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研究生: 王嘉寧
Wang, Chia-Ning
論文名稱: 數位單眼相機消費者生活型態及消費者行為之研究-以女性為例
A Study on Lifestyle and Consumer Behavior of Interchangeable-lens Camera-A Case of Female Users
指導教授: 朱文增
Chu, Wen-Tseng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 175
中文關鍵詞: 女性消費者數位單眼相機消費者行為生活型態
英文關鍵詞: female consumer, ILC(Interchangeable-lens Camera), consumer behavior, lifestyle
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:454下載:39
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  • 「攝影」是一門藝術,讓我們的生活和回憶充滿繽紛色彩;「攝影」也是一項消費,無論是舊式的底片相機、鏡頭配備、相片沖洗到現今以數位主流當道的數位相機、記憶卡等,連結了產業面、藝術文化、休閒旅遊,帶動了相關產業的發展。
    一、以「 20-39 歲」、「未婚」、且「無未成年子女」、「月可支配所得」在 5,001-10,000 元之大學(專)上班族最多。二、可分為「被動消極」、「獨立樂觀」、「保守觀望」和「陽光社交」四個生活型態區隔。三、不同人口統計變項在各生活型態集群均無顯著差異。四、不同生活型態在「考慮時間」、「產品屬性重視度」、「月使用次數」、「分享經驗意願」、「學習意願」及「相機滿意度」、「品牌再購意願」均呈顯著差異。五、在人口統計變項對消費者行為上,「年齡」、「所得」、「職業」決定了是否有錢;「婚姻」、「未成年子女數」決定是否有閒,「單眼資歷」則決定專業程度,而產生選擇上的差異。

    “Photography” is an art that makes our lives and memories full of colors. “Photography” is also a symbolism of consuming product. From old-fashioned cameras, lens, and film developing to today's digital mainstream in power of the digital cameras, memory cards, and etc., it links industrial surfaces, arts and culture, leisure and tourism together and further drives the development of relevant industries.
    In past, "photography" participants were limited to professionals or male due to the bulky photographic equipment, difficult operations, and the difficult economic conditions. However, with the growth market and technology development of the digital camera industry, new technology changed the using habits of consumers. "SLR" had developed to "Interchangeable-lens Camera", and the combination of convenient take-and-view feature and friendly retail price threshold attracted more photography enthusiasts.
    On the other hand, the growth in both income and social status of women had also contributed to the spending power of women. Camera manufacturers were also actively engaged in female market and developed a variety of marketing strategies for women. Therefore to explore women in decision-making and considerations when buying a interchangeable-lens camera was a topic that worth to study. In view of this, this study was to understand the considerations of women in the decision-making of interchangeable-lens camera purchasing, and hoped to understand the behavior of female consumers through their lifestyle. By questionnaire survey, the use of statistical methods to analyze the results as follows:
    First, women in "20-39", "unmarried" and "no minor children," "$5,001-$10,000 in monthly disposable income," "University (College)," and "office worker" were the majority. Second, lifestyle segmentation can be divided into four parts: "passive group," "independent and optimistic group," "conservative and observant group" and "sunshiny and socializing group". Third, different "demographic variables" in each lifestyle clusters had no significant differences. Fourth, different lifestyle in "time to consider," "product attributes great importance to degrees," "monthly usage," "willingness in sharing experiences," " willingness to learn," "camera satisfaction," and "brand repurchase intention" showed significant differences. Fifth, "demographic variables" in decision-making showed that "age", "income", "occupation" decided whether to have money; "marriage" and "children" decided whether to have leisure, "monocular qualifications" determined the professional level, which resulting in differences in choices.
    This study came up with suggestions based on the conclusion, and can be used as a reference in female market segmentation and marketing strategy for academic units and industry.

    中文摘要................................................iii 英文摘要.................................................iv 謝 誌..................................................vi 目 次.................................................vii 表 次..................................................ix 圖 次................................................xiii 第壹章 緒論..............................................1 第一節 研究背景與動機...................................1 第二節 研究目的........................................3 第三節 研究問題........................................3 第四節 研究範圍和限制...................................4 第五節 研究重要性......................................4 第六節 名詞釋義........................................7 第貳章 文獻探討...........................................8 第一節 數位單眼相機介紹.................................8 第二節 消費者行為理論..................................28 第三節 生活型態理論....................................44 第四節 產品屬性理論....................................48 第五節 本章總結.......................................52 第參章 研究方法..........................................54 第一節 研究架構.......................................54 第二節 研究流程.......................................55 第三節 研究對象及抽樣方法...............................57 第四節 研究工具.......................................59 第五節 資料處理與分析..................................75 第肆章 結果及討論........................................77 第一節 人口統計變項現況分析.............................77 第二節 女性消費者之生活型態分析..........................84 第三節 女性消費者之消費者行為分析........................89 第四節 不同人口統計變項在消費者行為之差異情形..............101 第五節 不同人口統計變項之消費者在生活型態之差異情形.........141 第六節 不同生活型態在消費者行為及產品屬性重視度差異分析......143 第七節 不同消費者行為在產品屬性重視度之差異分..............148 第伍章 結論與建議........................................152 第一節 結論..........................................152 第二節 建議..........................................155 參考文獻.................................................159 附 錄..................................................168 附錄一 預試問卷.......................................168 附錄二 正式問卷.......................................172

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