研究生: |
林素菁 Lin, Su-Ching |
論文名稱: |
生態語言教育觀之CLIL課程設計與實踐-以基礎級「中文101」課程為例 An Ecolinguistic and CLIL Approach to Designing and Implementing a Curriculum for a Basic-Level "Chinese 101" Class |
指導教授: |
Chen, Jenn-Yeu |
口試委員: |
Li, Chen-Ching 劉美慧 Liu, Mei-Hui 蔡雅薰 Tsai, Ya-Hsun 歐秀慧 Ou, Hsiu-Hui 陳振宇 Chen, Jenn-Yeu |
口試日期: | 2022/04/12 |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
華語文教學系 Department of Chinese as a Second Language |
論文出版年: | 2022 |
畢業學年度: | 110 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 370 |
中文關鍵詞: | CLIL 、課理優 、生態語言教育觀 、基礎級華語 、文化華語 |
英文關鍵詞: | CLIL, Ecolinguistic, Basic-level Chinese, Cultural Chinese |
研究方法: | 行動研究法 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200457 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:316 下載:35 |
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國際交流頻繁之際,多語與跨文化溝通人才需求倍增。90年代起,立基於社會文化互動之「生態語言教育觀」,且強調以「語言」作為建立社會關係「工具」,「用語言」學習「新知」的「內容與語言整合學習」(Content and Language Integrated Learning) 因應而生。「語言、內容、認知、文化」(簡稱4Cs) 並進的「課理優」(CLIL) 學習模式與重視社會文化互動之「生態語言教育觀」,為語言教育帶來新展望。
教學研究以剛進入臺灣學習環境,基礎級華語程度之外籍學生為研究對象。課程以「內容、語言、認知、文化」與「情意」(4Cs+A) 為並進目標,配合原定教科書《當代中文課程》第一冊的語言點與單元主題,導入「日常文化」作為「內容」體材,學習連結生活場域,以期體現「用語言建立關係」以及「用語言學習新知」的意義化學習。
In the era of global world, the demand for multilingual and cross-cultural communication has increased. Due to the cross-cultural and cross-discipline communication need, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and ecolinguistic view of language education started to draw language educators’ attention and brought the new inspiration to the language education.
This teaching research reversed the mainly language-form focus teaching by using the Content and Language Integrated Learning model in the novice to CEFR A1 Chinese level course. In this research, Content, Language, Cognition, Culture and Affective (4Cs+A) were set as the course learning goals. Daily culture topics were used as the extended learning elements and were integrated into to Chinese language learning. Hoped that by the implementation of ecolinguistic CLIL approach, the learners of Chinese as a second language not only obtain language skills, but also learned the intercultural competence, thinking ability and the learning affective.
After the research, the results showed that, the course was highly engaging, positive and supportive in the affective aspect. In the language level, learners were able to communicate linguistically according to task instructions. However, the language structures had more room to improve. In the culture level, learners can name and compare the cultural products of Taiwan and their home country. However, abstract cultural concepts such as attitudes and values were rarely covered. In the cognition level, due to the learners’ limited Chinese proficiency, the high cognition skills were rarely shown in students’ Chinese performance.
After the study of teaching practice, the suggestions to improve the learning effectiveness are as follows: First, in terms of language structure, provide paragraph structure frame to strengthen learners' awareness of language structure. Second, in terms of cognitive learning, allow students to use familiar languages or use non-verbal messages, such as images and charts to show the high cognition learning performance. Third, in addition to the cultural products and behaviors, the learning activities related to the cultural values are also needed to be designed and integrated into the learning curriculum.
The overall recommendations for the ecolinguistic CLIL curriculum are as follows: First, a successful learning curriculum require the support from school, teachers, students and the communities. Second, flexible in teaching and let learning connect to the daily life environment are needed. Third, understand learners’ difficulty, offer the necessary and suitable scaffolding to support learning. Fourth, in addition to the challenging tasks, the learning affective factors must be taken into account. Fifth, learners are active participants instead of passive recipients. Sixth, develop the teachers’ learning group and offer necessary teaching support.
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