研究生: |
周碩樑 chou , shou-liang |
論文名稱: |
專業能力標準轉化技職教育課程之機制研究 A mechanism study for translating skill standards into curriculum design for vocational-technical education |
指導教授: |
Tien, Chen-Jung |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
工業教育學系 Department of Industrial Education |
論文出版年: | 2005 |
畢業學年度: | 93 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 227 |
中文關鍵詞: | 專業能力 、能力標準 、課程轉化 、概念構圖 、詮釋結構模式 、構圖說明模式 |
英文關鍵詞: | Professional ability, skill standard, course is transformed, concept mapping, Interpretive Structural Model, Illustrative mapping method |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:318 下載:95 |
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(一) 專業能力標準的發展,可提供教育領域課程設計的依據。
(二) 功能分析法進行能力分析,適用的範圖相當廣泛。
(三) 功能分析師是整個功能分析活動最重要的催化者。
(一) 構圖工具選用電腦軟體進行概念概念,有助於概念圖的形成。
(二) 構圖者在進行概念構圖,需具備該專業領域之專業素養。
(三) 概念圖的修改在概念構圖過程中佔有重要性。
(四) 概念構圖方式可由個人單獨完成、或由小組團隊進行。
(五) 專業能力標準所擷取的概念,較易進行概念構圖。
(一) 概念構圖是一個課程設計的理想工具。
(二) 概念構圖的技術可用來分析教科書內容,了解其是否一份好教材。
(三) 概念圖層次結構呈現概念與概念間聯,有助安排課程內容。
(四) 專業能力標準轉化技職課程機制為概念構圖、詮釋結構模式、構圖說明模式依序進行,獲得完整課程內容。
Face the influence that is globalized and international competition trend, various countries invest educational investment and reform , content and quality of promoting education actively, high-quality manpower needed by offering national economic construction and development to compete with globalization, this demand that because answer , sets up ' the ability standard ', and design for course by this in duty education system of the skill , really have its necessities.
Because of being above-mentioned , aim at building and constructing and shifting to new management mechanisms with professional course of the standard orientation of professional ability in this research. Analyse through documents that understand the relevant theories transformed in professional ability development , course design and course, do it for the basis of studying. In developing in professional ability, the research approach takes focus group as the core, adopt the analytic approach of the function, regard ' the general attenbant's professional ability of chemical laboratory ' as the target of analysing, develop the functional diagram and ability standard. Transform the respect in course, rely mainly on the fact that the mental work is agitated , find out the main concept , make up the course content .
This research obtains the following conclusion:
First, in developing in professional ability
1. The development of the professional ability standard, can offer the basis that the course is designed of the educational field .
2. The analytic approach of the function carries on ability and analyses , suitable Fan's picture is quite extensive.
3. The function analyst is a person who analyses activity most important catalysis of the whole function.
Second, transformation of the professional ability standard
1. The composition tool selects the computer software for use and carries on the concept concept, contribute to the forming of the concept picture.
2. The composition person is carrying on the concept composition, need to possess the professional accomplishment of this professional field.
3. The modification of the concept picture occupies the importance in the course of concept composition.
4. The composition way of the concept can be finished, or gone on by group's group alone by individual.
5. The concept fetched that the professional ability standard picks is relatively apt to carry on the concept composition.
Design the respect in third , professional course
1. The concept composition is an ideal tool that a course is designed.
2. The technology of the concept composition can be used for analysing the content of the textbook, understand a good teaching material of it.
3. The concept picture hierarchical structure appears and unites among the concept and concept, help to arrange the course content .
4. Professional ability standard transform skill duty course mechanism for concept composition , annotate structure way , composition prove the way goes on in order, obtain the intact course content .
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