研究生: |
陳元裕 Chen, Yuan-Yu |
論文名稱: |
中頻振動輔助研磨機開發與單晶鑽石陣列微溝磨削研究 Development of medium-frequency vibration assisted grinding machine and research of grinding micro-groove array on a monocrystalline diamond |
指導教授: |
Chen, Shun-Tong |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
機電工程學系 Department of Mechatronic Engineering |
論文出版年: | 2018 |
畢業學年度: | 106 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 154 |
中文關鍵詞: | 單晶鑽石 、微溝槽陣列 、智能化磨削力回饋 、中頻振動輔助磨削 |
英文關鍵詞: | Monocrystalline diamond, Microgroove array, Intellectualized grinding-force feedback, Medium-frequency vibration-assisted grinding |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DME.007.2018.E08 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:159 下載:2 |
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本研究旨在對單晶鑽石材料,開發一種「中頻振動輔助磨削」的加工技術,目的在單晶鑽石材料上進行陣列微溝槽的磨削研究。實驗之初,先行開發低重心且左右對稱的高速研磨機雛型系統,並於此系統上建立「振動輔助磨削」、「高速快淺磨削」及「智能化磨削力回饋」等技術,使單晶鑽石能在數百nm深度下被磨削加工。「中頻振動」係利用壓電平台產生頻率500 Hz,振幅10 nm的往復式振動,用以推動單晶鑽石撞擊高速旋轉中的含硼聚晶鑽石磨輪,使單晶鑽石表面產生奈米級的微裂紋,以便磨輪能輕易將表面破碎層磨除,並降低磨削阻抗。實驗證實,在中頻振動輔助下,每道磨削深度0.3 μm時,可獲得Ra 0.03 µm的表面粗糙度,微溝槽能在高速快淺磨削機制下成形;為獲得更高的微溝表面品質,本研究於研磨機雛型系統上,建構智能化磨削技術,透由偵測壓電平台的即時回饋電流,感測磨削力,進行磨削進給速度之調變。由實驗證明,表面粗糙度從Ra 0.03 µm改善至Ra 0.01 µm,並能降低微溝表面的微細裂痕與顫振紋路發生。實驗證實,本研究成功磨削出3×3陣列,彼此間距80 μm的微細溝槽,且溝槽表面性狀具高一致性,證實本研究所開發之製程技術,能於單晶鑽石材料上,能進行微細溝槽之加工,其製程所需成本低,且容易控制,深具商業化價值。
This study presents the development of a medium-frequency vibration-assisted grinding technique for grinding microgroove array on monocrystalline diamond (MCD). First of all, a high-speed grinding machine prototype with low-profile and bilateral symmetry design is developed in this study. A vibration-assisted technique, a high-speed & fast-shallow grinding, and an intellectualized grinding-force feedback are constructed on the prototype for grinding microgroove within a few hundred micrometres in depth for each stroke. The technique of ‘medium-frequency vibration’, by which a reciprocating vibration with the frequencies of 500 Hz and 10 nm in amplitudes is generated by the piezoelectric actuator, is operated to push the workpiece (i.e. MCD) for precisely crushing the high-speed rotation polycrystalline diamond (PCD) grinding wheel. Numerous nano-scale microcracks are thus created on the surface of the workpiece so that these microcracks facilitate material removal by the PCD wheel tool, and also helped lengthen tool life. Experimental results show that the microgrooves with a surface roughness of Ra0.03 µm can be achieved when medium-frequency vibration assistance and the 0.3 μm/stroke grinding depth are employed. Combining the designed intellectualized grinding-force feedback with regulating the real-time current of grinding, the surface finish of microgroove is improved from Ra0.03 µm drop to Ra0.01 µm, which minimizes microcracks and chatter marks. A consistent microgroove array of 3×3 with 80 μm in interval is verified successfully demonstrated that the proposed medium-frequency vibration-assisted grinding technique and the intellectualized grinding-force feedback should be useful for machining the microgrooves on monocrystalline diamond. It is expected that the developed hybrid techniques of this study will be contribute to the field of biomedical engineering industries.
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