研究生: |
陳嘉珍 Chen, Chia-Chen |
論文名稱: |
失智症家庭照顧者的工作家庭衝突、社會支持與幸福感之關係研究 The Relationship among Work-Family Conflict, Social Support, and Well-Being in Working Family Caregivers of People with Dementia |
指導教授: |
Chen, Hsueh-Chih |
口試委員: |
Chang, Yu-Lin 邱發忠 Chiu, Fa-Chung 陳學志 Chen, Hsueh-Chih |
口試日期: | 2023/01/19 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2023 |
畢業學年度: | 111 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 91 |
中文關鍵詞: | 失智症 、家庭照顧者 、工作家庭衝突 、社會支持 、幸福感 |
英文關鍵詞: | Dementia, Working Family Caregivers, Work-family conflict, Social support, Well-Being |
研究方法: | 調查研究 、 問卷調查法 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300354 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:727 下載:69 |
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當失智症的照護問題逐漸在家庭中顯現,多數失智症家庭中的成員在維持生計工作的同時,尚需要照護失智長輩,因而面臨工作與家庭角色衝突的兩難,進而影響其身心健康與幸福感。因此,本研究旨在探討失智症家庭照顧者所感受的工作家庭衝突之雙向性(「家庭對工作衝突」 與 「工作對家庭衝突」)影響;並進ㄧ步探討研究參與者在職場與家庭中所能獲得的社會支持(主管支持、同事支持、家人支持)對其工作家庭衝突與幸福感之調節作用。本研究採用問卷調查法,以臺灣地區在職的失智症家庭照顧者作為樣本,共回收 202 份有效問卷,並使用「工作家庭衝突量表 」、「社會支持量表」與「中國人幸福感量表」 作 為研究工具,研究結果發現:(1)失智症家庭照顧者的工作家庭衝突與幸福感呈顯著負相關;(2)人口屬性方面,男性比女性感受到較多的社會支持,而工作家庭衝突或幸福感會因研究對象的性別、年齡、工作型態、職業、家庭照顧者身分、平均月收入以及每日照顧時間等不同有差異;其中值得注意的是被照顧的失智症患者年齡對家庭照顧者的工作家庭衝突有顯著的差異影響,使看見年輕型失智症的照顧議題。(3)社會支持方面以同事支持能有效緩衝調節「家庭對工作衝突」與幸福感的關係,家人支持能直接影響研究參與 者之幸福感,而主管支持之調節效果不顯著。
When families all over the world have to facing the problems of the diseases and health care issues out of dementia, most family caregivers with dementia need to take care of their dementia patient while maintaining their living and work at same time facing the dilemma of work and family conflict, which in turn affects their physical and mental health and well-being. Therefore, this research aims to explore the relationship between work-family conflict (included two way of “family to work conflict” and “work to family conflict”) and well-being of family caregivers with dementia, and to analyze the moderating effect of the social support (supervisor support, peer support, and family support) between work-family conflict and well-being. In this study, a questionnaire survey was used to collect 202 effective samples from working family caregivers with dementia in Taiwan. “Work-Family Conflict Scale,” “Social Support scale” and “Chinese Happiness Inventory(CHI)” were used as research tools. The results of the study found that: (1) Work-family conflict and well-being of family caregivers with dementia were significantly negatively correlated. (2) Demographically, men felt more social support than women, and work-family conflict or well-being will vary with family caregivers’ gender, age, work type, occupation, monthly income, daily care time and relations to the dementia patient. The age of the dementia patient had a significant differential effect on the family caregivers’ work-family conflict, it caused more attentions to take the health and social care issues of the younger onset dementia into consideration. (3) In terms of social support, peer support effectively buffered the relationship between “family to work conflict” and well-being, family support directly affected well-being, but supervisor support had no moderating effect on work-family conflict and well-being.
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