研究生: |
論文名稱: |
獨立遊戲線上博覽會作為實驗展演與體驗創新:以Indie Arena Booth Online 2021 為例 Indie Game Online Expo as an Experimental Performance and Experience Innovation: A Case Study of Indie Arena Booth Online 2021 |
指導教授: |
Lai, Chia-Ling |
口試委員: |
Wei, Ti 王俐容 Wang, Li-Jung 賴嘉玲 LAI, Chia-Ling |
口試日期: | 2022/09/19 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
歐洲文化與觀光研究所 Graduate Institute of European Cultures and Tourism |
論文出版年: | 2022 |
畢業學年度: | 110 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 151 |
中文關鍵詞: | 獨立遊戲 、線上展覽 、體驗經濟 、遊戲化 |
英文關鍵詞: | Independent games, online exhibition, experience economy, gamification |
研究方法: | 個案研究法 、 言談分析 、 半結構式訪談法 、 田野調查法 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201858 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:274 下載:13 |
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由德國企業Super Crowd Entertainment運營的Indie Arena Booth(IAB)是誕生於知名電玩展gamescom的獨立遊戲展覽。在2012年,兩位獨立遊戲開發者Jana Reinhardt與Martin Nerukar在德語區遊戲開發者社群Indie Arena中發起倡議,號召以合租的方式在gamescom中獲得一小塊展覽空間,共同展出獨立遊戲作品,IAB就此誕生。經過近10年的發展, IAB目前已經發展為獨立遊戲領域中具有相當代表性的展覽。在2020年,因應Covid-19疫情,IAB協同gamescom轉型數位形式,推出IAB線上展覽。該展以類似網頁遊戲的形式製作了虛擬場館,並允許參展人自行對展臺進行佈置;次年,因為更多遊戲化要素的加入和更合理的虛擬空間規劃使展覽體驗得到提升,這一創新性的展覽引起了行業內外的廣泛關注。
Indie Arena Booth (IAB), operated by German company Super Crowd Entertainment (SCE), is an independent game exhibition born from the well-known video game exhibition gamescom. In 2012, two independent game developers Jana Reinhardt and Martin Nerukar launched an initiative in the German-speaking game developer community Indie Arena, calling for jointly renting a small exhibition space on gamescom to exhibit independent games, and thereby the IAB was born. After nearly 10 years of development, the IAB expo has now developed into a fairly representative exhibition in the field of independent games. In 2020, in response to the Covid-19 epidemic, IAB collaborated with gamescom to "go digital” and launch the first IAB online exhibition. The exhibition produced a virtual venue in the form of a web game, allowing exhibitors to design and arrange their own booths; In the following year, the exhibition experience was further improved thanks to the involution of more gamification elements and better planning. This innovative exhibition has attracted widespread attention from both inside and outside the industry.
The IAB explores the frontiers of offline and online gaming exhibitions by creating a video game to exhibit video games. This research considers the 2021 IAB online exhibition as an exhibition text and introduces three qualitative research methods, discourse analysis, field observation, and in-depth interview, to discuss three main issues: the evolution and positioning of the IAB independent game exhibition, the form and text of the IAB online expo, and the experience of the IAB online expo.
Video game exhibitions are emerging new stuff, and online independent game exhibitions are presumably unheard of for the public. However, the spirit of the even more niche independent game community behind all these, not blindly following the mainstream, might be the main factor that helps to bring about the experimental exhibition, Indie Arena Booth online expo.
While trying to break free from the exploitation of monopolies under capitalism, independent game developers, with their expertise in game design and production-related skills, have inadvertently provided a new avenue in the exhibition field that the curators have never set foot on or even imagined.
Keywords:Independent games, online exhibition, experience economy, gamification
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