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研究生: 吳貞誼
論文名稱: 學生對一維運動之文字與x-t圖表徵的理解分析研究
A study of junior high school students’ comprehension betweenkinematic x-t graph and text for one dimensional motion
指導教授: 楊文金
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 116
中文關鍵詞: 圖文關係運用關係圖能力運動學關係圖
英文關鍵詞: graphing ability, image and text relationship, kinematics graph
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:227下載:11
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  • 本研究旨在探討學生轉換直線運動的文字與x-t圖二種表徵時的理解情形。研究設計分為量化研究和質性研究二部分。量化研究旨在探討學生作「x-t圖」之特徵和自然科知識與作x-t圖能力的關係,對象為屏東市某國中一國三班已學過直線運動概念的34名學生。質性研究旨在探討學生的讀x-t圖能力與作x-t圖能力的關係,並藉由訪談瞭解他們轉換文字與x-t圖時的理解情形。研究方法為從屏東市某國中另一國三班挑選不同讀x-t圖能力的學生,採一對一的方式測驗其作x-t圖能力,之後進行半結構式晤談。
    本研究發現:(一)學生的自然科成績與作x-t圖能力高相關(r=.85,p< .01);(二) 知道x-t圖表示的運動方向之讀x-t圖能力和作x-t圖能力有顯著關係(p= .03< .05);(三)學生作x-t圖之錯誤類型:(1)忘記將座標軸的交點以「0」表示;(2)認為座標軸的交點為實際位置的原點;(3)橫縱軸與x-t圖對調;(4)物理量混淆;(5)畫與負概念有關的運動之直角坐標時,無法正確表示x和t的刻度; (6)未能掌握各物理量「負」概念的意義;(四)大多數受試者知道x代表「位置」,少數受試者認為x代表跟原點的距離;(五)大多數受試者知道運動方向和速度方向相同,少數受試者知道運動方向和位置無關;(六)多數經過作圖協助的受試者對x-t圖表示之「運動方向」和「速度大小」的理解具有一致性。

    The purpose of this study is to explore the comprehension students hold for rectilinear motion via the transformation between x-t graph and text.
    The study included two domain – quality & quantity strategy. The subjects included 34 junior high school students who have learned the concept of rectilinear
    motion in Ping-Tung County, to collect the traits of x-t graph subjects sketch, and find the correlation of science knowledge and sketching x-t graph ability with quantity
    strategy. Researcher selected another gread-9 class to find the relation of reading x-t graph abilities and sketching x-t graph ability, and to know the comprehension students have while they transform text to x-t graph with quality strategy.
    Based on their response, the major finding as following:
    1. There is high correlation between sketch ability and science score(r=.85p< .01)
    2. There is difference of sketching x-t graph ability between subjects who have
    the reading x-t graph abilities that knows the motion direction x-t graph
    represent or not. (p= .03< .05)
    3. There are six error types in sketching x-t graph: (1) Forget to label “0” at the
    intersection point of axis; (2) Deem the intersection point of axis as the origin
    of position; (3) Exchange the positions of physical quantities x and t; (4)
    Confused with physical quantities, like position and velocity; (5) Unable to
    sketch scales of x-t graph involving negative concepts; (6) Subjects are
    confused with the negative concepts of physical quantities.
    4. Most subjects know x represent position, and less deem x is distance to the
    5. Most subjects know the same meaning of direction of motion and velocity,
    and less know the direction of motion is irrelevant to position.
    6. Most Subjects accepting help of sketching graph know “the moving direction” and “the scale of velocity” that x-t graph represent.
    We can conclude some suggestions from this study: (1)Integrating independent variable-(t, time) and dependent variable-(x, position) into curriculum, (2)Sketching
    x-t graph involving negative x more often, (3)Clarifying the difference of direction of position and velocity.

    第一章 緒論.................................................1 第一節 研究動機與重要性.....................................1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題...................................4 第三節 名詞解釋............................................5 第四節 研究範圍、假定與限制.................................6 第二章 文獻探討.............................................7 第一節 文本的圖文關係對概念理解的影響.........................7 第二節 圖文表徵的關係......................................13 第三節 影響圖文閱讀理解的因素...............................19 第四節 直線運動概念的相關研究...............................23 第三章 研究方法............................................26 第一節 研究設計...........................................26 第二節 研究對象...........................................29 第三節 研究工具...........................................30 第四節 資料蒐集程序........................................38 第五節 資料分析...........................................40 第四章 研究結果與討論.......................................41 第一節 學生的自然科知識和讀x-t圖能力與作x-t圖能力的關係........41 第二節 學生作x-t圖之情形...................................49 第三節 學生對直線運動的文字敘述之理解情形.....................72 第四節 作錯x-t圖的協助.....................................79 第五節 x-t圖統整理解測驗之表現..............................86 第五章 結論與建議...........................................94 第一節 研究綜合概要........................................94 第二節 結論...............................................98 第三節 建議..............................................100 參考文獻..................................................102 中文部分.................................................102 英文部分.................................................106 附錄.....................................................109 附錄一:TUG-K位置與時間關係圖測驗..........................110 附錄二:直線運動x-t圖作圖測驗............ .................112 附錄三:x-t圖統整理解測驗.................................116




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