研究生: |
翁鵲旻 |
論文名稱: |
大台北地區女性之舞台劇消費行為與行銷策略研究 A Study on Marketing Strategy and Consumer Behavior for Stage Plays in Greater Taipei`s Female consumers |
指導教授: | 夏學理 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
表演藝術研究所 Graduate Institute of Performing Arts |
論文出版年: | 2010 |
畢業學年度: | 98 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 193 |
中文關鍵詞: | 女性 、觀眾 、消費行為 、生活型態 、行銷策略 、舞台劇 |
英文關鍵詞: | female, audience, consumer behavior, lifestyle, marketing strategy, theater |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:495 下載:0 |
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管理顧問公司 Boston Consulting Group(BCG) 最新研究報告發現,在全球經濟歷經嚴重衰退之後,女性消費能力卻開始蠢蠢欲動。在鄰近的亞洲地區,女性消費人口達十三億人,估計2014年將成長到十五億人(Dr.Yuwa Hedrick-Wong,2004)。行政院主計處的資料指出,2008年女性佔全國就業人口的49.7%,較1998年(45.6%)增加4.1個百分點,創歷年新高(行政院主計處,2008)。根據萬事達卡全球資料庫,亞太地區資料庫,亞洲人口統計數據估計至2014,台灣女性花在個人休閒或文藝活動等支出,將近140億美元。
而近年來,在這樣一個物質不虞匱乏、力求感性與情境塑造的經濟型態的社會下,人們開始追求精神層次的提升,促使文化藝術也成為主要的休閒活動之一。全球頂尖行銷大師彼德斯(Peters, Tom):「在可見的未來,女性市場是最強大的商機。」本研究將在現今如此龐大又快速倍增的女性消費市場,找出針對女性觀眾及女性潛在觀眾的行銷策略,拓展女性戲劇觀眾之人數。
A new research by international management consulting firm Boston Consulting Group (BCG) has found that in the global economy through the serious decline, ability to start consuming just around the corner. In neighbouring Asian countries female population, an estimated $ 1.2 billion people by the year 2014 grown to a $ 1.5 billion people (Dr.Yuwa Hedrick-Wong, 2004). Directorate of data pointed out that the 2008, women accounted for national employment 49.7%, higher than the 1998 years (45.6%)It’s a percentage point 4.1 record high of and the highest of years. ( Directorate, 2008). According to the MasterCard global database ,Asian database and a reminder of the Asian population is estimated to 2014 , Taiwanese women spend their leisure or expenditure of literary and artistic activities and so on, with nearly US $ 14 billion.
And in recent years, in such a well-off materially, perceptual and creation of creditability economic style of the society, people began to pursue the promotion of the spirit level to promote culture and art has become one of the main leisure activities. According to, 2005 and 2006 the Council for Cultural Affairs (the CCA, Taiwan). The world's top marketing master Peter (Peters, Tom) Desmond: "In the foreseeable future, female consumer market is the most powerful in business opportunities. "The study will in what is now so large and rapid multiplication of the female consumer market, and find out for women of the audience's marketing strategy to expand the number of female audience.
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