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研究生: 李碩九
Yi, Seok Gu
論文名稱: 《山海經》宇宙認識及其象徵敘述研究
A Study on Cosmology and Symbolic Description of Shan Hai Jing
指導教授: 鍾宗憲
Chung, Chung-Hsien
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 國文學系
Department of Chinese
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 120
中文關鍵詞: 《山海經》神話象徵符號結構宇宙認識
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900947
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:274下載:32
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  • 中國學術傳統中,《山海經》是一本難以導致單一定論的典籍。歷來不少說法由多種觀點來詮釋《山海經》。19世紀末在中國學術界出現「神話」概念以來,《山海經》詮釋為神話文本。「神話」也是各家說法不同的概念,不過至今19世紀末的故事性為主神話觀仍然影響於《山海經》詮釋。於是,本研究脫離故事性為主的神話觀,將《山海經》看作一種宇宙認識的表徵,透過對《山海經》表現形式的內在結構考察,試圖重新理解《山海經》的宇宙認識與其表徵特徵。
    在第五章對〈海經〉集中考察宇宙認識與象徵敘述上特徵。〈海經〉的宇宙認識不只擴張其認識的範疇,並且轉換認識宇宙與世界的觀點。 比起〈山經〉,〈海經〉超越我國的範疇,從較客觀的角度敘述異邦奇物的特徵。〈海經〉的宇宙認識基於劃分自我與他者的境界認識,〈海經〉的篇章結構、個體敘述表出如此的境界認識。透過〈海經〉的文本考察,在第五章確認〈海經〉的宇宙認識上特徵及敘述體系上其認識的表現樣態。
    在第七章為結論歸納〈山經〉、〈海經〉、〈大荒經〉的宇宙認識及其表現形式上的特徵,綜合組成《山海經》的三層認識與表現體系。由此,試圖重建《山海經》的宇宙認識的立體性與其表現形式的象徵性,進而探究《山海經》宇宙認識與象徵敘述的特性 。

    In Chinese academic tradition, Shanhaijing(a.k.a. Classic of Mountains and Seas) is a documents which difficult to reach a clear definition all about that. Traditionally, there are many attempts to interpret Shanhaijing from various points of view. Since late of 19C presented conception of myth on Chinese scholarly tradition and sinology field, Shanhaijing was interpreted as a myth text. Even though there are as many definitions of myth as researchers, however narrative oriented concept of myth was a major interpretation of Shanhaijing. This research tries to break away from narrative oriented concept of myth and intepret Shanhaijing as a representation of cosmology. For this interpretation, this research investigate representations of Shanhaijing’s inner structures.
    Based on theoretical explanation and text investigation, this research tries to interpret cosmology and description styles of Shanhaijing. In Chapter 1: Preface, this paper introduces research motive, background of the study and reviews precedent research about Shanhaijing and mythology. From these researches, this paper presents this research’s basis of problematic and sets research boundary and methodology.
    In Chapter 2: Conception of myth and language style of Shanhaijing, this research tries to confirm valid of myth as a theological basis for interpretation of Shanhaijing. Chapter 2 investigates concept of myth which came from western and Chinese academic tradition’s acception by focusing on conception of myth and description style. From these investgation, we confirm the differences between the original meaning of myth and acception. In addition, we would debate on valid of narrative oriented concept of myth as a frame of Shanhaijing interpretation and from study of Shanhaijing’s description style investigate valid concept of myth for interpretation of Shanhaijing.
    In Chapter 3: Shanhaijing’s text structure and symbolic description, based on investigation in Chapter 2 and Chinese traditional academic classification, debate on text properties of Shanhaijing, and then overview cosmology and symbolic description of Shanhaijing text.
    In Chapter 4: Symbolic Structure of Shanjing, focusing on Shanjing(a.k.a. Classic of the Mountains), cosmology and symbolic description of Shanhaijing. Based on country usage, Shanjing presents episteme about a relationship between cosmos and things with describing styles and text structures. In Chapter 4, special cognition of descriping boundary, description of things, properties of classification are induced through text investigation. Based on these invesigations we would understand cosmology and symbolic description of Shanjing.
    In Chapter 5: Symbolic Structure of Haijing, focusing on Haijing(a.k.a. Classic of Regions Beyond the Seas), investigates cosmology and symbolic description. Cosmology of Haijing does not only mean expansion on the cognition’s physical boundary but also means episteme shift about universe and world. Compare Haijing with Shanjing, Haijing objectively describes characters of foreign country and mystical things beyond own country’s episteme. Haijing’s cosmology is based on partitional cognition which distinguishes self and others. Through text investigation of Haijing, we approach to understand cognition and representation of Haijing episteme.
    In Chapter 6: Symbolic Structure of Dahuangjing, we would explore episteme of Dahuangjing(a.k.a. Classic of the Great Wilderness). It is more distictive than Shanjing and Haijing that Dahuangjing’s cognition of time based on space. descriptions about celestial body represented with Sun and Moon’s rise and set, and genealogy of god and ethnic group imply factor of temporality. Episteme and describing structure of Dahuangjing combined by Dahuangsijing(a.k.a. Four Classics of the Great Wilderness) and Hainaijing(a.k.a. Classic of Regions Within the Seas) imply factor of temporality. In Chapter 6, we would investigate cosmology and episteme of Dahuangjing by analizing text and structure of Dahuangjing.
    In Chapter 7: Conclusion, we would integrate episteme, cosmology and representation of Shanjing, Haijing and Dahuangjing. Hereby, we would try to reconstruct Shanhaijing cosmology and episteme’s multidimension and symbolism of representation. From this, we try to understand Shanhaijing cosmology and symbolic description.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與背景 2 第二節 前人研究成果 4 第三節 研究範圍與研究方法 10 第二章 神話概念與《山海經》的語言形式 12 第一節 神話的概念考察 12 一、 19世紀神話概念與敘事性 12 二、 mythos的詞源與神話的概念範疇 16 第二節 神話語言形式與《山海經》的敘述體系 18 一、 神話的語言形式 19 二、 《山海經》的敘述體系 22 第三章 《山海經》篇章結構與敘述方式的象徵 26 第一節 《山海經》的經籍分類與性質 26 一、 《史記.大宛列傳》中《山海經》 26 二、 《漢書.藝文志》中《山海經》 27 三、 《隋書.經籍志》中《山海經》 28 四、 《宋史.藝文志》中《山海經》 30 五、 《四庫全書總目提要》中《山海經》 30 第二節 神話概念與《山海經》的神話文本性 32 第三節 《山海經》的宇宙認識與篇章結構 35 一、 《山海經》的篇章結構與宇宙層次 36 二、 《山海經》篇章次序與宇宙認識 38 第四章 〈山經〉的象徵結構 41 第一節 〈山經〉宇宙認識的基礎 41 第二節 〈山經〉的篇章結構與區域認識 43 第三節 〈山經〉的敘述形式與象徵 45 一、 〈山經〉的敘述形式 46 二、 〈山經〉的象徵結構 49 第五章 〈海經〉的象徵結構 88 第一節 〈海經〉宇宙認識的基礎 88 第二節 〈海經〉的篇章結構與區域認識 89 第三節 〈海經〉的敘述形式與象徵 93 一、 〈海經〉的敘述形式 93 二、 〈海經〉的象徵結構 95 第七章 〈大荒經〉的象徵結構 98 第一節 〈大荒經〉宇宙認識的基礎 98 第二節 〈大荒經〉的篇章結構與區域認識 103 第三節 〈大荒經〉的敘述形式與象徵 106 第八章 結論 112 參考文獻 117

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    四、 學位論文(依發表先後排列)
    羅相珍:《《山海經》自然神話分類及原始思維初探》(臺北:國立臺灣大學中文研究所碩士論文,1993年 )

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    六、 網絡資料
    Online Etymology Dictionary : http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=*gno-&allowed_in_frame=0。
    首爾歷史Archive : http://www.museum.seoul.kr/archive/archiveView.do?type=C&arcvGroupNo=3122&arcvMetaSeq=24469&arcvNo=72617
