研究生: |
吳美霖 Wu, Mei-Lin |
論文名稱: |
庇護工場員工之生活品質研究 A Study on The Quality of Life of Employees with Disabilities in Sheltered Workshops |
指導教授: |
Chang, Chien-Huey sophie |
口試委員: |
Ho, Ying-Chyi 韓福榮 Han, Fu-Jong Tsao 張千惠 Chang, Chien-Huey Sophie |
口試日期: | 2022/07/22 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
復健諮商研究所 Graduate Institute of Rehabilitation Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2022 |
畢業學年度: | 110 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 91 |
中文關鍵詞: | 身心障礙就業員工 、生活品質 、庇護工場 、庇護性就業服務 、職業重建 |
英文關鍵詞: | employees with Disabilities, quality of life, sheltered workshops, sheltered employment service, Vocational rehabilitation |
研究方法: | 調查研究 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201766 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:468 下載:0 |
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本研究探討第一類身心障礙者接受庇護性就業服務後,其生活品質的現況及影響因素。運用問卷調查方式,以北部某地區庇護工場之員工為研究對象,共抽取85名身心障礙者參與研究,並以符合國際健康功能與身心障礙分類系統(International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health,簡稱ICF)鑑定為第一類身心障礙者,其中智能障礙者73人,慢性精神病者12人;障礙類別為輕度36人、中度42人及重度及極重度8人;年齡介於20至30歲51人、介於31至40歲25人及介於41至64歲9人。本研究採用荷蘭 Arduin 基金會和比利時根特大學所發展的個人成果量表(Personal Outcomes Scale)中文版為評估工具,其分為8大層面(個人發展、自我決策、人際關係、社會融合、權利、情緒福祉、身體福祉及物質福祉),每個層面皆有6個特定指標,總共48題。另使用描述性統計、相關係數分析、單因子變異數分析與雪費法、迴歸分析等統計方法。經過統計資料分析後,其研究結果是依據本研究三大研究問題,其為身心障礙庇護員工生活品質現況、生活品質相關因素及差異性分析、生活品質八大層面之差異性分別討論如下:
一、 就身心障礙庇護員工生活品質現況中,其生活品質於八大層面的滿意度面呈現為中等以上滿意度,以下為滿意度最高前三項(情緒福祉、個人發展及物質福祉)及最低前兩項(社會融合及權利)之顯著差異層面。
(一) 生活品質現況滿意度最高前三項如下:
1. 身心障礙庇護員工在生活品質的情緒福祉層面向有最高滿意度。
2. 身心礙者庇護員工在生活品質之個人發展層面,有基本獨立生活能力。
3. 身心障礙庇護員工在生活品質之物質福祉層面,擁有固定薪資收入。
(二) 生活品質現況滿意度最低前兩項中,以社會融合滿意度最低,次低為權利層面之生活品質滿意度。
二、 就身心障礙庇護員工生活品質相關因素及差異性分析中,其個人因素(障礙程度、年齡)、就業狀況(工作年資、工時)與生活品質各層面(個人發展、自我決策、基本權利、社會融合及物質福祉)間存在相關因素,而且彼此間有顯著差異性。
(一) 身心障礙庇護員工之障礙程度愈輕微,在個人發展及自我決策之生活品質滿意度愈高。
(二) 隨著年齡增加,身心障礙庇護員工愈能夠反應其在生活品質獲得更多的基本權利。
(三) 隨著工作年資增加,身心障礙庇護員工能夠反應其有較多的社會融合機會,對物質福祉的生活品質滿意度也愈高。
(四) 工時愈長,降低身心障礙庇護員工參與社會融合機會,但其對物質福祉有較高的滿意度。
三、 就身心障礙庇護員工在生活品質八大層面之差異性中,其對於年齡、工作年資及工時皆有預測效果。
This study explores the current status and influencing factors of the quality of life of persons with disabilities in the first category after receiving sheltered employment services. A total of 85 people with disabilities, in accordance with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), they were identified as the first category of persons with physical and mental disabilities, including 73 people with intellectual disabilities and 12 people with chronic mental illness; the disorder category was mild. There were 36 people with severe disease, 42 people with moderate disease and 8 people with severe and very severe disease; 51 people between 20 and 30 years old, 25 people between 31 and 40 years old, and 9 people between 41 and 64 years old. This study uses the Chinese version of the Personal Outcomes Scale developed by the Arduin Foundation in the Netherlands and Ghent University in Belgium as an evaluation tool, which is divided into 8 levels (personal development, self-decision-making, interpersonal relationships, social integration, rights, emotional well-being, physical well-being, and material well-being), each of which has 6 specific indicators for a total of 48 questions. Other statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, correlation coefficient analysis, one-way analysis of variance, Scheffe method, and regression analysis were used. After statistical data analysis, the research results are based on the three major research questions of this study, which are the current situation of the quality of life of employees with disabilities, the analysis of related factors and differences in the quality of life, and the differences in the eight aspects of the quality of life. The differences are discussed as follows:
1. In terms of the current quality of life of employees with disabilities, the satisfaction level of their quality of life in eight aspects is above average satisfaction, and the following are the top three items of satisfaction (emotional well-being, personal development and material well-being) and the lowest level of satisfaction. Significant differences between the two (social integration and rights)
(1) The top three items with the highest satisfaction with the current quality of life are as follows:
○1 Sheltered workshop employees with disability have the highest satisfaction in terms of quality of life and emotional well-being.
○2Protection for the sheltered workshop employees with disability have the basic ability to live independently in the aspect of personal development in terms of quality of life.
○3Disability shelter employees have stable salary income in terms of life quality and material well-being.
(2) The satisfaction with the current quality of life is the lowest. Among the first two items, the satisfaction with social integration is the lowest, and the satisfaction with the quality of life at the right level is the second lowest.
2. In the analysis of related factors and differences in the quality of life of employees with disabilities, their personal factors (degree of disability, age), employment status (working years, working hours) and various aspects of quality of life (personal development, self-decision, basic rights) , social integration and material well-being) are correlated and significantly different from each other.
(1) The milder the degree of disability of sheltered workshop employees with disability, the higher the satisfaction with the quality of life in terms of personal development and self-decision.
(2) As the age increases, the sheltered workshop employees with disability are more able to reflect that they have acquired more basic rights in the quality of life.
(3) With the increase of working years, sheltered workshop employees with disability can reflect that they have more opportunities for social integration, and the satisfaction with the quality of life of material well-being is also higher.
(4) The longer the working hours, the lower the opportunities for sheltered workshop employees with disability to participate in social integration, but they have higher satisfaction with material well-being.
3. The eight aspects of quality of life have predictive effects on age, working years and working hours.
All in all, the employees with disabilities have the highest satisfaction with emotional well-being in the current quality of life, which means that employees with disabilities can gain a sense of security, achievement and satisfaction with the current situation in the sheltered workplace. The second highest is personal development satisfaction, indicate that they believe they have independent physical abilities, capable of taking care of themselves, and pursuing their interests, the third is material well-being, which means they have a stable income, having a stable income that gives them control over their salary and personal belongings; however, in the current quality of life of employees with disabilities, the most dissatisfied level is social integration, which means that the interaction between individuals and the community is poor, which is low social participation, and the second level of dissatisfaction is rights. Employees who said they were enforcing disability asylum also had fewer opportunities to enforce their individual rights.
In the analysis of quality of life-related factors and differences, personal factors (degree of disability and age) and employment status (working years and working hours) and various aspects of quality of life (personal development, self-determination, basic rights, social integration and material well-being).
Finally, in the analysis of the differences in the eight aspects of the quality of life of employees with disabilities. The eight aspects of quality of life have predictive effects on age, working years, and working hours.
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