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研究生: 蔡宛珊
Wan-Shan Tsai
論文名稱: 台北市高中職學生人格特質、生活壓力、憂鬱程度與吸菸行為的相關研究
Study of the Correlation between the Personality Traits, Life Stress and Level of Depression of Taipei City High School and Vocational High School Students and Their Smoking Behavior
指導教授: 陳政友
Chen, Cheng-Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 健康促進與衛生教育學系
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 143
中文關鍵詞: 青少年人格特質生活壓力憂鬱程度吸菸行為
英文關鍵詞: adolescents, personality trait, life stress, depression level, smoking behavior
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:361下載:71
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  • 本研究以橫斷性調查研究法,來分析高中職學生人格特質、生活壓力、憂鬱程度與吸菸行為是否有相關存在,以分層集束隨機抽樣方式,選擇九十六學年度第一學期在學的日間部之高一至高三的高中職學生為研究對象,共1082人。重要結果歸納如下:

    This study uses the cross-sectional survey method to determine whether the interaction between the personality traits, life stress and the depression level of vocational high school students will foster the prevalence of smoking behavior. By using the stratified-cluster random sampling method, first-year to third-year vocational high school students in academic year of ninety-six who are in their first semester, were picked for this study, with a total sample size of 1,082 students. The main findings are listed below:

    1.Test subjects generally possess extroverted personality, are emotionally stable, display conformity to society norms, and reveal behavior that meets society’s expectations. In general, the personality traits of test subjects are able to adapt to the environment, while at the same time, able to develop into unique individual personalities. This study also reveals that in comparison: neuroticism and extroverted personality are found in more females than males; males are more likely to display social conformity than females; extroverted personality is found in more vocational high school students than high school students; and third-year students score higher in neuroticism than second-year students.
    2.Test subjects face moderate stress levels during the time of this study, and the three main sources of stress were: academic stress, stress from meeting personal expectations, and stress from campus life. In addition, this study reveals that males face greater amount of stress from romantic relationships as compared to females; while females face greater amount of stress due to the need for self-improvement and self-development, and as well as meeting self-expectations; vocational high school students face greater amount of stress from campus life and economic as compared to high school students, while high school students face greater amount of stress from self-expectations as compared to vocational high school students; and students with low socio-economical status face greater economic stress as compared to students with mid-level or high socio-economical status.
    3.27.2% of the test subjects faced risk of depression. In addition, among the test subjects, high school students showed more signs of emotional and behavioral depression than vocational high school students; while third year students showed more signs of emotional, physical, behavioral and cognitive depression than their juniors. By comparing the overall level of depression, this study found out that high school students suffer higher levels of depression than vocational high school students, while third year students suffer a higher levels of depression than their juniors.
    4.11.7% of the test subjects do smoke with higher occurrence in: males than females, vocational high students than high school students, third year students than second year students, and students with high socio-economical status than students with low socio-economical status. In addition, individuals who possess extroverted personality, score higher in neuroticism, with higher tendency to conform with social norms; together with individuals who face greater overall amount of life stress, family stress, economic stress; together with individuals with higher overall level of emotional, physical, behavioural and cognitive depression, will have higher tendency to smoke.
    5.Under the control of social population variable and by using the test subjects’ extroverted personality, level of life stress and depression, it enables a meaningful prediction of their smoking behavior. This study shows that extroverted personality, economic stress and physical depression have the greatest influence in smoking behavior. Individuals, who are more extroverted, faced with greater economic stress and possess higher levels of physical depression, will have higher tendency to smoke.

    The findings of this study will serve as a guideline for education, and is able to act as a reference for future studies on the personality trait, life stress, depression level, and smoking behavior of adolescents.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與重要性 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 研究問題 3 第四節 研究假設 4 第五節 名詞操作型定義 4 第六節 研究限制 5 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 青少年吸菸行為現況分析 7 第二節 青少年人格特質、生活壓力、憂鬱程度之探討 11 第三節 社會人口學變項與人格特質、生活壓力、憂鬱程度、 吸菸行為之關係 28 第四節 青少年人格特質、生活壓力、憂鬱程度與吸菸行為 之關係 34 第三章 研究方法 41 第一節 研究架構 41 第二節 研究對象 42 第三節 研究工具 43 第四節 研究步驟 49 第五節 資料處理與分析 52 第四章 結果與討論 53 第一節 研究對象基本資料 53 第二節 研究對象人格特質、生活壓力、憂鬱程度、吸菸行為 分佈情形 56 第三節 研究對象社會人口學變項與其人格特質、生活壓力、 憂鬱程度、吸菸行為間之關係 71 第四節 研究對象人格特質、生活壓力、憂鬱程度與 吸菸行為之關係 80 第五節 研究對象吸菸行為之預測變項 81 第六節 討論 86 第五章 結論與建議 89 第一節 結論 89 第二節 建議 90 參考文獻 93 中文文獻 93 英文文獻 100 附錄 附錄一 問卷內容效度考驗專家名單 107 附錄二 財團法人董氏基金會公文與回函 108 附錄三 問卷內容效度專家審查 111 附錄四 預試問卷 128 附錄五 正式問卷 134 圖 目 次 圖2-1-1從兩向度系統來分析的人格結構圖示 13 圖3-1-1研究架構圖 41 圖3-4-1研究流程圖 49 表 目 次 表2-1-1高中職學生吸菸行為之相關研究 9 表2-2-1高中職學生生活壓力之相關研究 16 表2-3-1高中職學生憂鬱之相關研究 22 表2-4-1青少年生活壓力、人格特質、憂鬱程度與吸菸行為 之相關研究 39 表3-2-1學校與班級人數一覽表 42 表3-3-1家庭社經地位等級表 44 表3-3-2生活壓力預試與正式量表分數 48 表3-3-3人格特質正式量表分數 48 表3-3-4憂鬱程度正式量表分數 48 表3-5-1研究目的、研究問題、研究假設及統計方法 52 表4-1-1研究對象之性別、學制、年級分佈情形 55 表4-1-2研究對象父母親的教育程度與職業分佈 55 表4-1-3研究對象家庭社經地位分佈 56 表4-2-1研究對象人格特質各分量表之得分 61 表4-2-2研究對象人格特質各分量表各題得分之分佈情形 62 表4-2-3研究對象生活壓力各分量表之得分 64 表4-2-4研究對象生活壓力各分量表各題得分之分佈情形 65 表4-2-5研究對象憂鬱各分量表之得分 69 表4-2-6青少年憂鬱情緒自我檢視表憂鬱程度分級 69 表4-2-7研究對象吸菸行為人數之分佈情形 69 表4-2-8研究對象憂鬱各分量表各題得分之分佈情形 70 表4-3-1研究對象社會人口學變項與人格特質之 單因子變異數分析 75 表4-3-2研究對象社會人口學變項與生活壓力之 單因子變異數分析 76 表4-3-3研究對象社會人口學變項與憂鬱程度之 單因子變異數分析 78 表4-3-4研究對象社會人口學變項與吸菸行為之卡方檢定 79 表4-4-1研究對象人格特質、生活壓力、憂鬱程度和吸菸行為之 簡單羅吉斯迴歸分析 83 表4-5-1研究對象社會人口學變項及預測變項與吸菸行為 之多元羅吉斯迴歸分析 84

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