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研究生: 范馨云
Hsin-Yun Fan
論文名稱: 基督徒諮商員靈性諮商概念形成及其在不同督導團體階段之變化
Christian Counselors' Case Formulations Incorporating Spirituality and Changes in the Different Supervision Group Phases
指導教授: 陳秉華
Chen, Ping-Wha
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 204
中文關鍵詞: 知識結構基督徒諮商員概念形成概念構圖法靈性諮商
英文關鍵詞: case formulation, Christian counselor, conceptual mapping method, incorporating spirituality into counseling, knowledge structure
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:389下載:29
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  • 本研究之目的為探討基督徒諮商員對於基督徒當事人的靈性諮商概念形成內涵,以及在不同督導團體階段之概念形成內涵與知識結構的變化情形。本研究採取混合研究方法與單組時間序列的準實驗設計,於督導團體前期、中期、後期各以概念構圖法蒐集研究參與者的概念構圖,並使用質性的開放編碼與主軸編碼程序,以及量化的Friedman二因子等級變異數分析進行資料分析。本研究之抽樣方法為目的性取樣,研究參與者為13位全程參加融入基督宗教的靈性諮商課程之後,繼續參加融入基督宗教的靈性諮商督導團體之基督徒諮商員。研究結果發現:1.基督徒諮商員的靈性諮商概念形成內涵共包括四大核心類別、十四項類別與五十三項次類別,並以心理-社會-靈性為主要架構,具有融入基督宗教靈性觀、採取心理-社會-靈性多面向觀點、採取發展性成長取向、增加靈性處遇與介入等特點。2.基督徒諮商員在不同督導團體階段的概念形成內涵有所改變,包括減少有關當事人靈性問題之概念,以及增加有關當事人正向靈性經驗之概念。3.基督徒諮商員在不同督導團體階段的概念形成知識結構有所改變,主要為增加知識結構的廣泛性。研究者並根據研究結果與發現提出研究限制,同時針對未來研究、諮商專業訓練與督導、諮商實務工作提出相關建議。

    The purposes of this study were to explore the Christian counselors' case formulations which incorporating spirituality about the Christian clients, and to examine the changes of the contents and knowledge structures of Christian counselors' case formulations in the different supervision group phases. Mixed-methods was chosen and one-group time series of quasi-experimental design was used in this study. The conceptual mapping method was conducted in the pre-phase, mid-phase and late phase of the supervision group to collect research data, and the researcher combined the open coding and axial coding procedures of qualitative methods, and the Friedman two-way analysis of variance by ranks of quantitative methods to analyze data. The purposive sampling was used, and the participants were thirteen Christian counselors who had both completed a course of integrating spirituality into counseling, and participated in the Christian-based spiritually integrated counseling supervision group. The research findings indicated: 1.Four core categories, fourteen categories and fifty-three subcategories were included in the contents of Christian counselors' case formulations and rooted in the psycho-social-spiritual framework, and these categories possessed four distinctive features: incorporating Christian-based spirituality, taking the multidimensional perspectives of psycho-social-spiritual, taking the developmental-growth approach, and increasing the spiritual interventions. 2.The contents of Christian counselors' case formulations had changed in the different supervision group phases, including decreasing the concepts related to Christian clients' spiritual problems, and increasing the concepts related to Christian clients' positive spiritual experiences. 3.The knowledge structures of Christian counselors' case formulations had changed in the different supervision group phases, that knowledge structures became more extensive in the late phase of the supervision group. Results were discussed and recommendations for future study, professional training, supervision, and clinical counseling work were also proposed.

    誌謝詞......................................................i 中文摘要..................................................iii 英文摘要....................................................v 目次......................................................vii 表次.......................................................ix 圖次.......................................................xi 第一章 緒論................................................1 第一節 研究動機與研究重要性..............................1 第二節 研究目的、問題與假設..............................8 第三節 名詞釋義..........................................9 第二章 文獻探討...........................................15 第一節 靈性與宗教之界定.................................15 第二節 基督宗教之信仰內涵與靈性觀.......................22 第三節 靈性諮商概念形成之內涵...........................31 第四節 概念構圖法與概念形成知識結構之測量...............55 第三章 研究方法...........................................69 第一節 混合研究設計.....................................69 第二節 研究參與者.......................................76 第三節 研究工具.........................................78 第四節 研究程序.........................................88 第五節 研究資料處理與分析...............................89 第六節 研究品質的檢核...................................99 第七節 研究倫理的檢核..................................102 第四章 研究結果..........................................105 第一節 靈性諮商概念形成內涵之分析結果..................105 第二節 不同督導團體階段之概念形成內涵的差異分析........115 第三節 不同督導團體階段之概念形成知識結構的差異分析....119 第五章 討論..............................................125 第一節 基督徒諮商員靈性諮商概念形成之內涵..............125 第二節 基督徒諮商員靈性諮商概念形成內涵之變化..........145 第三節 基督徒諮商員概念形成知識結構之變化..............152 第六章 結論與建議........................................159 第一節 結論............................................159 第二節 研究限制........................................160 第三節 建議............................................163 第四節 研究貢獻........................................167 參考文獻..................................................171 中文部分................................................171 西文部分................................................176 附錄......................................................201 附錄一 「融入靈性的諮商督導團體」招募函................201 附錄二 研究參與同意書..................................202 附錄三 研究參與者基本資料表............................203 附錄四 協同分析保密同意書..............................204

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