研究生: |
張景智 Chang Ching-Chih |
論文名稱: |
不同企業運動會參與型式對內部行銷效用差異之研究 The Difference of Internal Marketing Effects among the Different Types of Participations in Enterprises Sport Games |
指導教授: |
Li, Ching |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所 Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management |
論文出版年: | 2013 |
畢業學年度: | 101 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 147 |
中文關鍵詞: | 內部行銷效用 、運動會 、舉辦型式 、參與類型 |
英文關鍵詞: | internal marketing effects, sport games, types of sport games, types of participation |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:297 下載:21 |
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舉辦運動會被認為具有實質上及功能上的正向意義,各個企業也希望能夠透過運動會來達成特定目標。本研究目的為探討運動會舉辦型式及人員參與類型對內部行銷效用之差異,以瞭解企業舉辦運動會的內部行銷效用。本研究於2013年3月20日至2013年4月30日以自行舉辦 (A公司)、委外舉辦 (B公司) 運動會的企業各一家為樣本進行問卷調查,總計回收有效樣本371份。結果發現:一、企業舉辦運動會之內部行銷效用良好,包含增加團隊凝聚力、內化企業文化與組織目標、促進溝通與合作三項效用。二、舉辦型式對運動會內部行銷效用有顯著差異影響,委辦型運動會之效用顯著高於自辦型運動會。三、員工在運動會中的參與可分成當天比賽、當天加油、全程低涉入、全程高涉入四種類型,全程高涉入型之效用顯著高於當天加油型、全程低涉入型,當天比賽型顯著高於全程低涉入型。四、運動會舉辦型式及人員參與類型對內部行銷效用並無交互影響,但分別具有主要效果。在舉辦型式方面,委辦型運動會效用顯著高於自辦型運動會;而在人員參與類型方面,參與程度越高效用也越高。本研究建議各企業持續落實辦理企業運動會,並交由專業人員舉辦以及盡力提高員工的參與程度,以發揮最大效用。
The purpose of this study was to discuss the diversity of internal marketing effects among the types of participation in different sports games. In this study, the subjects were from one self-hold sports game and one outsourcing sport game. 371 responses were valid. The results showed that: 1. The effects of internal marketing from enterprises sports games included three dimentions: increasing team cohesion, internalizing corporate culture, and promoting cooperation among staffs. 2.Participants within outsourcing sports games felt more internal marketing effects. 3.There were four types of involvement in sports games: competition, cheering, low participation, and high participation. Participants in the competition type and in the high participation type had higher score of interal marketing effects than others. 4. There were no significant interactions between types of participation and types of sports games. The main effects showed that participants in outsourcing sports games felt more internal marketing effects on the internal marketing effects of sports games. Participants in competition type and the high participation type had higher score of interal marketing effects than others. This study suggested that enterprises should continue to hold sports games, try to organize by professionals ,and encourage staffs to participate in sports games.
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