研究生: |
吳暄瑜 |
論文名稱: |
年輕世代的結婚藍圖 The Marital Blueprint of Emerging Adulthood |
指導教授: | 周麗端 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
人類發展與家庭學系 Department of Human Development and Family Studies |
論文出版年: | 2016 |
畢業學年度: | 104 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 164 |
中文關鍵詞: | 結婚藍圖 、結婚範型理論 、結婚時機 、成年早期 、成年初顯期 、晚婚 |
英文關鍵詞: | marital blueprint, Marital Paradigms Theory, marital timing, young adulthood, emerging adulthood, late marriage |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204138 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:413 下載:58 |
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在平均初婚年齡不斷升高的臺灣,晚婚現象已然成為趨勢。然而令人好奇的是,年輕人自己怎麼看待和規劃「結婚」這件生命歷程中的重要事件。本研究旨在探討年輕世代的結婚藍圖及其為邁向結婚所採取的行動,以質性研究方法中的敘事研究策略,訪談四位單身、不同交往階段的年輕男女。本研究並以結婚範型理論(Marital Paradigms)中關於結婚的信念部分:結婚時機、結婚顯要性、結婚脈絡,作為架構回顧過往對此議題的探討,也以此理論與研究發現進行討論。
The average age of first marriage in Taiwan has been rising for many years, that means people tend to get married later. How young adults in this century think about "getting married" in their life course is unknown, so the purposes of this study want to explore the marital blueprint of emerging adulthood and the action taken towards marriage. This study adopted qualitative research methods and narrative inquiry, and two young men and two young women were participated. One of them is single and the other three are in different stages of intimate relationship. This study uses the belief about getting married in Marital Paradigms Theory: marriage timing, marital salience, marriage context, to review the literary and to discuss the findings of this study.
This study found that young people make their marital blueprint by the network of relationships, and the more information about getting married they get the more clearer their marital blueprint will be. The marital blueprint of emerging adulthood is volatile among the factors interwoven and interlocked. The ideal marital timing is delayed by the transition of life event from student-hood to employment, and by the economic capacity. Having positive value about marriage let young adult implement their marital blueprint. Encouraging the role of working than the role of family influences the marital salience of young adults, and blurred marital blueprint may weaken their motivation to take action for getting married. The beliefs of selecting mate in young adults need to be breakthrough and they need to be encouraged to take action. The beliefs behind marital blueprint include young people want to have good marriage and family life , marriage is important and wanted but not necessary at this stage, commitment is important in marriage but they concern on how to build and maintain relationships. Finally, this study divides four stories into three types. First, young adults who start thinking early but take no action. Second, with a later marital blueprint, young adults who get stuck in various factors. Third, although with a later marital blueprint, young adults who take active action.
According to the findings, the researcher recommend to design educational programs for young people who are single, in a relationship or premarital respectively. Increasing the positive information of marriage and family in media to enhance the knowledge, ability and confidence of young adults to be not afraid of getting married.
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