研究生: |
李貞儀 Jen-Yi Li |
論文名稱: |
電腦動作控制攝影系統的廣告影像表現研究 The Image Expression of Commercial Films Made by Motion Control Camera System |
指導教授: |
Chao, Ning |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
圖文傳播學系 Department of Graphic Arts and Communications |
論文出版年: | 2004 |
畢業學年度: | 92 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 138 |
中文關鍵詞: | 電腦動作控制攝影系統 、廣告影像表現 、特效 、內容分析法 |
英文關鍵詞: | Motion Control, Advertising Image Expression, Special Effect, Content Analysis |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:620 下載:17 |
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Motion Control Camera System is used as a special effect technique between production and post-production. It is also a new application of mechanical engineering theory. Motion Control Camera System is a mature technique in the production of movie, commercial films, and music videos. Since it’s first use in the 〈Star War〉in 1977, Motion Control Camera System has been very famous because of this movie’s success. Afterwards, Motion Control Camera System is used all over the world. In Asia, it is used in the Hong Kong director Zhou Shin-chi’s latest work 〈Shoa-Lin Football〉. In Taiwan, Motion Control Camera System equipments has been imported by production companies recently. But it’s only used in commercial films and production of music videos. The economic scale of motion picture market is not big enough, because of the movie industry’s recession.
Surely, there are many problems in the diffusion of a new innovation. The environment and employment in Taiwan’s video production have come to a bottleneck. To use the production technology, like Motion Control, supposed to need more relative knowledge to understand and access. Most advertising personal usually didn’t know that Motion Control Camera System is used in these commercial films.We hope that Motion Control Camera System could be used universally and more high quality and creative video products will be produced in Taiwan. This research focuses on the history and technology application, equipment, and the development of Motion Control Camera System. The research method will be content analysis. This research will ask the local experts of Motion Control Camera System as item encoders. They will analysis the image style and application of the sample commercial films.
The research found that the expression of commercial films made by MOCO is diversity, and the concept of image composition is more and more important. It is necessary to use MOCO because of the difference between MOCO and traditional production. The genres of commercial films made by MOCO are high budget, technology and fashion style, and non-limited in creation. The special expression styles of MOCO are complicated shots, combined with mirage and reality, and the shot movements of MOCO are clean and fast, too. In Taiwan, the typical expression styles used in commercial films are closed to those in foreign commercial films. Though the staffs of MOCO learn a lot of foreign experience, they still need to enforce other aspects, like the image elaboration and machine agility.
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