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研究生: 陳翰聲
Chen, Han-Sheng
論文名稱: 韓德爾神劇《約書亞》七首合唱選曲之指揮詮釋
The Conducting Interpretation of Seven Choruses from Handel’s Oratorio Joshua
指導教授: 孫愛光
Sun, Ai-Kuang
口試委員: 孫愛光
Sun, Ai-Kuang
Liao, Chia-Hong
Chen, Li-Fen
口試日期: 2024/12/20
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 音樂學系
Department of Music
論文出版年: 2025
畢業學年度: 113
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 192
中文關鍵詞: 韓德爾神劇約書亞指揮詮釋合唱
英文關鍵詞: Handel, Oratorio, Joshua, Conducting Interpretation, Choral Music
研究方法: 文獻研究音樂理論分析演出實踐
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202500034
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:192下載:3
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  • 喬治・弗里德里希・韓德爾(George Frideric Handel, 1685-1759)與約翰・塞巴斯蒂安・巴哈(Johann Sebastian Bach,1685-1750)、多明尼哥・史卡拉第(Domenico Scarlatti, 1685-1757)齊名為「巴洛克三巨匠」,可見韓德爾在音樂歷史上的影響力。神劇《約書亞》(Joshua, HWV64, 1747)為韓德爾成熟時期之作,僅耗時32天完成,其中又以合唱音樂部分為人所讚譽,本論文研究之主題便是其成熟時期之作《約書亞》。《以色列的兒子啊》
    本論文旨在研究韓德爾神劇《約書亞》(Joshua)中具有代表性的七首合唱作品,包括:No.2《以色列的兒子啊》(Ye sons of Israel)、No.17《主命令》(The Lord commands)、No.28《榮耀歸與神》(Glory to God)、No.50《偉大的約書亞》(Hail! Mighty Joshua)、No.57《慈悲的天父》(Father of mercy)、No.59《看那凱旋歸來的英雄》(See the conquering hero comes)、No.65《偉大的耶和華》(The great Jehovah)。

    George Frideric Handel (1685-1759), along with Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) and Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757), is renowned as one of the "Three Great Masters of the Baroque Period," underscoring Handel's influence on the history of music. Handel’s oratorio Joshua (HWV 64, 1747) is a work from his mature period, completed in only 32 days, with particular acclaim for its choral music. This paper focuses on seven representative choral pieces from Joshua, specifically: No. 2 "Ye Sons of Israel," No. 17 "The Lord Commands," No. 28 "Glory to God," No. 50 "Hail! Mighty Joshua," No. 57 "Father of Mercy," No. 59 "See the Conquering Hero Comes," and No. 65 "The Great Jehovah."
    The research is based on comprehensive review of relevant literature, analyzing Handel's biography, and the compositional background of the selected works. Furthermore, it explores Handel's inheritance of traditional composing techniques and his innovations in choral music within the oratorio genre. By conducting detailed analysis of the musical elements of these seven choral pieces—including formal structure, sectional organization, contrapuntal techniques, and harmonic frameworks—the author integrates insights from Baroque music theory literature and discussions with the advisor to develop interpretative perspectives and conducting techniques for these works. This study aspires to serve as a valuable reference for conducting students, music professionals, and enthusiasts

    謝辭 i 摘要 iii Abstract iv 目錄 v 表目錄 vii 譜例目錄 ix 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究範圍與內容 3 第三節 研究方法與步驟 5 第二章 韓德爾生平與神劇中的合唱概述 8 第一節 韓德爾生平 8 第二節 韓德爾神劇合唱音樂的沿襲與創新 17 第三節《約書亞》創作背景與七首選曲劇情概要 23 第三章 《約書亞》七首合唱選曲之樂曲分析 27 第一節No.2《以色列的兒子啊》(Ye sons of Israel) 27 第二節No.17《主命令》(The Lord Commands) 37 第三節No.28《榮耀歸與神》(Glory to God) 44 第四節No.50《偉大的約書亞》(Hail! Mighty Joshua) 61 第五節No.57《慈悲的天父》(Father of Mercy) 70 第六節No.59《看那凱旋歸回的英雄》(See the conquering hero comes) 77 第七節No.65《偉大的耶和華》(The great Jehovah) 82 第四章 音樂詮釋與指揮技巧 87 第一節No.2《以色列的兒子啊》(Ye sons of Israel) 91 第二節No.17《主命令》(The Lord commands) 114 第三節No.28《榮耀歸與神》(Glory to God) 124 第四節No.50《偉大的約書亞》(Hail! Mighty Joshua) 142 第五節No.57《慈悲的天父》(Father of mercy) 160 第六節No.59《看那凱旋歸回的英雄》(See the conquering hero comes)168 第七節No.65《偉大的耶和華》(The great Jehovah) 177 第五章 結論 184 參考文獻 187 附錄一: 音樂會編制與排練情況 190 附錄二: 本論文七首合唱曲目歌詞翻譯對照 191

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