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研究生: 敖俊儒
AO, Chun-Ju
論文名稱: 基於約略集合理論之自動櫃員機選址之關聯規則定義
The Rough Set Theory Based derivations of Association Rules for Automated Teller Machines Location Selections
指導教授: 洪翊軒
Hung, Yi-Hsuan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 97
中文關鍵詞: Bank3.0多規則決策分析約略集合理論關聯規則自動櫃員機
英文關鍵詞: Bank3.0, Multi Criteria Decision Analysis, Rough Set Theory, Association Rule, Automated Teller Machines
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202202685
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:288下載:10
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  • Bank3.0時代,隨著科技的發展,銀行已漸由一個地方的概念,轉化為無所不在的服務,銀行轉型已經成為必然之趨勢,世界各地的銀行開始裁撤分行,或縮小分行規模,取而代之的,是由數位服務取代人力的「自動櫃員機」,由於「自動櫃員機」替代分行角色的任務日益重要,其設置位置,在Bank3.0時代,更為重要,雖然自動櫃員機的選址問題極為重要,但是過去少有學者專家分析,自動櫃員機的位置應該如何選擇,方能將銀行獲利最大化。因此,本研究擬依據中地理論及最小差異原則,定義自動櫃員機設點之規則。首先,本研究將回顧文獻,歸納自動櫃員機選址之準則,並導入銀行某區域自動櫃員機之地理資訊與使用頻率,導入約略集合理論,找出約簡(reduct)與核心(core),並進而定義決策規則,本研究將以國內某主要銀行實際的自動櫃員機地址,依使用率的高低,搭配電子地圖,找出地址週邊的建築物,進行資料探勘。實證研究之結果,所分析歸納的自動櫃員機選址規則,將作為銀行決策者新設置或移除低效率自動櫃員機時的依據。

    In Bank3.0 era, banking has transformed into a ubiquitous service in terms of a place, banking transformation has become an inevitable trend, increasing of worldwide banks has been reducing the number or shrinking the size of branches. The digital services are replacing manual work. The branches are replaced by Automated Teller Machines (ATMs). The location of ATMs is an important role in the Bank 3.0 era. Although the location of ATMs is extremely important, however, only a handful of scholars and experts analyzed the location of the ATMs and how the location affects the bank's profitability. Therefore, this study adopts Central Place Theory and Principle of Minimum Differentiation to set rules on selecting ATM locations. This study will first review literatures, summed up the criteria for ATM location, and into a regional ATM bank's geographic information and frequency of use. By applying Rough Set Theory to deduce the decision rule for reduction sets and core attributes. The association between neighborhood and ATM locations can be formulated. This study will be major domestic banks, the actual ATM location, data mining research was carried out by the frequency of usage, with an e-map to identify neighborhood of each ATM. As for the empirical research, selection rules of ATM locations can be analyzed and deduced to serve as a reference for decision makers during location assessment for new or removal of inefficient ATMs.

    摘要 i Abstract ii Table of Contents iii List of Table v List of Figure vii Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Research Background 1 1.2 Research Motivations 3 1.3 Research Purposes 6 1.4 Research Limitations 7 1.5 Research Methods 8 1.6 Thesis Structure 10 Chapter 2 Literature Review 11 2.1 Location Theories 11 2.2 Selection factors of individual commercial location 17 2.3 Association rules 22 Chapter 3 Research Methods 25 3.1 Rough Set theory 25 3.2 Dominance-based Rough Set Approach(DRSA) 38 3.3 Apriori algorithm 44 3.4 Modified Delphi Method 47 Chapter 4 Empirical study 51 4.1 Expert Questionnaire Survey 51 4.2 Preparation of the information table 60 4.3 Rough set theory 62 4.4 Dominance-based rough set approach(DRSA) 72 4.5 Association rules 78 Chapter 5 Discussions 83 5.1 Comparison Between RST and DRSA 83 5.2 Comparison Between RST and Apriori 85 5.3 Comparison Between DRSA and Apriori 87 Chapter 6 Conclusions 91 Reference 93

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