研究生: |
楊士祈 Shih-Chi Yang |
論文名稱: |
風力發電與磷酸鋰鐵電池充放電量測系統介面之設計 Measurement Interface Design of Wind Power Generator and Charging and Discharging System of LiFePO4 Batteries |
指導教授: |
Cheng, Chin-Pao 李坤彥 Lee, Kung-Yen |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
機電工程學系 Department of Mechatronic Engineering |
論文出版年: | 2011 |
畢業學年度: | 99 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 81 |
中文關鍵詞: | 微處理器AT89C51ED2 、風力發電 、磷酸鋰鐵電池 、充放電 |
英文關鍵詞: | LabVIEW, microcontroller AT89C51ED2, wind generation, LiFePO4 batteries, charging/discharging |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:333 下載:18 |
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本文將探討風力發電系統最大功率點與轉速、電壓關係曲線並建立其數學模式。實驗以美國西南公司(South West)所開發的AIR-X Land 400 型風力發電系統結合介面軟體LabVIEW 設計量測介面與紀錄實際發電數據,進而推導出最大功率點(Maximum Power Point)曲線與轉速二次及三次方多項式。並且利用LabVIEW設計磷酸鋰鐵電池充放電控制系統,此電路系統包含ADC轉換電路、分壓取樣電路、繼電器控制電路、電流偵測電路;並且搭配微處理器AT89C51ED2經由軟體與韌體的交握程式和實作的硬體電路結合,藉由RS-232串列埠的傳輸指令控制磷酸鋰鐵電池充放電與紀錄實測充放電數據,經過分析後建立以放電電壓與時間關係式及充電電量為基準的充放電系統。
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the relationship between maximum power points and revolutions per minute (RPM), and the mathematical model can be then built. The AIR-X Land 400 wind generation system was used to generate power and LabVIEW was used to design the interface between PC and humans, and record data which was then analyzed to derive the second and third order polynomial equations for fitting curves of power versus RPM. A charging and discharging system, including ADC circuits, partial voltage sampling circuits, relay control circuits and current detection circuits can interconnect each other by programming LabVIEW and microprocessor AT89C51ED2. RS-232 serial ports were used to transmit commands to control and record data of charging and discharging of LiFePO4 batteries. After analyzing the data, we can establish the charging and discharging interface based on the relationship of discharging voltages and time and charging capacities.
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