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研究生: 黃議正
論文名稱: 以認知負荷、科技接受模式與計畫行為理論取向建構線上學習行為傾向模式之研究
A Study of Constructing an On-line Learning Behavioral Intention Model based on Cognitive Load, Technology Acceptance and Planned Behavior Theory
指導教授: 莊謙本
Chuang, Chien-Pen
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 409
中文關鍵詞: 認知負荷論科技接受模式計畫行為理論線上學習結構方程
英文關鍵詞: Cognitive Load Theory (CLT), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), On-line Learning, Structural Equation Model (SEM)
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:509下載:82
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  • 本研究旨在依據認知負荷論、科技接受模式與計畫行為等理論,建構線上學習科技接受行為傾向的模型,以能較完整的解釋線上學習者的科技應用行為。因此,所探討的範圍包括線上學習者的心理特徵、知覺、態度與行為傾向之間的關係。並將本研究將所建構的實證模型(C-TAM-TPB)與科技接受模式(TAM)、計畫行為理論(TPB)進行比較。
    本研究對象為台灣知識庫數位學堂線上學習系統(TKB e-learning center)的使用者,問卷調查共分兩個階段而以層級隨機抽樣實施。第一階段共抽樣650人,有效樣本為381人,供進行模型信度與效度之驗證;第二階段共抽樣900人,有效樣本為850人,供線上學習科技接受行為傾向模型的再驗,以驗證本研究最終模型的外部性推論效度。研究工具依照理論發展「線上學習科技接受行為傾向問卷」,經過為期八週的問卷調查後,以結構方程(SEM)進行理論模式的驗證,並以單尾單一樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析進行線上學習的心理特徵與差異分析。研究結果發現重點如下:

    The purpose of this study is aimed to verify the relationship among learner’s behavior intention of on-line learning and practical usage behavior through theoretical model to establish and examine the conceptual research model named “C-TAM-TPB model” developed by researcher. The conceptual research model consisted of Cognitive Load (CL), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), and the Theory of Planed Behavior (TPB), yet the conceptual research model attempted to delineate the pattern of on-line learner’s behavior of technolog application. The research scope involved in the relationships among on-line learner’s psychological characteristics, perception, attitude, and behavior intention. Moreover, researcher further compared conceptual research model, Technology Acceptance Model and Theory of Planed Behavior Model.
    A two-step stratified random sampling approach was employed for sample selection. Learners from Taiwan Knowledge Base (TKB) e-Learning Center were random selected as research sample. 381 valid samples from 650 learners were used to verify the reliability and validity of conceptual research model at first step. The conceptual research model had been reverified through 850 valid samples from 900 learners at second step to demonstrate the external validity of C-TAM-TPB model. A survey questionnaire was developed on a theoretical base named “On-line Learning Technology Acceptance Behavior Intention Questionnaire”. Eight weeks period survey was conducted by Taiwan Knowledge Base e-Learning Center branch offices from May to July 2010. Structural equation modeling approach was applied to verify the conceptual research model. In addition, a multi-method was applied to analyze research data that included descriptive statistic, one-tail one sample t-test, independent sample t-test, and one-way ANOVA. Research findings are as:
    1.The perception of consumer on-line learning psychological characteristic was rated upon satisfaction; yet, the practical on-line learning behavior was also reached significant level.
    2.Significant discrepancies appeared on different demographic variables, motivation of on-line learning usage, and consumer on-line learning psychological characteristics.
    3.On one hand, learner’s consumer on-line learning information quality perception and computer self-efficacy will not impact their cognitive load, on the other hand, learner’s consumer on-line learning system quality perception will impact their on-line learning behavior through their cognitive load.
    4.The learner’s ease of use perception and usefulness perception of consumer on-line learning were positive affect their usage attitude directly, and the intention of on-line learning behavior indirectly.
    5.The user’s consumer on-line learning subjective norm and behavior control perception positively affect their usage attitude directly, and the on-line learning behavior indirectly.
    6.The impact factors of learner’s consumer on-line learning behavior intention are attitude, behavior control perception, subject norm, ease of use perception, and usefulness perception. However, the minor impact factors were learner’s system quality perception, information quality perception, and computer self-efficacy.
    7.The C-TAM-TPB model (conceptual research model) is good fit the data with strong variance explanation to behavior intention. Meanwhile, The C-TAM-TPB model create a new perspective regarding to the impact factors of learner’s consumer on-line learning.
    8.The C-TAM-TPB model has stronger variance explanation capability than TAM on learner’s consumer on-line learning perception of ease use, usefulness, usage attitude, and behavior intention, nonetheless, the variance explanation capability slight lower than TPB.
    Avenues for examining and improving the C-TAM-TPB model (conceptual research model) in the context of these findings are discussed at the conclusion of this dissertation.

    謝誌 I 摘要 III 目錄 VII 表目錄 XII 圖目錄 XVII 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 5 第三節 研究問題 6 第四節 研究範圍與限制 9 壹、研究範圍 9 貳、研究限制 10 第五節 名詞釋義 11 壹、系統品質知覺(perceived system quality, PSQ) 11 貳、資訊品質知覺(perceived information quality, PIQ) 11 参、電腦自我效能(computer self-efficiency, CSE) 12 肆、認知負荷(cognitive load, CL) 12 伍、有用性知覺(perceived usefulness, PU) 13 陸、易用性知覺(perceived ease of use, PEOU) 13 柒、態度(attitude, ATT) 14 捌、主觀規範(subjective norms, SN) 14 玖、行為控制知覺(perceived behavior control, PBC) 15 拾、行為傾向(behavior intention, BI) 15 拾壹、實際行為(actual behavior, B) 16 第二章 文獻探討 17 第一節 計畫行為理論之探討 17 壹、計畫行為的立論基礎 18 貳、計畫行為理論的源起 20 参、計畫行為理論構面的探討 22 一、信念(belief) 23 二、態度(attitude, ATT) 24 三、主觀規範(subjective norms, SN) 25 四、行為控制知覺 (perceived behavior control, PBC) 26 五、行為傾向(BI) 27 六、實際行為(actual behavior;B) 28 第二節 科技接受模式之探討 29 壹、科技接受模式的緣起 29 貳、科技接受模式構面的探討 32 一、易用性知覺(perceived ease of use, PEOU) 32 二、有用性知覺(perceived usefulness, PU) 32 參、科技接受模式理論維度的擴展 33 一、第二代科技接受模式(TAM2) 33 二、擴張式TAM模型(Extending TAM, E-TAM)) 34 三、整合型科技模式(UTAUT) 36 肆、科技接受模式之外生變數探討 40 伍、科技接受模式相關研究 46 陸、本節小結 47 第三節 認知負荷理論之探討 49 壹、認知負荷論的立論基礎 49 一、認知工具取向(instrument approach) 50 二、認知類比取向(analogy approach) 51 貳、認知負荷理論與應用 59 一、認知負荷論起源 59 二、認知負荷定義 59 三、認知負荷特性 61 參、認知負荷理論架構 63 一、網路多媒體教學的認知負荷架構 63 二、後設認知負荷架構 64 肆、認知負荷來源類型 65 一、Pass和Van Merrienboer認知負荷因果評估架構 65 二、Marcus認知負荷來源要素架構 66 三、Sweller認知負荷來源要素架構 67 伍、認知負荷論在資訊科技上的應用 71 一、資訊系統成功模式(information successful model, ISM ) 71 二、網站資訊品質(information quality) 77 第三章 研究設計 89 第一節 研究架構 89 第二節 研究方法 91 壹、調查研究法(survey method) 91 貳、訪談法(interview method) 91 第三節 研究母群與樣本 92 壹、第一階段抽樣樣本(測試樣本) 94 貳、第二階段抽樣樣本(再驗樣本) 100 第四節 研究工具 105 壹、「線上學習科技接受行為傾向」問卷試題發展 105 貳、「線上學習科技接受行為傾向」問卷信度與效度分析 115 參、「線上學習科技接受行為傾向」測量模式之結論 147 第五節 研究步驟 151 第六節 研究統計 154 壹、描述性統計 154 貳、相關性分析 154 参、結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM) 154 第四章 線上學習科技接受行為傾向模型建構與驗證 163 第一節 模型建構與研究假設 163 第二節 線上學習科技接受行為傾向模型驗證 169 壹、模型適配度檢定 170 貳、模型路徑檢定 175 参、模型整體效果檢定 178 肆、線上學習科技接受行為傾向模型綜合討論 189 第三節 線上學習行為傾向再驗檢定與總體檢定 192 第四節 本章小結 194 第五章 資料統計分析 201 第一節 線上學習科技接受行為傾向心理特徵分析 201 第二節 學習者在線上學習科技接受行為傾向差異分析 225 第三節 線上學習科技接受行為傾向模式比較分析 307 壹、TAM與TPB結構模型適配檢定 307 貳、C-TAM-TPB、TAM與TPB模型路徑比較分析 320 参、C-TAM-TPB、TAM與TPB模型解釋量比較 324 肆、本節小結 327 第六章 結論與建議 329 第一節 結論 329 第二節 建議 335 壹、在管理實務方面 335 貳、在研究對象方面 337 参、在研究方法方面 338 肆、在研究脈絡方面 338 伍、在施測方式的改進 339 參考文獻 341 附錄1 線上學習科技接受行為傾向原始問卷 379 附錄2 線上學習科技接受行為傾向專家意見表 385 附錄3 「線上學習科技接受行為傾向」問卷 395 附錄4 台灣知識庫數位學堂簡介 403

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