12/31
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 圖文傳播學系碩士在職專班
Department of Graphic Arts and Communications_Continuing Education Master's Program of Graphic Arts and Communications
論文出版年: 2025
畢業學年度: 113
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 47
中文關鍵詞: 約翰·古登堡馬克·吐溫工業設計賈伯斯麥金塔
英文關鍵詞: John Gutenberg, Mark Twain, Industrial design, Jobs, Macintosh
研究方法: 實驗設計法參與觀察法敘事分析
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202500258
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:75下載:0
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  • 摘 要


    西元1440到1445年之間,德國人約翰·古登堡 (John Gutenberg) 改良前人經驗,研發出「鉛活字印刷」,突破了書籍成本高昂的問題,印刷術使書籍能廣泛發行,興起的歐洲文藝復興、宗教改革,啟蒙時代和科學革命,而西元十七世紀末至十八世紀末的啟蒙時代,亦有公共圖書館的成立,也為現代的知識經濟和傳播奠定了基礎。
    著名的馬克·吐溫(Mark Twain ),《湯姆歷險記》和《頑童流浪記》的作者在幼年時1848年12歲時是一名印刷學徒,之後成為排字工人、印刷工人,而後邊寫作、投稿,終至成為出名的作家,本傑明·富蘭克林(Benjamin Franklin,1706年1月17日-1790年4月17日)是美國的開國元勳之一,也是當代舉足輕重的作家、思想家、科學家、發明家、郵政局長、外交家,而這些都起步於印刷廠學徒工。這些就是環境的因素,印刷是文明之母,對人類散發著無窮深遠的影響力。
    一、透明原稿掩色法 (The Alphabet System of Masking Transparency)--
    使用軟片為Kodak Pan Masking film & Kodak Separation Negative Film Type 1。
    二、反射原稿掩色法 (The Camera back masking Method)--
    使用軟片為Kodak Pan Masking film & Kodak Separation Negative Film Type 2。


    Keywords:John Gutenberg、Mark Twain、Industrial design、Jobs、Macintosh.

    Human beings originate from animals, civilization originates from history, and history originates from writing. Human beings made three great leaps from wilderness to civilization. The first was language, the second was farming, and the third was writing. Language is the beginning of mankind, farming is the beginning of civilization, and writing is the beginning of modernity.
    Between 1440 and 1445 AD, the German John Gutenberg improved the experience of his predecessors and developed "movable lead printing", which broke through the problem of high cost of books. Printing technology enabled books to be widely distributed, and the rise of The European Renaissance, the Reformation, the Age of Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution. The Age of Enlightenment from the end of the 17th century to the end of the 18th century also saw the establishment of public libraries, which also laid the foundation for the modern knowledge economy and communication.
    An imaging expert from Kodak, in addition to household photos, he also made great contributions to color separation photography in the printing industry. The two color separation methods were the industry benchmark at that time -
    1. The Alphabet System of Masking Transparency--
    The film used is Kodak Pan Masking film & Kodak Separation Negative Film Type 1.
    2. The Camera back masking Method--
    The film used is Kodak Pan Masking film & Kodak Separation Negative Film Type 2.
    He was admitted to Taipei Polytechnic College and studied industrial design. Due to his intellectual advancement, he had many encounters with famous artists. He used Kodak's color separation method to successfully complete major printings such as National Taiwan University, National Normal University commemorative albums, and national art exhibitions.
    The introduction of electronic color separation machines has impacted the way of photographic plate making. In addition to purchasing and participating in the competition, the Macintosh Apple computer has arrived. The powerful Apple has entered this generation and launched with a user-friendly and easy-to-operate graphical interface. Photoshop, Illustrator, QuarkXPress, InDesign software has completely replaced the previous working methods. Human civilization has passed from movable type to digital, from Gutenberg type printing to Jobs Macintosh and iPhone. It is an interesting process from hand disk to keyboard.

    謝 詞 ⅰ 摘 要 ⅱ Abstract ⅲ 目 錄 ⅳ 圖 次 ⅵ 前 言 ⅶ 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 文字的誕生 1 第二節 印刷綜談 4 一、凸版印刷 4 二、平版印刷 7 三、凹版印刷 8 第二章 學理基礎 9 第一節 基本文獻 9 一、攝影類--原稿拍攝製作 10 二、照相製版分色類及技術相關 12 (一)、網陽片之製作 14 (二)、成像及光圈 16 (三)、對焦百分比例尺 17 (四)、固定時間的光圈調整 19 (五)、柯達公司及其產品分析 20 第二節 電子分色機原理與運用 21 一、色調理論研究與原型設計 21 二、連續調分色電子分色機 22 三、四色網片電子分色機 22 四、電子分色及組頁系統 23 第三節 電腦印前系統運作之研究 Photoshop Illustrator QuarkXPress 25 一、Macintosh麥金塔的概念與應用 27 第三章 創作理念與歷程 28 第一節、照相製版與平版印刷的原理和實用 29 第二節、台北工專與工業設計 30 第三節、與藝文名家的邂逅與提昇 32 第四節、基本設計與色彩學 33 第四章 創作成果發表 35 論文發表會海報 35 從鍵盤到手盤 我的印刷人生自述終身學習簡報 36 從鍵盤到手盤 我的印刷人生自述終身學習簡報 37 從鍵盤到手盤 我的印刷人生自述終身學習簡報 38 台大教授張長義、政大教授廖元豪 蒞臨指導 39 臺灣師範大學圖文傳播系碩士論文發表會來賓簽名 40 第五章 結 論 41 第一節、傳播科技的發展 41 第二節、圖文印刷科技的發展 42 第三節、古登堡鑄造印刷機字母,字母可鑄造不必雕刻 44 第四節、印刷機+手機成了大眾傳播方式 44 參考文獻: 47

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