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研究生: 張致瑋
chih-Wei Chang
論文名稱: 不同身體活動量之肥胖中年男性心肺適能與心磁圖特性研究
指導教授: 方進隆
Fang, Chin-Lung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 53
中文關鍵詞: 心磁圖心肺功能中年男性肥胖
英文關鍵詞: Magnetocardiography (MCG), Cardiovascular endurance, male of middle age, obesity
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:413下載:6
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  • 中文摘要
    目的:本研究的主要目的為比較身體活動量不同之肥胖中年男性,其心磁圖特性及與心肺功能之差異。方法:本研究招募80位年齡介於45-55歲之中年男性,其中27位體脂肪大於25%,每週身體活動量小於800kcal為低身體活動量組 ( FL組);另有19位體脂肪大於25%,每週身體活動量大於1500kcal為高身體活動量組 ( FH組);以及34位體脂肪小於20%且無規律運動習慣者為對照組 (NN組)。所有受試者均接受身體組成和心磁圖測量以及六分鐘走路測驗。所得資料以單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)考驗各組有無顯著差異,顯著水準訂為p<.05,並以皮爾遜積差相關分析心肺功能與心磁圖參數之相關性。結果:1. NN組之六分鐘走路測驗( 733.5±83.4公尺 )顯著優於FH組( 688.9±68.1公尺 )與FL組( 634.0±68.0公尺 )。2. FL組之心磁圖參數SIQTc ( 0.36±0.07 )顯著高於NN組( 0.27±0.04 )與FH組( 0.25±0.05 ),而FL組QTc dispersion值 ( 106.65±14.79 )顯著高於NN組( 83.77±10.63 )與FH組( 86.63±10.61 );三組之B(x,y)值無顯著差異( NN組0.391±0.028, FL組0.398±0.03, FH組 0.397±0.026 ),而α角亦無顯著差異( NN組100.99±64.48, FL組 116.64±10.52, FH組124.17±13.26 )。3.心肺功能與心磁圖參數呈現負相關(r值介於-.002至-.397之間),心肺功能與SIQTc、QTc dispersion、B(x,y)亦呈顯著相關 (p<.05)。結論:不論身體活動量高低之肥胖中年男性的心肺功能較差,而心磁圖參數顯示肥胖且身體活動量低者之心臟功能較差。

    PURPOSE: The main purpose of this study was to compare the characteristics of magnetocardiography (MCG) and cardiovascular endurance between fat people of middle age who have high physical activity and the ones who don’t. METHODS: There were 80 middle age males (age between 45 and 55) to participate in this research voluntarily. According to the set rules, they fall into three groups, fat people with low-physical activity (Group FL, n=25, Body Fat>25% physical activity less than 800 kcal per week.), fat people with high-physical activity (Group FH, n=19, Body Fat>25% physical activity more than 1500 kcal per week.), and normal body fat with non-exercise (Group NN, n=34, Body Fat<20%) or the control group. All the subjects were measured for the values of body composition, six minutes walk test cardiovascular endurance, and MCG. The obtained data were analyzed by SPSS for Windows 16.0 to undergo the one-way ANOVA to test for the differences among those groups. Through the analysis of Pearson’s product-moment correlation, the correlation between values of endurance capability and MCG was found. RESULTS: 1. The distance of walking six minutes for of Group NN (733.5±83.4meters) are significantly longer than that of Group FL (634.0±68.0 meters) and that of Group FH (688.9±63.1 meters). 2. The MCG result of SIQTc shows Group FL (0.36±0.07) are significant more than that of Group FH(0.25±0.05) and that of Group NN (0.27±0.04); the result of QTc dispersion shows Group FL (106.65±14.79) are significantly higher than that of Group FH(86.63±10.61) and that of Group NN (83.77±10.63); there is no difference among the three groups for the B(x,y), 0.391±0.028 for Group NN, 0.398±0.03 for Group FL, and 0.397±0.026 for Group FH.; there is no difference among the three groups for the α-angle, 100.99±64.48 for Group NN, 116.64±10.52 for Group FL, and 124.17±13.26 for Group FH. 3. Cardiovascular endurance is negatively correlated with the parameter of MCG such as SIQTc, QTc dispersion, B(x,y), and α-angle (values of r are between -.002 and -.397). The correlation of endurance capability and SIQTc, QTc dispersion and B(x,y) reaches the evident correlation of P<.05. CONCLUSION: Group NN have better cardiovascular endurance than Group FL and Group FH because the former have lower body fat; the result of MCG shows Group FL are closely linked to a poorer cardiac function.

    第 壹 章 緒論..........................................1 一、研究背景..........................................1 二、研究目的..........................................3 三、研究假設..........................................3 四、研究限制..........................................4 五、名詞操作型定義.....................................5 第 貳 章 文獻探討.......................................7 一、肥胖對於心臟生理的影響..............................7 二、運動對於心肺功能及心臟生理的影響.....................9 三、心磁圖的發展與應用 ................................12 四、本章小結 .......................................17 第 參 章 研究方法......................................18 ㄧ、實驗對象.........................................18 二、基本生理資料測量..................................19 三、心肺功能測量 ....................................22 四、心磁圖測量.......................................23 五、資料處理與統計分析............................... 26 第 肆 章 研究結果......................................27 一、受試者生理基本資料................................27 二、六分鐘走路測驗結果................................30 三、心磁圖測量結果....................................31 第 伍 章 討論與結論....................................35 一、身體活動量對心肺功能之影響..........................35 二、身體活動量動對心磁參數之探討........................36 三、肥胖對心磁參數之探討...............................39 四、心肺功能與心磁圖之相關.............................40 五、結論.............................................41 六、建議.............................................42 參考文獻...............................................43 一、中文部分..........................................43 二、英文部分..........................................44 附錄...................................................50 一、受試者同意書......................................50 二、健康情況調查表(PAR-Q Form).........................51 三、運動習慣調查表.....................................52 四、運動強度分級參考表.................................53












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