研究生: |
徐琬庭 Hsu, Wan-Ting |
論文名稱: |
探討社會性科學議題導向課程中11年級生小組互動對其社會性科學推理的影響 The influence of 11th-grade students’ group interactions on their socioscientific reasoning in a SSI-based curriculum |
指導教授: |
Hsu, Ying-Shao |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
科學教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Science Education |
論文出版年: | 2020 |
畢業學年度: | 108 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 88 |
中文關鍵詞: | 社會性科學與永續性推理 、社會性科學議題 、小組互動 |
英文關鍵詞: | Socioscientific Issues, Socioscientific Reasoning, Small-Group Interactions |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202001591 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:386 下載:25 |
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本研究旨在探討社會性科學議題導向的課程中,11年級高中生的小組互動情形及其對學生在社會性科學與永續性推理(socioscientific and sustainability reasoning,簡稱S3R)模式下,社會性科學推理能力的影響。研究對象為我國11年級高中學生,以便利取樣的方式,選取中部一所合作高中的兩班社會組學生為研究樣本,有效樣本數87人。研究採混合式的實驗研究法,輔以單組前、後測設計,檢視施以社會性科學議題「氣候變遷海岸防護大作戰」的課程成效、學生在該課程中展現的小組互動模式,並探討這些小組互動模式如何影響學生S3R的學習。收集的研究資料有:學生的前、後測、個人學習單、小組討論錄音錄影檔。透過推論性統計與內容分析方法,研究結果顯示全體學生在進行SSI導向課程後,其S3R並無顯著差異,t(86) = -0.548,p>0.05。而不同先備S3R對學生的學習成效沒有影響,F(2)=1.577,p>0.05。另外,在探討課程中不同小組互動模式對學生S3R之學習成效的影響上,結果發現就算高層次的小組互動模式也不一定能促進學生之S3R,而是要看討論內容之深度;而小組互動模式中的「破碎型互動」,無與他人有明顯互動的學生之S3R也仍有機會受到提升。
This study aims to explore the influence of the SSI-based curriculum on students’ group interactions and their socioscientific reasoning (SSR). Eighty-seven 11th-grade students who were from middle Taiwan participated in this case study. The case study supplemented with a one group pre-and post-test design was conducted to examine the effect of SSI-based curriculum on students’ SSR, the types of students’ group interaction demonstrated in this curriculum, and how these types of group interactions influenced students’ SSR in a SSI context. The inferential statistic and content analysis were adopted to analyze students’ responses in the pre- and post-test, the individuals’ worksheets, and the video and audio recording of students’ interactive behaviors and verbal discourses. The results indicated that all students didn’t have significant differences on their SSR (t=-0.548, p>0.05) after the SSI-based curriculum. However, students' who had different prior SSR had no significant differences on learning effectiveness, F (2) = 1.577, p >0.05. Moreover, considering to the effect of different group interactions to students’ SSR, we found that even high-level group interactions does not necessarily promote students’ SSR, but depends on the depth of the discussion content, while in the “broken interaction” of the group interactions, students’ SSR without obvious interaction with others still has a chance to be improved.
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