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研究生: 張瓈文
論文名稱: 「德州撲克」不完全資訊賽局之研究
On Study of An Imperfect Information Game: Texas Hold'em Poker
指導教授: 林順喜
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊工程學系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 79
中文關鍵詞: 德州撲克不完全資訊賽局賽局理論撲克
英文關鍵詞: Texas Hold'em Poker, Imperfect Information Game, Game Theory, Poker
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:556下載:316
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  • 賽局是指兩人以上的競賽,交通路線選擇、益智遊戲的出招方式、股市投資、人際關係、公司經營、商場或政局中激烈的競爭、甚至國際情勢間的戰與和,都屬於賽局的一種,為了求得勝利而產生了各種策略、智謀,也就是賽局理論。

    A game is a competition among people. It includes choosing traffic routes, deciding strategies in a casino, stock market investment, interpersonal relationship skills, company managing, market competitions and political strife. Even war and peace in the international situation are a kind of games. In order to win the games, a variety of ideas and strategies are proposed, which are called Game Theory.
    Poker is one of the imperfect information games. Its complexity rises substantially because of the probability factor. Among all poker games, Texas Hold’em is one of the poker games with the highest complexity. If we treat the table as a little economical society, poker-betting strategy is just a simplified investment strategy, so it is a good target for studying the imperfect information games.
    This thesis focuses on the study of imperfect information games with the topic of Texas Hold’em betting strategy. We start from two-players Texas Hold’em Poker and aim to k-players Texas Hold’em Poker. First, we use the strategy matrix mentioned in Game Theory to derive the optimal strategy distribution in each betting round and speed up the calculation of winning probability, which will be used in the strategy matrix, with sampling and approximation. Then we organize the matrix into a tree, form an iterated matrix tree model to simplify the computation, and get a mixed strategy of Texas Hold’em in reasonable time. Finally, we extend this structure to form a k-players game model.
    The experiment results show that we can certainly get a theoretically optimal solution with iterated matrix tree model in a short time. Since more games are played, the profit has been increasing cumulatively. In addition, the same model can be easily converted to k-players mode and will also generate an optimal solution in almost the same moment. Iterated matrix tree is indeed an appropriate extendable model for analyzing imperfect information games.

    附表目錄                         vii 附圖目錄                         viii 第一章 簡介                      1 第一節 研究背景與動機………………………………………1 第二節 問題敘述………………………………………………2 第三節 研究方向及目的………………………………………4 第四節 論文架構………………………………………………6      第二章 德州撲克賽局                  7 第一節  德州撲克簡介…………………………………………7 第二節  遊戲進行方式…………………………………………8 第三節  複雜度分析……………………………………………13   第三章 相關研究探討                  15 第一節  三重機率………………………………………………16 第二節  經驗法則………………………………………………17 第三節  賽局樹與搜尋…………………………………………18 第四節  對手行為模擬…………………………………………21 第五節  賽局理論………………………………………………22   第四章 雙人德州撲克                  26 第一節  賽局特性分析…………………………………………27 第二節  策略矩陣………………………………………………31 第三節  矩陣迭代樹狀結構……………………………………37 第四節  勝率計算………………………………………………40   第五章 實驗及結果                   46 第一節  取樣測試………………………………………………46 第二節  兩人撲克測試結果……………………………………48 第三節 雛形系統之研發………………………………………54   第六章 多人德州撲克模型                59 第一節  策略矩陣修訂…………………………………………59 第二節 勝率計算修訂…………………………………………61 第三節  多人模式賽局之結構…………………………………64   第七章 結論與未來發展                 66 附錄A 牌型分數對應表及說明                67 附錄B 公開牌取樣法與分別取樣平均法所有底牌牌型之     勝率計算對照                    68 參考文獻                         69

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