研究生: |
王稚云 Wang,Chih-Yun |
論文名稱: |
室內設計服務採購之消費者決策探討-以大台北地區為例 Consumer decision making of interior design services procurement-Taipei area for example |
指導教授: |
Liang, Kuei-Chia |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
設計學系 Department of Design |
論文出版年: | 2012 |
畢業學年度: | 100 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 126 |
中文關鍵詞: | 室內設計 、客製化 、消費者決策 |
英文關鍵詞: | interior design, customization, consumer decision making |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:246 下載:0 |
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但是,在知識普及化的時代,消費者在蒐集資料上就容易得多,除了透過親友介紹,同時也會選擇透過網路搜尋或是其他的管道來尋找設計業者,消費者做服務採購的決策就顯得相當重要。本研究針對室內設計之消費者編制「室內設計之消費者決策探討調查問卷」,針對消費者在進行室內設計服務採購做決策的探討,依照五個變項分別為: 性別、年齡、婚姻狀況、年收入及居住區域,及十三個題目所彙整統計。總共預計調查250份問卷,最後收回205份,有效問卷199份,有效回收率79.6%。
Interior design is the kind of highly customized business with rather high amount of consumption expense, and so before consumer is to conduct the decision of service purchase they would usually do a lot of comparisons in order to avoid suffering loss and lower risk. On the other hand, the sources of clients for interior design operators in the past would be clients that are being referred by others.
However, in times of knowledge popularization it would be lot easier for consumers to collect information. Aside from referral by relative and friend, they can, at the same time, have sought operators of interior design through network search or other channels, and it is why decision making by consumer for service purchase can become so important. This study would focus on consumers for interior design to compose “investigation survey questionnaire on consumer decision making for interior design,” and it would place on the investigation of decision making by consumers as they conduct service purchase of interior design, which are proceeded according to five variables respectively as gender, age, marital status, annual income, and residence area, totaling 13 questions for organization and statistics. As a whole, 250 questionnaires are sent out, with 205 copies retrieved, and valid questionnaires are 199 copies, with availability rate reaching 79.6%.
And research results are indicated as follows:
Before consumers for interior design are to conduct service purchase, 68% of them would request friends and relatives as they seek for designer, 47% would search for key word through network, 38% would make use of network platform to search or select designer, 67% would select three to five designing companies as basis for comparison to lower the risk of designer selection, 58% of the consumers care most if the interior designing operator is legal, 41% of the consumers care most about the actual engineering performance of the design company, 26% of the consumers care about the case-reception approach of the design company, 34% of the consumers care if the designer is equipped with professional license and competence, 63% of the consumers care about the design style of the designer, and 53% of the consumers care about the related expense of design. Given with the aforementioned issues, 22% of the consumers would care about company reputation, and 6% about company location.
Interior design is the kind of purchase item that would need intensive involvement, and the processes of service purchase conducted by consumers are rather extensive and complicated; besides, what can be offered by interior design operator is, oftentimes, far from the expectation of consumers. Therefore, it would become the top priority of consumers if the design operators can, through service perspective, appreciate the difference and accommodate the expectation of customers and needs they care for, and such an issue would then become the major focus for subsequent study.
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