研究生: |
吳秋月 Chiu-yueh Wu |
論文名稱: |
子女知覺父母婚姻暴力經驗、社會支持及共依附之相關研究 Study on Relationships Among Adolescence’s Perceptive Experience About Parental Marital Violence, Social Support And Codependence in Taiwan. |
指導教授: | 吳麗娟 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
畢業學年度: | 87 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 180 |
中文關鍵詞: | 婚暴子女 、社會支持 、共依附 、知覺父母婚姻暴力經驗 、子女知覺父母婚姻暴力經驗 、目睹婚暴 |
英文關鍵詞: | family violence, Adolescence’s Perceptive Experience About Parental Marital Violence, Social Support And Codependence, Social Support, Codependence, Marital Violence, Adolescence |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:540 下載:0 |
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1. 父親不同教育程度的子女在整體社會支持上無顯著差異;但在工具支持滿意度上有顯著差異存在。
Study on Relationships Among Adolescence’s Perceptive Experience About Parental Marital Violence, Social Support And Codependence in Taiwan.
Chiou-yech Wu
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among adolescence’s perceptive experience about parental marital violence, codependence and social support.
The sample consisted of 713 students from high school in Taipei. Instrument used in this study were “Family Background Scale”、“Codependency Assessment Scale ”、 “ Adolescence Perceptive Experience of Parental Marital Violence ” and “Social Support Scale ”. Data obtained in this study were analyzed by t-test, simultaneous regression analysis and one-way analysis of variance. The primary findings were as follows:
Ⅰ.Group Differences On The Perceptive Experience About Parental Marital Violence
1.No difference was shown for parental marital violence by parental educational level, occupational style and adolescence birth order.
2.There were several significant differences in adolescence’s perception of parental marital violence among parental marital status, including father’s physical violence, father’s psychological battering, mother’s verbal aggression and whole perception of parental marital violence.
3. No sex difference was shown for the whole perception of parental marital violent experience. However, it’s significant in mother verbal aggression. Girls percepted more mother’s verbal aggression than boys did.
Ⅱ. Group Differences On The Codependence
No difference was found among parental marital status, adolescence’s gender and birth order in characteristics of codependence.
Ⅲ. Group Differences On The Social Support
1. No difference was shown to exist between the perception of whole social support by adolescence of father with different occupational style. There was a difference on the instrumental support by adolescence of father with different educational level.
2. No difference was shown to exist between the perception of various social support by adolescent of mother with differing educational level. There was a difference on whole support by adolescence of mother with different educational level.
3.No difference was shown to for the whole social support by adolescence of father with different occupational style. There was a difference on the instrumental support by adolescence of father with different occupational style.
4.There were differences on the whole and various support by adolescent of mother with different occupational style.
5. There was a difference on the whole and various support by adolescence of parent with different marital status.
6.No difference was shown to for the whole and various social support by adolescence of different adolescence’s gender and birth order.
Ⅳ Using adolescence’s perception of parental marital violence to predict the characteristics of codependence.
From the results of simultaneous regression analysis, adolescence’s perception of parental marital violence that could predict codependence and account for 10.1﹪of the variance of codependence. Father’s verbal aggression and mother’s verbal aggression were more powerful in predicting.
Ⅴ Using adolescence’s perception of parental marital violence and social support to predict the characteristics of codependence.
From the results of simultaneous regression analysis, adolescence’s perception of parental marital violence and social support could predict codependence and account for 12.4% of the variance in codependence. Moreover, it’s more predicted father’s verbal aggression, mother’s verbal aggression and emotional support.
Finally, I would purpose specific implications for the design and delivery of counseling services to adolescents and their parents, and also give some suggestions for future research.
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