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研究生: 陳可莙
Chen, Ke-Jyun
論文名稱: 以圖像學分析高端時尚中的女性主義-以Dior 為例
A study on Feminism from Haute Couture by Iconography-Take Dior as an example
指導教授: 林淑華
Lin, Shu-Hua
口試委員: 楊永源
Yang, Yung-Yuan
Shen, Zhong-Yuan
Lin, Shu-Hua
口試日期: 2023/01/16
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系藝術行政暨管理碩士在職專班
Department of Fine Arts_Continuing Education Master's Program of Arts Administration and Management
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 102
中文關鍵詞: 圖像學高端時尚女性主義Dior
英文關鍵詞: Iconography, Haute Couture, Dior, Feminism
研究方法: 個案研究法比較研究圖像學理論分析法文獻分析法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300417
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:239下載:10
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  • 女性主義影響了許多產業發展,高端時尚即是其一,在服裝作品上可觀察出女性自由解放的演進脈絡,其中可發現高端時尚帶有反映當時社會風潮的功能,其從顯眼的外型輪廓演變到透過圖像色彩等細節講述文化意涵,而本研究將以Dior 2022早春度假系列中具有圖像的服裝進行文化意涵的探討及分析。

      Dior深受女性主義的影響,根據脈絡觀察,其女性主義有三大特徵:女性「主我」的定位、重新定義「美」的標準、女性視角的加入,而運用女性視角闡述文化意涵為2016年上任的藝術總監-Maria Grazia Chiuri極為擅長的領域,而年度舉辦的度假系列不僅與各國傳統工藝合作,也深入執行文化研究,2022早春度假系列中的作品即重新詮釋希臘傳統文化及神話故事,此季作品除了服裝剪裁變化外,也將希臘象徵、神話人物的圖像置於服裝上,經由研究結果可發現Chiuri欲傳達的核心概念為女性擁有的「強大力量」,該形象有別於既定印象,同時也翻轉了強大的意義,鼓勵女性跳出外在常態的框架,肯定自我。


    Feminism and its movements caused a great impact on many industries, including Haute couture. We could find that clothes have got a close relationship with feminist revolution history, from silhouette innovation to inner cultural meaning, hence the research will concentrate on Dior 2022 Cruise series to explore further feminine implications.

    According to the development process of Dior, it expresses the core values by designing clothes which had connected deeply with four-waves feminism. There are three main feminine characteristics could be found in Dior’s fashion works: -self repositioned, beauty-standard redefined and female gaze added. As a new creative director, Maria Grazia Chiuri is especially good at the region of applying female gaze in fashion brainstorming. Generally, Dior executes a cultural study intensely before publishing a new Cruise series, then cooperates with traditional workshops in local country. In 2022 Cruise series, Chiuri employs female gaze to represent ancient Greek culture, and she aims to tell ancient Greek mythology in feminine aspect. Chiuri not only adopts the traditional silhouette from Greek clothes, but also puts mythology character images on this series. Based on the result section, those images symbolize a powerful energy in female way, it does not merely mean a strong body or taking control on people, the definition of “power” could be different, Chiuri encourages females got more self-recognitions.

    Haute couture often gets a stereotype that indicates luxury and hierarchy, and there is few studies that focus on clothing by cultural respective in Taiwan. Therefore, Iconography, Comparative analysis, Document analysis and Case study will be used as tools in this research. The result could give researchers or designers which in fashion industry with a fresh viewpoint on creative development and cultural promotion.

    第一章、緒論 1 1-1 研究背景與動機 1 1-2 研究目的 3 1-3 研究範圍與限制 4 1-4 研究流程 4 第二章、文獻探討 6 2-1 時尚之分析 6 2-2 女性主義之分析 15 2-3 女性主義與高端時尚之關係 21 2-4 小結 29 第三章、研究設計 31 3-1 圖像學理論分析法 31 3-2 文獻分析法 32 3-3 個案研究法 33 3-4 比較分析法 33 第四章、DIOR服裝作品之圖像論述 34 4-1 圖像學理論之運用 34 4-2 古希臘藝術作品中的人物角色 63 4-3 DIOR圖像中的女性主義及作用 83 第五章、結論與建議 91 5-1 研究結論 91 5-2 小結 95 5-3 後續研究建議 97 參考文獻 98

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