簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 方映紅
Png, Yin-Hong
論文名稱: 馬來西亞獨中之高中後現代華文語文教學實踐研究
Study of Malaysia Independent High School Postmodern Teaching Demonstration
指導教授: 蔡雅薰
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用華語文學系
Applied Chinese Language and Culture
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 130
中文關鍵詞: 後現代教學模式語文獨中
英文關鍵詞: independent high school
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DACLC.004.2018.A08
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:447下載:29
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  • 隨著時代的發展,後現代教育逐漸受到許多人的關注與重視,馬來西亞的教育也應該朝這方向向前發展、改變視角、擴大教學內容。馬來西亞獨中的教育模式至今還停留在傳統教育模式,已經漸漸的開始跟不上時代的發展。教師填鴨式及強灌式的教師模式導致現今的學生對華文漸漸的失去了興趣,有些甚至產生了厭學的傾向。教師也無從改變這樣的情況,最終導致了華文科的成績都沒有提升的趨勢。

    Of late, the post-modern education is growing concern, education of Malaysia should also move forward accordingly, by changing perspective, as well as widen the teaching syllabus. Most of the Malaysia’s「Independent Chinese High School, ICHS」 still retain the traditional teaching mode, which are soon behind the times. Spoon-feed teaching style have caused lack in interest of students, and even trend of antipathy to study. The situation is Irrevocable and has leaded to a stagnant improvement of Chinese subject among the students.
    The lack of interest among the students to the Chinese subject was observed as the author first went into the posting high school. The problem was narrowed down to the teaching plan as further evaluation was done. The conventional teaching methods practiced by most of the teachers fail to incur interest among the students, not to mention to inspire the students to think independently. To cope with the problem, the author has applied different teaching methods for three years duration to rectified the attitude of students and inspire them in learning, which is known as the Post-modern teaching.
    Post-modern teaching is a teaching method where the teacher and students are having a correlation of development on the way of learning. Instead of being authoritative, teacher is now a member of them to join the learning process, discovery, discussion of student, in the way of improving a better understanding.
    The author has made numerous of references on the post-modern teaching in both foreign and Chinese language, analysis the relationships between teacher and students according to the real cases during classes those conducting in the post-modern teaching. The author had set forth the post-modern through the cases of class conducted as a reference for the real practice to other educators in the future.
    There are few highlights in the post-modern teaching which has been underrated in the Malaysia education, including the diversification, differentiation and conversation. The author has found the conventional teaching is not more adapt to the contemporary time when she was conducting classes in the posting high school. To solve the downtrends brought by the traditional teaching, this thesis will uncover the solution in the following aspect:
    The built-up of the professionality, personality, program and knowledge, the inspiration n term of necessaries, motive and initiative, the of good ethics and conversation during classes, self-examination through feedbacks and responses of the students during classes. With all the aforementioned points, the post-modern teaching method the educators have a better understanding, analysis, cognitive and real practice to inspire the comprehensive thinking of students.
    The thesis was done based on the research topics of Malaysia’s ICHS, by introducing the background of Malaysia’s ICHS, discover the pro and cons of the Chinese teaching in the ICHS, propose a novel teaching plan based on the post-modern teaching to improve the experience and effectiveness of study.

    目錄 v 表目錄 vii 圖目錄 viii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機 2 第三節 研究目的 4 第四節 研究範圍 4 第五節 研究思路及方法 6 第二章 馬來西亞獨中語文教育的發展走向 11 第一節 獨中教育的目標及現狀 12 第二節 統考制度的綱要 16 第三節 教師教學的現狀 20 第四節 學生學習的現狀 22 第三章 後現代教育理論 25 第一節 後現代思潮的含義 26 第二節 後現代主義教育觀 27 第三節 後現代主義的特性 37 第四章 後現代語文教育的教學導向 39 第一節 改革傳統教學計劃 40 第二節 構建師生互動的課堂 41 第三節 實施開放性教學 42 第四節 運用探究的教學法 43 第五章 後現代語文教育的實踐及成效 45 第一節 教學目標及研究分析 45 第二節 教學方法 50 第三節 問卷調查分析結果 69 第四節 成績調查分析結果 84 第六章 結論 105 第一節 後現代教育的教學狀況 105 第二節 後現代教育建議 107 參考書目 109 附錄 119 附錄一 121 附錄二 123 附錄三 125 附錄四 127 附錄五 129

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