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研究生: 黃就紅
Wong, Chau-Hung
論文名稱: 漢語母語者及學習者敘述體寫作之前後景研究
A Study of Grounding in the Narrative Writing of Chinese L1 Speakers and L2 Learners
指導教授: 陳俊光
Chen, Jyun-Gwang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 華語文教學系
Department of Chinese as a Second Language
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 196
中文關鍵詞: 前後景敘述體語篇時間定位時間推進偏誤分析篇章語法
英文關鍵詞: grounding, narrative discourse, temporal location, temporal advancement, error analysis, discourse grammar
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202202324
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:279下載:17
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  • 前景和後景是篇章分析中常用的概念,在談到敘事篇章時常會提及。然而,前景、後景的二分法普遍受到質疑。本研究擬採取更具動態且較整全的視角,以真實語料為依據,驗證前後景理論是否具體可操作,並探究前後景理論與時間表達,這兩個與敘事篇章密切相關的概念,兩者之間的互動關係。
    在前後景設置上,研究結果顯示漢語母語者在寫作短篇的前景句比率較學習者來說相對較低,通過變異數分析後,結果顯示母語者與學習者的數據具很顯著差異,前後景的分布符合後景向前景推進原則(Background-to-Foreground Progression, BFP),為數接近一半的前景句出現在篇章段落末句。

    The concept of grounding is frequently used and generally accepted by discourse analysts in relation with narrative discourse. However, the binarity of foreground and background has been criticized for its rigidity. By adopting a more dynamic and holistic view, this study aims to (1) examine the concept of grounding and put it into practice with empirical work; (2) investigate the relationship and the interactions between the theories of grounding and temporal interpretation, which plays a key role in narrative discourse.

    The results show that the percentage of foreground clauses used by Chinese native speakers in their narrative writing is lower than for Chinese learners, and the ANOVA test results show that the difference is very significant. The distribution of foreground and background is in accordance with the Background-to-Foreground Progression(BFP), given that approximately half of the foreground clauses take the position of the last clause in paragraphs.

    Among the explicit forms used in foreground, the number of connectives including the category of temporal is highest in the groups of Chinese learners, while the Chinese native speakers take the verb complements as the main form. In the category of temporal connectives, time phrases and the adverbials expressing after-time are the two most widely used items. For time phrases, they are usually used in the initial clause of paragraphs, serving as a background and have a temporal location function. While the adverbials serve as a foreground and has a temporal advancement function. By examining these two forms closely, we found that Chinese native speakers tend to use the non-deictic forms of time phrases in their narratives, while the three groups of Chinese learners used a steady amount of the deictic forms, approximately equal to one third of the time phrases, regardless of their competence levels. For the after-time adverbials, the position which they take in the paragraph has a direct effect on grounding, while the explicit forms including the perfect aspect marker “le” and a verb complement, both representing the “boundedness” and as critical criteria for temporal advancement, have no direct effects on grounding.

    The last part of the study consists of an error analysis which focuses on errors found in the narrative writing of the Chinese learners, ranging from grounding to aspectual, lexical and adverbial information used in temporal location and temporal advancement.

    The pedagogical implications of these findings are two-fold: It is necessary to introduce discourse grammar, including the basic idea of grounding and subordination at the beginning stage of Chinese learning. The usage of the explicit forms which present in foreground and temporal advancement, including aspectual, lexical and adverbial information, as well as the interaction between these explicit forms are best realized and understood in narrative discourse.

    目次 摘要 i Abstract iii 目錄 vii 表目錄 ix 圖目錄 xi 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究方向與範圍 3 第三節 研究問題 4 第四節 術語解釋 4 一、中介語 4 二、敘述體 4 三、語篇 5 四、前景與後景 5 五、事件 6 六、焦點 6 第五節 論文架構 6 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 參照時間與時態 7 第二節 敘述篇章中的時間表達 10 一、時間定位 11 二、時間推進 13 三、時間表達形式:時間狀語 15 四、時間表達形式:時貌 19 第三節 前後景理論 23 一、前後景與時間推進 23 二、前後景配置 25 三、完成貌「了」 32 第四節 前後景相關研究 49 第五節 篇章結構對比 51 第六節 偏誤分析 53 第三章 研究方法 57 第一節 研究方法 57 一、語料蒐集流程 57 二、語料來源 58 第二節 研究架構 60 一、分析架構 60 二、研究問題一 61 三、研究問題二 68 四、研究問題三 77 第四章 結果與討論 79 第一節 研究問題一 79 一、分句及段落分布 79 二、前後景分布 82 三、後景句分類及其分布 85 四、小結 92 第二節 研究問題二 93 一、前後景中的顯性語言形式 94 二、時間定位 102 三、時間推進 113 四、小結 127 第三節 研究問題三 129 一、有關前後景設置的偏誤 130 二、有關時間定位的偏誤 137 三、有關時間推進的偏誤 142 四、小結 147 第五章 教學應用與結論 149 第一節 教材評析 149 一、語法教學評析 151 二、篇章教學評析 156 第二節 教學啟示及建議 158 一、語法教學建議 158 二、篇章教學建議 160 第三節 研究結果 162 第四節 研究限制與展望 164 參考文獻 167 附錄 175

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