簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 王淳璿
Wang, Chun-Syuan
論文名稱: 以五大人格特質探討投資人適合投資的金融商品
Determinants of investment behavior:the roles of personality traits and risk attitude
指導教授: 沈永正
Shen, Yung-Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 57
中文關鍵詞: 五大人格特質時間壓力理論風險承受度金融商品屬性
英文關鍵詞: Big five personality, Time pressure, Risk tolerance, Financial commodities
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202202933
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:472下載:68
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  • 本研究主要在探討五大人格特質與其適合的金融商品,並使用兩個因子:(1)風險承受度(2)時間壓力承受度作為依變數,相較於過去的研究,本研究先從衡量五大人格的特質開始、再加入風險承受度和時間壓力承受度評斷受測者承受的程度,接著從這兩個的程度再去探討跟他們選擇的金融商品是否有關。本研究使用問卷來蒐集資料,並使用相關性分析、ANOVA分析、Spearman分析來檢視五大人格特質與金融商品的排序是否有關。研究對象以全國大專院校的學生和研究所二年級的學生為主,投資經驗在一年以下為主,次之則為兩、三年。本研究總共回收有效問卷131份,回收率為87%。

    This study mainly discusses five personality traits and their suitable financial products, and uses two factors : (1) Risk tolerance (2) Time pressure tolerance as the dependent variable, compared with past studies, this study begins with the measurement of the characteristics of the five personalities, the degree to which the risk tolerance and the time pressure tolerance are assessed, and then discusses whether the financial goods they choose are related to each other. This study uses questionnaires to collect data, and uses Pearson correlation analysis, ANOVA analysis, and Spearman analysis to examine whether the five personality traits are related to the sequencing of financial goods. The subjects of the study were the students of the National Colleges and universities and the second grade of the Institute, and the investment experience was mainly under one years, followed by two or three years. In this study, a total of 131 effective questionnaires were collected and the recovery rate was 87%.
    The results show that extraversion and experiential openness are positively correlated with risk tolerance, and there is no significant correlation between Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, Agreeableness and risk tolerance. A person with a neurotic trait has a low time pressure tolerance; a person with a conscientious trait has a high degree of time pressure, an extrovert trait, a person with an experiential openness, and an agreeable trait that has no significant correlation with time pressure; among them, the openness to experience are higher than the agreeable characteristics of its risk tolerance, in addition, the openness to experience are higher than the conscientious characteristics of its risk tolerance. At present, there is no direct relationship between the five personality traits and the order of financial commodities. This study suggest that it should add different factors to explore if the big five personalities and financial products are related in the future, it is also possible to compare the public and professional investors by grouping, making use of the control group in the financial sector, one apply to the less experienced investors, and the other apply to professional investors to reduce the pressure tolerance of investors and to select the financial goods which suitable for them.

    目錄 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究背景與動機 8 1.2 研究流程與架構 10 第二章 文獻探討 2.1 人格特質理論起源 11 2.2 五大人格特質 12 2.3 金融商品分類及其相關研究 13 2.4 人格特質與投資相關文獻整理 15 2.5 時間壓力相關文獻整理 16 第三章 研究方法 3.1 研究架構 17 3.2 研究假說 18 3.3 操作性定義與問卷設計 24 第四章 資料分析 4.1 人口統計樣本資料 34 4.2 信度分析 35 4.3 相關分析 36 4.4 ANOVA變異數分析 39 4.5 Spearman等級相關分析 43 4.6 假說結果整理表 45 第五章 結論與建議 5.1 研究發現 47 5.2 研究貢獻 47 5.3 研究限制 48 5.4 建議 48 參考文獻 49 附錄 50 圖目錄 圖1-1 2000~2017年主要總體經濟指標 8 圖1-2 研究架構圖 10 圖3-1 本研究架構 17 圖3-2 風險等級指標 資料來源:富蘭克林 邱良弼 32 表目錄 表2-1 金融商品屬性分類表 13 表2-2 時間壓力相關文獻 16 表3-1 本研究假說 21 表3-2 五大人格特質量表 24 表3-3 風險承受度量表 26 表3-4 風險承受度計分表 28 表3-5 風險承受度等級表 28 表3-6 時間壓力承受度量表 29 表3-7 時間壓力承受等級表 30 表3-8 投資時間壓力承受度解說表 31 表3-9 金融商品平報酬表 33 表3-10 金融商品歷史平均報酬率(近20年) 33 表4-1 人口統計樣本資料表 34 表4-2 Cronbach’s alpha係數判定表 35 表4-3 信度表 36 表4-4 描述性統計量表 36 表4-5 Pearson相關係數表(風險承受度) 37 表4-6 Pearson相關係數表(時間壓力承受度) 38 表4-7 ANOVA變異數分析-描述性統計量 40 表4-8 單因子變異數分析 40 表4-9 多重比較表 41 表4-10 Spearman等級相關表(風險承受度) 43 表4-11 Spearman等級相關表(時間壓力承受度) 44 表4-12 假說結果整理表 45

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