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研究生: 葉亭君
論文名稱: 媒體素養種子教師實施媒體素養教育之成效
Effects of Media Literacy Education by a Seed Teacher of Media Literacy
指導教授: 黃惠萍
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 社會教育學系
Department of Adult and Continuing Education
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 240
中文關鍵詞: 媒體素養媒體素養教育種子教師媒體素養教育成效
英文關鍵詞: Media literacy, Media literacy education, Seed teacher, Effects of Media Literacy Education
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:1038下載:0
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  • 隨著傳播科技的進步,媒體已是兒青族獲得資訊、形塑觀點的重要來源。因此,媒體素養教育益形重要。我國教育部於2002年10月24日公佈《媒體素養教育政策白皮書》,但在教育現場僅有少數關切媒體素養議題之國小教師進行相關教學。過去相關研究大多探討教師之媒體素養認知、實施現況或是兒青族之媒體識讀能力,針對媒體素養教育可能成效之研究並不多,就媒體素養種子教師實施媒體素養教育成效之觀察更是有限。

    With the advances in communication technologies, the mass media have become the main source for adolescents and children to acquire information and shape viewpoints. Media literacy education has become increasingly important. Although the Ministry of Education in Taiwan announced “The Government’s Media Literacy White Paper” on October 24, 2002, only a small number of concerned teachers teach media literacy in elementary schools. Also, past studies most focus on examining teachers’ viewpoints of media literacy, the implementation of media literacy education, or adolescents’ media literacy ability. Not many studies examine the effectiveness of media literacy education. Research focuses on the effectiveness of the media literacy education by Seed Teachers of Media Literacy is even limited.
    This study used an experimental teaching method and through the assistance of Media Literacy Center, cooperated with a Seed Teacher of Media Literacy to conduct the teaching experiment. It takes the Seed Teacher‘s class as the experimental group (n = 23), and the other one of the same fifth grade as the control group (n = 23). This study used both quantitative and qualitative methods to examine the implementation and effectiveness of media literacy education.
    Result shows that the Seed Teacher of Media Literacy used an independent curriculum to implement media literacy education and used didactic instruction, Socratic questioning, and students’ sharing as teaching methods. The Seed Teacher mainly used newspapers as teaching materials, supplemented by films, TV news clips, advertising and information from the Internet.
    As to teaching effectiveness, students of the experimental group show media literacy abilities in after-class interviews. After media literacy education, the experimental group students also show significant progress in the total media literacy score, especially in the dimensions of "understanding the content of media messages" and "analysis of media organizations". Compared with the control group students, the experimental group students show significantly higher scores in the media literacy scale and the dimension of "analysis of the media organization".
    This study also examined the students’ media use behavior and their attitudes toward different types of media. Results show that after receiving media literacy education, the experimental group students show no significant difference in their media use pattern. But some of their attitudes toward the media have changed. For the experimental group students, the credibility of TV content has significant decreased. This may be related to the fact that the Seed Teacher of Media Literacy used TV news clips as teaching materials to demonstrate commercialization of TV news content.
    The importance of the media for the students has also changed. After media literacy education, TV replaced the Internet as the most important media for the experimental group students, and the Internet and broadcasting become less important. The top three important media for the experimental group are as follows: TV, the Internet, and newspaper. This indicates that TV still plays an important role for children. As the Seed Teacher of Media Literacy of this study did not only use newspapers but also used many TV news clips as teaching materials, this may increase the important of TV for children.
    As to findings from qualitative research, this study used classroom observations, after-class interviews and worksheets to examine students’ reactions to media literacy education and their related abilities. Results show that, students prefer pragmatic and interesting topics with new information and welcome interactive teaching methods. As to media literacy abilities, students of the experimental group show progress in "understanding the content of media messages". They are also good at identifying media stereotypes, explaining the relationships between media content and social realities, and interpreting the ideologies behind media representations. In the "analysis of media organizations," students of the experimental group also can understand effects of media ownership on media content.
    Overall, results from the quantitative and qualitative analyses of this study both indicate that the media literacy education implemented by the Seed Teacher of Media Literacy have effects on children’s media literacy abilities.

    中文摘要 i 英文摘要 ii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題 7 第二章 文獻探討 8 第一節 媒體識讀與媒體素養 8 第二節 國內外媒體素養發展 23 第三節 媒體類型與讀報教育 34 第四節 國內媒體素養師資培育與讀報教育研究 57 第三章 研究設計與實施 61 第一節 研究方法 61 第二節 研究場域與研究對象 63 第三節 資料蒐集與分析方式 67 第四節 研究工具 73 第五節 實施程序 82 第四章 媒體素養教育實施與成效觀察 83 第一節 媒體素養教育之課程架構與內容 84 第二節 媒體素養種子教師實施媒體素養教育之教育內涵 102 第三節 媒體素養種子教師實施媒體素養教育之成效 118 第四節 媒體素養教學成效之量化分析 152 第五節 實驗組學童對實驗教學之反應觀察 177 第六節 訪談資料與問卷資料綜合討論 202 第五章 結論與建議 204 第一節 研究結論 204 第二節 研究限制與建議 211 參考文獻 中文部分 215 英文部分 221 附錄一 國小學童媒體素養研究調查問卷 225 附錄二 媒體素養教育課程內容表 232 附錄三 訪談大綱 239 表次 表3-1 本研究實驗設計63 表3-2 研究目的、研究問題及資料來源對照表72 表3-3 本研究媒體素養量表題項與媒體素養能力指標對應表76  表3-4 媒體素養量表前後測之項目與信度分析79 表3-5 本研究之分量表信度81 表4-1 實驗組與控制組在媒體素養總量表前測之差異考驗表154 表4-2 實驗組與控制組在媒體素養總量表後測之差異考驗表154 表4-3 實驗組與控制組前後測成績及進步幅度摘要表 155 表4-4 實驗組在總量表及分量表前後測之差異考驗表 156 表4-5 控制組在總量表及分量表前後測之差異考驗表 157 表4-6 實驗組學童每週讀報天數前後測之差異考驗表 159 表4-7 實驗組學童每日讀報時數前後測之差異考驗表 159 表4-8 實驗組對讀報之喜好態度前後測之差異考驗表 160 表4-9 實驗組學童喜歡讀報原因之前後測次數分配表 161 表4-10 實驗組學童讀報是否遭遇困難前後測之差異考驗表161 表4-11 實驗組學童會否與他人討論報紙內容前後測之差異考驗表162 表4-12 實驗組學童對報紙相信程度前後測之差異考驗表163 表4-13 實驗組學童每日網路使用時數前後測之差異考驗表163 表4-14 實驗組學童對網路資訊相信程度前後測之差異考驗表164 表4-15 實驗組學童每日收看電視時數前後測之差異考驗表165 表4-16 實驗組學童每週收看電視日數前後測之差異考驗表165 表4-17 實驗組學童對電視節目相信程度前後測之差異考驗表166 表4-18 實驗組學童是否有收聽廣播行為前後測之差異考驗表167 表4-19 實驗組學童每日收聽廣播時數前後測之考驗差異表167 表4-20 實驗組學童對廣播內容相信程度前後測之考驗差異表168 表4-21 實驗組學童是否有閱讀雜誌行為前後測之考驗差異表169 表4-22 實驗組學童每日閱讀雜誌時數前後測之考驗差異表169 表4-23 實驗組學童對雜誌內容相信程度前後測之考驗差異表170 表4-24 實驗組學童五大媒體相信程度差異考驗表172 表4-25 實驗組學童五大媒體重要程度差異考驗表173 表4-26 實驗組學童五大媒體使用頻率差異考驗表174 表4-27 實驗組學童五大媒體主要資訊來源差異考驗表175 圖次 圖3-1 研究架構圖 62


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