研究生: |
劉繕榜 Shan-Pang Liu |
論文名稱: |
國中數學資優生尺規作圖表現之探討 Investigation into the performance of junior high mathematically gifted students in straightedge and compass construction problems |
指導教授: |
Tam, Hak-Ping |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
科學教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Science Education |
論文出版年: | 2000 |
畢業學年度: | 88 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 157頁 |
中文關鍵詞: | 尺規作圖 、幾何證明 、圖形 |
英文關鍵詞: | straightedge and compass construction, geometry proof, graph |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:372 下載:56 |
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The main focus of this study is to find out (1) what kinds of mistakes will mathematically gifted students at junior high level commit while solving construction problems; (2) what kind of influence will previously solved related problems have on students solving construction problems; (3) which kind of models will they use to solve construction problems and the extent of help in the use of auxiliary problem; (4) what extent of relationship is there between students' construction ability and their performance in solving geometry proof problems, and (5) what kinds of mistakes will they make while proving their construction result. This research was carried out in the format of a teaching experiment that lasted from September 1999 to February 2000, right before the geometry units were formally taught in regular classes, the duration of the whole experiment amounted to 36 hours (12 times). The content materials were designed by a group of mathematics education researchers, and included such topics as the equilateral triangle, similar triangle, straightedge and compass construction, circle, tangent, the theorem of Ceva and other topics. The subjects of this research are 21 junior high mathematically gifted students. They had represented Taiwan to join a couple of international mathematical contests when they were in primary school. The teaching experiment was conducted in a small group discussion format.
In order to collect data that would throw light on the research questions raised in study, three tools were specially design for this purpose. They were: (1) the basic straightedge and compass construction ability assessment tool administered before the teaching experiment; (2) the construction assessment tool administered during and after the teaching experiment; (3) specially selected problems accompanied with in-depth interview administered at the conclusion of the study. Base on their performance on the pretest, the students were classified as being of high, medium or low construction ability before they entered this study. Their subsequent performances were analyzed with reference to their basic ability. Their performances on the other two instruments were analyzed of solving construction problems after learning and the information by both qualitative and quantitative means.
It was found that several of the gifted students encountered two kinds of difficulties when solving the construction problems; namely, the difficulties due to misconception, and difficulties due to misinterpretation of the diagrams. The latter could further be divided into the misinterpretation of the rough sketches, and the misinterpretation of the given diagrams. It was suggested that the reasons why some of the students encountered those difficulties were due to the misconception, that they
had, and to their weakness in being able to mentally check their argument. The above observation was based on detailed analysis of their performance in solving pure proof problems and to their responses while attempting various operations on the diagrams. Subsequent interviews further substantiated the diagnosis mentioned above.
Besides, it was found that there were statistically significant relationship among the students' performance in solving construction problems, in proving the validity of their constructed diagram and in solving pure proof problems. For example, if a student performed well on construction problems, he/she would, generally speaking, performed well in the other types of problems, and vice versa. It was also found that the high, medium, and low construction ability groups performed significant differently in proving the validity of their constructed diagrams and in solving pure proof problems. More specifically, the students in the high construction ability group performed better than the other groups in solving proof problems. Furthermore, it was found that some of the weaknesses as demonstrated by students in proving the validity of the constructed diagrams included adding in conditions not mentioned in the problems, tautology and in providing proofs without words.
Another finding was that some students were influenced by the diagrams in the construction problems that they had previously solved. Moreover, the differences in what be students recalled would manifest into individual differences in the way they solved the construction problems. By analyzing the interviews of three particular students in detail, this research further suggested that there were at least three different approaches to solve construction problems. They were namely, recalling related problem approach, trial and verify approach, and conjecture and inference approach. Other data indicated that the auxiliary problems designed were helpful to some students in solving construction problems.
Based on the above findings, it was suggested that while teaching straightedge and compass construction, teachers should encourage the students to draw sketch diagrams or try to operate with hands. He/she should strengthen the students knowledge in geometry that were applicable to solve construction problems. At the same time, the teacher could design a series of auxiliary problems that were related to some construction problems, and encouraged the students to solve them first so as to increase their problem solving experience. As for those students with misconception, it was suggested that teachers should adopt a cognitive conflict strategy, and to encourage students to always prove their constructed diagrams as a means to strengthen the students' ability in construction.
As for the future research direction, it was suggested that more research should be directed towards studying the performances of students with various abilities on the kinds of problems discussed in this study. On the other hand, owing to the scarcity of empirical studies in straightedge and compass construction, it was suggested that more research should be conducted along this vein. The knowledge and experiment thus gathered should be of much value in improving students' ability to solve construction problems.
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