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研究生: 楊哲瑜
Yang, Che-Yu
論文名稱: 設計費南雪:深度訪談與焦點團體之動態應用
The Dynamic Approach for Designing Financier: Focus Groups Follows In-Depth Interviews
指導教授: 王國欽
Wang, Kuo-Ching
口試委員: 林濰榕
Lin, Wei-Rong
Chang, Te-Yi
Wang, Kuo-Ching
口試日期: 2023/07/02
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 109
中文關鍵詞: 創業網路甜點店關鍵成功因素產品設計
英文關鍵詞: Entrepreneurship, Online Dessert Shop, Key Success Factors, Product Design
研究方法: 個案研究法深度訪談法內容分析法半結構式訪談法焦點團體法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202301308
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:383下載:40
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  • 我國的餐飲業蓬勃發展,根據我國財政部資料指出,我國餐飲業之家數在過去5年呈現逐年增加的趨勢,年均成長率為4.15%。雖然餐飲業家數逐年增加,但經濟部中小企業處創業諮詢服務中心統計,一般民眾創業,一年內倒閉的機率高達90%,存活下來的10%中,又有90% 會在五年內倒閉,也就是說創業後並維持五年以上的僅僅只有1%。本研究對過往文獻進行探討,發現尚未有文獻針對「網路甜點店」此種餐飲業種進行創業關鍵因素的分析與探討,此外現有的文獻大多都是透過訪談,訪談後進行分析來歸納探討出關鍵成功因素,本研究在此基礎上更深入討論甜點產品設計,藉以描繪出真正可用於網路甜點店創業之產品。

    The catering industry in our country has been thriving. According to data from the Ministry of Finance,ROC, the number of catering establishments in our country has been increasing steadily over the past five years, with an average annual growth rate of 4.15%. Despite the increasing number of catering establishments, statistics from the Small and Medium Enterprise Administration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs indicate that the probability of closure within one year for general entrepreneurs is as high as 90%. Among the 10% that survive, 90% are likely to close within five years. In other words, only 1% of entrepreneurs are able to sustain their businesses for more than five years. Through a review of existing literature, this study found that there is currently no research specifically analyzing and discussing the key factors for entrepreneurship in the "online dessert shop" sector of the catering industry. Additionally, most existing literature relies on interviews and subsequent analysis to identify key success factors. Building upon this foundation, this study aims to delve deeper into the discussion of dessert product design, in order to depict products that are truly applicable to the entrepreneurial endeavors of online dessert shops.
    This study designed an interview outline based on a review of the key success factors for entrepreneurship in the catering industry. Using purposive sampling, five representative entrepreneurs from online dessert shops were selected to undergo the first phase of semi-structured interviews. Three expert scholars were invited to summarize the key success factors for entrepreneurship in online dessert shops. Subsequently, the identified entrepreneurial key success factors from the first phase were further investigated through a second phase of focus group interviews. Four professionals from the catering industry and two regular consumers of online dessert shops were invited to participate in the focus group interviews. During these interviews, a dessert product suitable for sale in online dessert shops was discussed and chosen for implementation.Following the focus group discussions, the selected dessert product underwent a practical phase. Ten experts were invited to taste and evaluate the product's alignment with the key success factors for entrepreneurship through a questionnaire survey. Throughout the study, a total of 45 categories were compiled, and based on six of these categories, the topics for the focus group interviews were designed.Ultimately, this research resulted in the design of two dessert products: various flavors of " Financier" paired with sauce and special flavors of " Financier" These products are intended to serve as recommendations for future entrepreneurs interested in starting an online dessert shop.

    第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究問題 4 第三節 研究目的 5 第四節 操作性名詞定義 5 第五節 研究流程 5 第貳章 文獻探討 8 第一節 甜點業 8 第二節 創業 11 第三節 關鍵成功因素 14 第參章 研究方法 18 第一節 研究設計 18 第二節 半結構式訪談 18 第三節 資料分析方法 20 第四節 焦點團體訪談 21 第肆章 研究結果 24 第一節 訪談個案紀錄 24 第二節 樣本分析及複核 25 第三節 資料分析結果 27 第四節 焦點團體訪談結果 54 第伍章 結論與建議 70 第一節 研究結論 70 第二節 研究建議 71 第三節 學術與實務貢獻 72 第四節 研究限制與未來建議 73 參考文獻 75 附錄 82 附錄一 訪談邀約企畫書 82 附錄二 半結構式訪談資料結果分類發展 90 附錄三 焦點團體訪談結果分類發展 105

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