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研究生: 施清嵐
論文名稱: 台北市高職特教班自閉症學生學校適應之研究
指導教授: 張正芬
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2003
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 164
中文關鍵詞: 高職特教班自閉症學校適應
英文關鍵詞: vocational high school special education class, autism student, school adaptation
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:563下載:77
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  • 本研究以了解北市高職特教班自閉症學生背景、學校背景、學校適應狀況及支持系統以及任教自閉症學生教師及家長之困擾為目的。

    The purpose of this research was to understand all aspects about the Autism students in the special education class of the vocational high schools in Taipei City, including their family and school background, school adaptation, the available supporting systems, and the concerns from their parents and teachers.
    Questionnaire accompanied with interviews is the main method adopted in this research. The main tool designed to gain the information is the questionnaire titled “The Questionnaire for Autism Students’ Adaptation in the Special Education Classes of the Vocational high Schools in Taipei City.” The questionnaire is designed into two formats: one is for the teachers to fill in;the other is for the parents. Interviews were carried out under the guideline designed as “The guidelines to interview with people related to Autism students”.
    First of all, we tried to understand the adapting status of the autistic students in school through informal discussion meetings and used it as reference for questionnaire. Second, we took the teachers and parents of the autism students of the special education class of vocational high school of year 2002 in Taipei City as the survey targets. The numbers of the questionnaire are 22 for teachers and parents; the numbers of recovered sample are 21(recovery rate of 95%) and 17(recovery rate of 81%) for teachers and parents. This study focused mainly on the recovered questionnaire form teacher and secondary on the ones from the parents. Finally, we had semi-structural interviews with teachers and parents of four independent autistic cases.
    Conclusions were as follows:
    1. Students’ Backgrounds: they are generally gifted with the ability on memory, spatial conscious, music, painting, and computer skills. Obvious special behaviors are stubbornness, repeated behaviors, and the way they express their favorites.
    2. Schools’ Backgrounds: over 70% of the class teachers are licensed as Special Education Teachers. Most of the teachers are able to pursue further education. Most of the courses that the students take are limited to the service oriented jobs such as housekeeping. Externship is mainly focused on the service industry.
    3. Adaptation in Schools: the teachers declare that, at school, the students appear to have poorer adaptation in lingual expression, interpersonal relationship, learning performance, and externship, while have better adaptation in lingual understanding, manner adaptation, and community adaptation. However, the parents believe that their children adapt well except interpersonal relationship and some affections due to special behaviors.
    4. Supporting Systems: The teachers believe that the school provided 9 items among 10 candidates, whereas parents believe the school does not support the following 3 items: modification of teaching materials and methods, homework and its qualification standards, and suitable contents of IEP. In externship, only 1 item among 4 was provided. In contrast, for supports from parents, both teacher and parents believe all the 5 items are supported.
    5. Teachers’ and Parents’ Concerns: The result of the questionnaire shows that over 70 percent of teachers and parents have troubles just occasionally. According to the interviews, teachers and parents care more about the students’ externship and employment , suitable course, emotional problems. Additionally, they also worry about their own overworking problems and communication issues with the school. However, some other parents who believe that they can do very little to change the current situation and, therefore, do not care much.
    Finally, several suggestions are addressed to education affair administrators, schools, externships, parents, and, hopefully, other researchers as their clues for future studies.

    目 錄 第一章 緒論…………………………………………………..1 第一節 研究動機……………………………………………………..1 第二節 研究目的與待答問題………………………………………..4 第三節 名詞解釋……………………………………………………..6 第二章 文獻探討……………………………………………..8 第一節 自閉症的定義及青少年自閉症之特徵……………………..8 第二節 身心障礙學生之學校適應………………………………….15 第三節 台北市高職特教班之實施概況…………………………….26 第三章 研究方法…………………………………………….34 第一節 研究架構……………………………………………………34 第二節 研究對象……………………………………………………35 第三節 研究工具……………………………………………………37 第四節 研究程序……………………………………………………42 第五節 資料分析……………………………………………………44 第四章 研究結果與討論…………………………………….45 第一節 問卷調查之研究結果………………………………………45 第二節 半結構式訪談之研究結果…………………………………76 第三節 討論…………………………………………………………90 第五章 結論與建議…………………………………………106 第一節 結論……………………………………………………….106 第二節 研究限制………………………………………………….111 第三節 建議……………………………………………………….113 參考文獻……………………………………………………..119 附錄 附錄一 座談會紀錄…………………………………………………. 126 附錄二 台北市高職特教班自閉症學生學校適應問卷【教師填】…132 附錄三 台北市高職特教班自閉症學生學校適應問卷【家長填】…138 附錄四 「北市高職特教班自閉症學生學校適應」訪談大綱………142 附錄五 訪談結果摘要…………………………………………………144 附錄六 問卷調查學校公文函…………………………………………162

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