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研究生: 林虹瑜
Lin, Hung-Yu
論文名稱: 黑貓的凝視:兒童文學中驚悚情節的過渡與操縱— 以三版《黑貓》譯寫本及其附文本為例
Manipulations of Horror Elements in Translations for Children of The Black Cat
指導教授: 胡宗文
Hu, Daniel
口試委員: 李根芳
Lee, Ken-Fang
Hu, Daniel
Huang, Hui-Ling
口試日期: 2022/07/08
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 翻譯研究所
Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 95
中文關鍵詞: 兒童文學驚悚附文本操縱翻譯
英文關鍵詞: Children's Literature, horror, paratexts, manipulation, translation
研究方法: 比較研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201733
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:272下載:17
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  • 在大眾認知的兒童文學讀本中,直接展現出血腥、暴力、精神異常與恐怖的元素往往在第一時間就受到審查或刪除,避開這類恐怖或靈異的元素甚至成了大部兒童文學創作者與出版者間共同的默契。然而,當標榜給「兒童閱讀」的文本,因為原作的故事與劇情的需要,在改寫的過程中需要保留這些內容,這些立足於灰色地帶的作品究竟該用什麼樣的面貌來到讀者的手中。筆者嘗試用成人驚悚文學改寫成兒童讀物的繪本與短篇故事,探討給青少年讀者的文本是否能夠藉由操縱、改寫與附加文本(家長手冊、閱讀引導、注釋與插畫),讓目標受眾(兒童與青少年)在欣賞文學之美的同時,更能享受閱讀的權利。

    When it comes to children’s literature, most of them wouldn’t be tied to anything dreadful or macabre. Avoiding such elements seems to become a silent agreement between the publishers and parents when it comes to reading materials for children. However, when texts labeled as "for children" need to be retained in the process of rewriting because of the original story and plot, is it safe to show? The author attempts to adapt adult thriller literature into children's picture books and short stories to explore whether the texts for children's readers can be manipulated, rewritten, and supplemented with additional texts (parent manuals, reading guides, annotation, and pictures) so that the target audience (young adults) can enjoy the beauty of the literature and the right to choose what they would like to read.
    This study applied qualitative research to observe three Chinese translations from English and Japanese source text and examined the four types of "inappropriate for children" scenarios in the rewritten and non-rewritten source texts to find out whether the children's books were manipulated in the translation process, such as adaptation or deletion, and whether the plots were moved or added to. The author also adds additions to the published paratext to help children's readers better understand the plots originally designed for adults. Through this study, the author hopes to further debate the acceptance of children's books in terms of thriller and horror plots, so that children can not only enjoy literature but also gain choices when reading.

    目次 摘要 i Abstract ii 目次 iii 表次 iv 圖次 iv 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節、 研究動機與目的 1 第二節、文本簡介 4 第三節、研究方法 14 第貳章 文獻回顧 15 第一節、閱讀兒童文學 15 第二節、兒童文學翻譯 18 第三節、小結 20 第參章 文本分析 21 第一節、譯寫手法與角色形塑 21 第二節、暴力與血腥元素 49 第三節、精神錯亂與酒癮元素 63 第四節、靈異、宗教與驚悚元素74 第五節、小結 79 第肆章 附文本分析 81 第一節、封面/封底/書摺 81 第二節、導讀/前言 84 第三節、別冊/附錄 86 第四節、小結 89 第伍章 結論 90 第一節、研究成果 90 第二節、研究限制與未來方向 92 參考文獻 93

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