研究生: |
江宜荃 Chiang, Yi Chuan |
論文名稱: |
不同專長的高中生對於幽默廣告的欣賞與理解 The Appreciation and Comprehension of Humorous Advertisements by Senior High School Students with Different Specialties |
指導教授: |
I, Bin |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
設計學系 Department of Design |
論文出版年: | 2012 |
畢業學年度: | 100 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 145 |
中文關鍵詞: | 幽默廣告 、幽默評價與理解 、偏好 、青少年 、學業專長 、性別 |
英文關鍵詞: | humorous advertising, evaluation and comprehension of humor, preference, juvenile, academic specialties, gender |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:376 下載:34 |
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會取向、情感取向三種類型幽默廣告的理解、理解自評、評價、與偏好等反應。 實驗設計經由一次問卷先遣實驗與一次訪談先遣研究後,確立為一 2(性別)× 2(組別)× 3/6(幽默廣告類型/幽默廣告內容)之三因子相依樣本實驗。以三類(共6 支)動態幽默廣告影像作為刺激物。參與者來自台北市與新北市地區高級中學高中生共 48 人,文、理組內男女性各半。實驗全程以一對一的訪談方式進行,以結構式問卷為工具,由研究者詳細記錄參與者觀看個別刺激物後之各項反應。經過MANOVA、Pearson 積差相關統計分析與內容分析法獲得之研究結果顯示:(1)專長組別對於幽默廣告的理解差異較性別顯著,並且文組高中生的理解程度比理組高中生高。(2)兩性之間對於幽默廣告內容的口語解讀敘述有明顯差異。(3)幽默廣告內容對參與者理解與欣賞的影響力大於幽默廣告取向類型,並建議未來研究者不可忽視幽默內容的影響。(4)引發幽默的感覺不見得需要個體對刺激物的全盤理解,只需要一個有趣、出乎意料的引爆點。(5)廣告識讀結果受到畫面內容與個人經驗影響。(6)女性的幽默廣告理解、理解自評、評價、與偏好之間的相關性大於男性。(7)幽默評價與偏好之間的相關程度高於其他反應之間的相關程度。(8)多數參與者皆能正確解讀廣告內容。
This study investigated the reactions (comprehension, self-evaluation of
comprehension, evaluation, and preferences) of senior high school students of
different genders and academic specialties to three types of humorous advertisements
(cognition-oriented, socially oriented, and affectively oriented). We used a three-way
dependent sample experiment design: 2 (gender) × 2 (group) × 3/6 (humorous
advertisement types/ content). Three types of dynamic humorous advertisements (six
altogether) were used as stimuli. We recruited 48 senior high school students from
Taipei City and New Taipei City areas for this study. The participants were majoring
in Humanities and Science, and the participant sexes were balanced between the
groups. Interviews were conducted using a structured questionnaire, and the
researcher recorded the participants’ responses to the stimuli. The results of
multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), Pearson’s product-moment correlation
analysis, and content analysis showed the following: (1) the humorous advertisement
comprehension differences between the specialty groups differed more significantly
than those between sexes. The comprehension of participants majoring in Humanities
was superior to that of the participants majoring in Science; (2) a significant
difference was observed between sexes regarding verbal interpretation and
description of humorous advertisement content; (3) the content of humorous
advertisements had a greater impact on participants’ comprehension and appreciation
compared to advertisement orientation-type; (4) full comprehension of the stimulus
was not necessary to trigger the participants’ sense of the humor of the
advertisement, and only an intriguing or unexpected trigger point was required; (5)
the participants’ interpretation and comprehension of the advertisements was affected by the advertisement image and content and personal experiences; (6) females’
comprehension, self-evaluation of comprehension, and evaluation and preferences for humorous advertisements had a greater correlation compared to that for males; (7) the correlation between evaluation and preferences for humorous advertisements was higher than that between other reactions; and (8) most participants could accurately interpret the advertisement content.
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