研究生: |
招承維 Cheng-Wei Chao |
論文名稱: |
大學生網路性騷擾知覺、經驗與回應方式 ─以國立臺灣師範大學為例 University Student’s Perception, Experience, and Response of Sexual Harassment on the Internet- National Taiwan Normal University as an Example |
指導教授: | 張樹倫 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
公民教育與活動領導學系 Department of Civic Education and Leadership |
論文出版年: | 2009 |
畢業學年度: | 97 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 189 |
中文關鍵詞: | 網路性騷擾 、性騷擾知覺 、性騷擾經驗 、性騷擾回應方式 |
英文關鍵詞: | Sexual Harassment on the Internet, Sexual Harassment Perception, Sexual Harassment Experience, Sexual Harassment Responce |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:480 下載:36 |
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校園安全對於學生學習和發展為最基本的要求,其中校園性騷擾對於學生身心皆會造成身心的傷害,但虛擬校園的安全和網路上的性騷擾卻未曾受到重視。隨著科技進入校園,大學生又為高度使用網路之族群,因此本論文以台灣師範大學 (以下簡稱台灣師大) 學生為研究對象,進行網路性騷擾知覺、經驗和回應方式之研究,以分層叢集抽樣,發出1450份問卷,共得有效問卷1216份。以描述統計、變異數分析與多元階層迴歸進行統計分析。
一、 台灣師大學生對網路性騷擾知覺程度頗高,且在不同背景變項上,不同性別、學生身份和性傾向大學生在網路性騷擾知覺上,呈現顯著差異。
二、 台灣師大學生有三成以上遭遇過至少一種網路性別騷擾、兩成左右遭遇至少一種不受歡迎的性關注、一成五遭遇至少一種網路性脅迫;在不同背景變項上,不同性別、原、僑外學生、LGBTQ大學生、不同校園性騷擾防治政策與不同性騷擾(性別)教育課程經驗大學生至少在一種以上的網路性騷擾行為經驗上,呈現顯著差異。
三、 台灣師大大學生在遭遇網路性騷擾時,最常使用「逃避/拒絕」的回應策略;在不同背景變項上,不同學生身份、不同性騷擾防治政策知覺與不同性騷擾(性別)教育課程經驗大學生在回應方式的選擇上略顯不同。
四、 經由階層迴歸分析發現,組織變項對台灣師大大學生網路性騷擾知覺的解釋力,僅佔0.1-0.3%。
School security is the most important demand for student learning and development, however, school sexual harassment makes terrible hurt on students. Although college students use intiernet most, virtual school and sexual harassment on the internet have never mentioned by schools before.
The purpose of the study was to investigate the perception, experience and response to sexual harassment on the internet of the National Taiwan Normal University undergraduate students. Based on the stratified cluster random sampling, 1,216 students in NTNU participated.
Result indicated that, first, over half students perceive internet behavior listed as sexual harassment, and there were gender, race and sex orientation difference in students’ perception of the sexual harassment on the internet. Second, more than 30% students has experience one of the gender harassment behavior online, more than 20% students has experience one of the unwanted sexul attention behavior online, and more than 15% students has experience one of the sexual coercion online. There were gender, race, sexual orientation, awareness of school harassment-prevetion policy and experience of sexual harassment or gender education difference in student’s experience of sexual harassment on the internet. Third, “Advoidance/denial” was the prior choice of most students when confronting sexual harassment on the internet.
Finally, recommendations for the staffs and mangers of the student affairs in higher education and future research were suggested.
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