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研究生: 許芷榕
Hsu, Chih-Jung
論文名稱: 國中英語資優彈性課程之實施探討
An Investigation Into Junior High School EFL Teachers' Implementation of English Gifted Alternative Curricula
指導教授: 程玉秀
Cheng, Yuh-Show
口試委員: 葉錫南
Yeh, Hsi-Nan
Tai, Ya-Ming
口試日期: 2021/06/09
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 160
中文關鍵詞: 英語資優教育彈性課程課程發展困難以英語為外語教學
英文關鍵詞: English gifted education, alternative curricula, curriculum development, obstacles, teaching English as a foreign language
研究方法: 觀察研究半結構式訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100604
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:401下載:51
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  • 因為人才發展的需求以及區分性教學的推廣,資優教育逐漸在臺灣獲得關注。本研究旨在調查桃園市英語資優彈性課程的實施,藉以探討課程綱要與實際實施的異同。研究地點選在桃園市係因研究執行時,桃園市有最多的英語資優班與英語資優學生。本研究對象來自三所不同國民中學,共有三位新手英資班教師與三位英資班資深教師參與研究。透過63小時的教室觀察、48次半結構式訪談以及教材和學生作品的蒐集,探討國中英資班教師實施彈性課程時使用的原則和架構以及所遇到的困難和可能的解決方法。

    Gifted education has gradually gained attention in Taiwan because of the needs of talented human resources development and promotion of differentiated teaching. This study investigated implementation of the alternative curricula for English gifted students practiced in Taoyuan City, which had the largest number of English gifted classes and students at the time of study. Six junior high school English teachers from three different junior high schools were recruited. Half of them were novice teachers and half of them were experienced teachers. Data were collected from 63 hours' classroom observations, 48 semi-structured interviews, and copies of teaching materials and students' assignments.
    The results showed that most of the participants tended to create a comfortable and relaxing learning environment. The curricula were content-based and meaning-oriented and focused on facilitation of thinking skills. For the teaching content, the participants mainly used "raw" reading materials related to everyday issues. In the teaching process, the participants made inquiries and led open-ended discussion to boost the students' higher-level thinking skills. Though not commonly used, differentiated learning pace was occasionally observed through adopting different ways of inquiry, setting different task requirements, turning to technology for assistance, and conducting individual discussion with students. The participants mostly expected students to show performances at different levels of Bloom's cognitive taxonomy, while they hardly required students to show affective skills or performances. Also, the participants rarely used explicit rubrics for assessments.
    In implementation of these alternative curricula, the obstacles the participants met were time limitation, difficulty of offering multiple alternative curricula, and difficulty in incorporating English language components into the curriculum. The participants required guidelines for determining the proportion of English use and learning in the alternative curriculum; they also demanded consultation and training on integrating English learning into the curriculum.
    The findings suggest that there is a need for improving teachers' skills of implementing various pacing in English gifted classes and the government should help clarify what is important to teach in alternative curricula. Moreover, the role of alternative curricula for the English gifted students should be reconsidered and clarified by the government.

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS i 摘要 iii ABSTRACT iv TABLE OF CONTENTS vi LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xi CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 Development of Gifted Education in Taiwan 1 Alternative Curricula in Gifted Education 2 Purpose of the Study 3 Research Questions 4 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 5 The Nature of Giftedness 5 Needs and Traits of the Verbally Gifted Learners 7 Curriculum Development 12 Curricula for Verbally Gifted Learners 13 Components of Verbally Gifted Curricula Recommended by Scholars 14 Principles for Verbally Gifted Curriculum Design 17 Studies on the Verbally Gifted Curricula in Taiwan 26 Problems in Implementing Verbally Gifted Curricula in Taiwan 30 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 34 Research Context 34 Participants 35 The Instruments 36 Classroom Observation 36 Semi-Structured Interview 38 Data Collection Procedure 39 Data Analysis 40 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 42 Dove's Case 42 Learning Environment 43 Curriculum Implementation 44 Teaching Content 44 Teaching Process 45 Learning Outcomes 47 Discussion of Dove's Curriculum Implementation 51 Shiitake's Case 53 Learning Environment 54 Curriculum Implementation 56 Teaching Content 56 Teaching Process 57 Learning Outcomes 61 Discussion of Shiitake's Curriculum Implementation 64 Lexa's Case 67 Learning Environment 67 Curriculum Implementation 69 Teaching Content 69 Teaching Process 72 Learning Outcomes 75 Discussion of Lexa's Curriculum Implementation 80 Piske's Case 82 Learning Environment 83 Curriculum Implementation 84 Teaching Content 84 Teaching Process 85 Learning Outcomes 89 Discussion of Piske's Curriculum Implementation 91 Wendy's Case 94 Learning Environment 95 Curriculum Implementation 97 Teaching Content 97 Teaching Process 101 Learning Outcomes 105 Discussion of Wendy's Curriculum Implementation 111 Winnie's Case 115 Learning Environment 115 Curriculum Implementation 117 Teaching Content 117 Teaching Process 119 Learning Outcomes 121 Discussion of Winnie's Curriculum Implementation 124 Summary of the Alternative Curricular Implementation 127 Obstacles and Solutions 133 Time Limitation 133 Difficulty of Offering Multiple Alternative Curricula 136 Difficulty in Incorporating English Language Components 138 Summary of Obstacles and Solutions 138 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION 140 Principles for Alternative Curriculum Development 140 Creating a Comfortable, Relaxing, and of High Mobility-Learning Environments 140 Providing Raw, Content-Based, and Meaning-Focused Learning Materials 141 Adopting Open-ended Questioning, Thinking Skills Promoting, and Differentiated Instruction Strategies 141 Emphasizing Metacognitive and Cognitive Learning Outcomes Without Assessment Rubrics 142 Obstacles and Solutions 142 Implications for Practice and Policy 143 Limitations and Future Directions 144 REFERENCES 145 APPENDICES 153 Appendix A Observation Form 153 Appendix B Pre-Observation Interview Guideline 157 Appendix C Post-Observation Interview Guideline 158 Appendix D Summative Interview Guideline 159 Appendix E Consent Form 160

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