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研究生: 洪瑋
Hung, Wei
論文名稱: 師範院校自然科學教育學系演變之探討
A Study on the Evolution of Science Education Departments in Teachers Colleges
指導教授: 楊文金
Yang, Wen-Jin
口試委員: 李哲迪
Lee, Che-Di
Chen, Shih-Wen
Yang, Wen-Jin
口試日期: 2023/12/27
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 103
中文關鍵詞: 自然科學教育學系科學教育演變歷程師範院校
英文關鍵詞: Department of Natural Science Education, Evolutionary Process of Science Education, Teacher Training Institutes
研究方法: 文件分析法深度訪談法半結構式訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400292
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:238下載:0
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  • 自然科學教育學系是我國培育小學科學教育師資的高等教育機構,九所師範院校之自然科學教育學系自成立發展至今近二十年已有許多變化。本研究旨在了解自然科學教育學演變歷程,並探討自然科學教育學系在社會中的角色定位。研究使用 文獻分析與深度訪談五位曾任教於自然科學教育學系之教師,與三位於師院數理教 育學系自然組、大學自科系畢業之教師,以瞭解了解(1) 改變的內容、(2) 產生變遷的因素,與(3)改變後的成效。利用 Parsons 的 AGIL 模型進一步探究自科系適應環境的動態過程。

    The Department of Natural Science Education in our country serves as a higher education institution for cultivating elementary school science educators and has undergone significant changes over the past two decades since its establishment. This study aims to comprehensively understand the evolutionary process of the Department of Natural Science Education and explore its role and positioning in society. Utilizing a combination of literature analysis and in-depth interviews with five former instructors from the Department and three teachers who graduated from teacher training institutes' mathematics education departments or university natural science departments, we focus on understanding (1) the nature of the changes, (2) the factors contributing to these changes, and (3) the outcomes post-transformation. The application of Parsons' AGIL model further aids in examining the dynamic adaptation process of the department to its environment.
    The findings indicate that the Department of Natural Science Education is confronted with challenges arising from societal trends of declining birth rates and changes in teacher training systems. This necessitates a reevaluation of the department's direction and a reconsideration of the structure of teacher expertise. In response to these challenges, many departments opt for a transformation towards pure science disciplines, although this choice poses issues in evaluating the effectiveness of the changes. While transitioning to applied science disciplines may contribute to the survival of the department, it runs the risk of neglecting the pedagogical knowledge of science educators and is constrained by inherent departmental conditions. In the maintenance of science teacher education, some departments adopt a dual-track approach involving both scientific expertise and pedagogical training to ensure the development of educators with a comprehensive skill set.
    Compared to other disciplines, the Department of Natural Science Education undergoes more significant changes during the teacher training institute restructuring period, a phenomenon linked to the unique characteristics of science education. The broad scope of natural sciences, its high relevance to societal contexts, and its ease of integration with other fields contribute to the department's distinctive evolution. However, existing educational systems present challenges, leading to pressures related to subject assignments and the marginalization of natural sciences, resulting in the gradual disappearance of these departments. In conclusion, this study provides a comprehensive summary and recommendations based on the research findings regarding the evolutionary process of the Department of Natural Science Education.

    謝 誌 iii 摘 要 v Abstract vi 目 次 viii 表目次 x 圖目次 xi 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究的重要性 14 第三節 研究目的與研究問題 17 第二章 文獻探討 20 第一節 自然科學教育學系的起源和發展歷程 20 第二節 影響科學教育學系變遷的因素 43 第三章 研究設計 62 第一節 研究方法 62 第二節 研究對象與研究流程 63 第三節 研究工具 66 第四節 資料分析 66 第四章 研究結果與討論 70 第一節 自科系的發展變遷 70 第二節 自然科學教育學系與其他社會系統之互動關係 88 第五章 結論與建議 95 第一節 結論 95 第二節 建議 96 參考文獻 100

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