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研究生: 黃冠燁
Huang, Guan-Ye
論文名稱: 臺灣獨立餐廳採用機器人、人工智慧和服務自動化 (RAISA) 的動機與阻礙之個案研究
A Case study on the Motivations and Barriers to the Adoption of Robots, Artificial Intelligence, and Service Automation (RAISA) in Independent Restaurants in Taiwan
指導教授: 麥康妮
Athena H.N. Mak
口試委員: 麥康妮
Athena H.N. Mak
Ku, Chih-Ming
Lin, Hsin-Hung
口試日期: 2024/07/08
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所運動休閒與餐旅管理碩士在職專班
Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management_Continuing Education Master's Program of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 85
中文關鍵詞: 理性選擇理論成本效益分析動機阻礙獨立餐廳
英文關鍵詞: Rational Choice Theory, Cost-benefit Analysis, Motivation, Obstacles, Independent Restaurants
研究方法: 個案研究法主題分析半結構式訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401854
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:433下載:0
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  • 自2019年COVID-19疫情以來,全球面臨嚴重的長期人力短缺問題,對於餐飲業來說,人力的短缺造成餐廳廚師和服務生不足,影響餐廳營運,同時也是推動企業導入機器人 (Robots)、人工智慧 (Artificial Intelligence) 和服務自動化 (Service Automation) (以下簡稱RAISA) 設備的關鍵因素之一。採用自動化在很大程度上被視為解決工作人力短缺的問題或降低勞動成本的方法,從而產提升營運績效;然而,在決定是否使用RAISA設備時,需要考量成本和收益的平衡,此外,心理因素也可能會進一步限制RAISA設備是否會被餐廳採用。因此,本研究欲透過理性選擇理論和成本效益分析來探討餐廳管理者導入RAISA設備的動機與阻礙。本研究採用質性研究取徑中的多個案研究法,並使用半結構式深度訪談法,以立意抽樣法篩選營運年數超過三年且已導入RAISA設備之獨立餐廳,並選取5間獨立餐廳的管理者與員工進行訪談,探討餐廳管理者導入RAISA設備的動機與阻礙。採主題分析法 (Thematic analysis),並通過專家檢核與參與者檢核來確保研究的可信賴度 (Trustworthiness)。研究結果顯示:導入RAISA動機主要可分為五大主因,分別為降低出錯率、改善流程、行銷效果、減少人力與降低成本;導入的阻礙亦分為五大主因,分別為初期建置門檻高、設備故障、汰換成本、空間限制與客人因素。餐飲業者在導入RAISA設備後,員工工作效率和工作流程明顯改善,可以依餐廳類型評估合適的RAISA設備用以改善餐廳營運績效,然而,由於初期導入RAISA設備成本高,應評估是否能符合成本效益及初期資金是否足夠,或採用租購方案降低初期投入成本並分散風險;此外,維修是後續隱藏的成本,可以透過成本效益分析來檢視導入設備是否達到營運績效改善;維修是否方便也是很重要的考量因素,應該要有設備故障時的備用配套方案,避免影響到餐廳營運。

    Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has faced severe long-term labor shortages. For the restaurant industry, the labor shortage has resulted in a lack of chefs and serving staff, affecting restaurant operations. This has become a key factor driving businesses to adopt Robots, Artificial Intelligence, and Service Automation (RAISA) systems. Automation is largely seen as a solution to labor shortages or a method to reduce labor costs, thereby enhancing operational performance. However, when deciding whether to implement RAISA systems, it is important to balance costs and benefits, and psychological factors may further limit the adoption of RAISA systems by restaurants.
    This study aims to explore the motivations and obstacles for restaurant managers in implementing RAISA systems using rational choice theory and cost-benefit analysis. The research employs a qualitative approach using multiple case studies and semi-structured in-depth interviews. Purposive sampling was used to select independent restaurants that have been in operation for more than three years and had already implemented RAISA systems. Five managers and employees from independent restaurants were interviewed to investigate the motivations and obstacles in implementing RAISA systems. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data obtained from the interviews, and the trustworthiness of the study was ensured through member checking and peer debriefing.
    The findings of the study show that the motivations for adopting RAISA can be categorized into five main factors: reducing error rates, improving processes, marketing effects, reducing manpower, and lowering costs. The obstacles to adoption are classified into five main categories: high initial setup costs, equipment failure, replacement costs, space limitations, and customer factors. After implementing RAISA systems, restaurant operators found significant improvements in employee efficiency and workflow. Appropriate RAISA systems can be evaluated based on the type of restaurant to improve operational performance. However, due to the high initial cost of implementing RAISA systems, it is necessary to assess whether the cost-effectiveness meets the requirements and whether the initial funding is sufficient. A lease-purchase scheme to reduce initial investment costs and spread risks may be considered. Additionally, maintenance is a hidden cost that can be examined through cost-benefit analysis to determine if the equipment meets the operational performance improvement goals. The ease of maintenance is also a crucial consideration, and there should be contingency plans in place in case of equipment failure to avoid impacting restaurant operations.

    第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 問題陳述 4 第三節 研究目的 10 第四節 名詞釋義 10 第貳章 文獻探討 12 第一節 機器人、人工智慧、服務自動化 (RAISA) 12 第二節 獨立餐廳 16 第三節 動機 19 第四節 阻礙 20 第五節 理性選擇理論 21 第六節 成本效益分析 23 第七節 研究缺口 25 第參章 研究方法 26 第一節 研究架構 26 第二節 研究步驟 29 第三節 訪談對象與訪談大綱 30 第四節 資料處理與分析 33 第五節 資料的信實度 34 第六節 研究倫理 37 第肆章 研究結果與討論 38 第一節 受訪者背景 38 第二節 餐廳導入RAISA設備的動機 39 第三節 餐廳導入RAISA設備的阻礙 52 第四節 餐廳員工對於導入RAISA設備的態度 63 第五節 餐廳導入RAISA設備的實際成效 66 第伍章 結論與建議 67 第一節 結果與討論 67 第二節 研究限制 71 第三節 管理意涵 71 第四節 研究貢獻 72 參考文獻 75 附錄 85 附錄一 訪談同意書 85

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