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研究生: 莊佩蓉
Chuang, Pei-Jung
論文名稱: 全英語教學: 一個高中英文課堂的個案研究
Teaching English in English (TEIE): A Case Study of a Senior High School English Class
指導教授: 羅美蘭
Lo, Mei-Lan
口試委員: 戴雅茗
Tai, Ya-Ming
Tseng, Jun-Jie
Lo, Mei-Lan
口試日期: 2021/11/18
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 189
中文關鍵詞: 全英語教學促進學生理解的教學策略學生看法
英文關鍵詞: teaching English in English (TEIE), teaching strategies of supporting students' comprehension, students' perception
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200484
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:385下載:0
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  • 隨著2030雙語政策的推行,許多臺灣的英文老師也開始進行全英語教學以提升學生的英文能力,因此有關於「全英語教學」的研究也隨之增加,但其中,有關於「教師如何幫助學生理解全英語教學的課堂」和「學生對於全英語教學的課堂理解程度」的研究還有待發掘 。因此,本研究除了探討英文教師在進行全英語教學時,如何幫助學生理解課堂 內容外, 同時,也進一步探究學生對於全英語教學的看法,從中除了探討學生的「學習態度」、「學習成果」及「教學建議」外,也深入探索學生對於全英語教學的「 課堂理解程度和想法」。
    本研究為一質性研究,研究對象為南臺灣一所實驗高中的 1 位高中英文教師和25位高二學生。 本研究總共為期 1 4 週 研究者 除了透過兩場的半結構式訪談以及1 4週的課室觀察,來觀察該名教師在進行全英語教學時,如何幫助學生理解英文課程外,也邀請學生填寫一份感知問卷,以了解學生對於教師全英語教學的看法。
    研究結果顯示, 這位高中教師 在「單字」、「句型」、「閱讀」、「課堂活動」及「片語」五大教學內容中融入合適的教學策略,來幫助學生理解全英語教學的課堂內容;此外,大部分學生都對全英語教學的教學方式持正面看法 。最後,本研究建議高中英文老師進行全英語教學 ,以提升學生的英文能力,同時也建議高中英文老師融入合適的教學 策略,來幫助學生有效理解課程內容。

    With the implementation of "the Bilingual 2030 policy,” English teachers in Taiwan have started to teach English in English to enhance students' English proficiency. Therefore, the studies related to "teaching English in English" have grown rapidly. However, little research has focused on "how EFL teachers guide students to comprehend their TEIE instruction" and "how well EFL students comprehend the TEIE instruction.”The present study is thus conducted to fill up these two gaps, to explore how EFL teachers support students' comprehension when teaching English in English and to investigate how EFL students perceive the TEIE instruction, including the aspects of "students' attitudes,"“students' learning outcome," "students' suggestion for future TEIE teaching," and“students' comprehension of the TEIE instruction and related thoughts.”
    This study is a qualitative study, and the participants are one senior high school English teacher and twenty-five students. This study lasted for fourteen weeks totally. The researcher not only conducted two semi-structured interviews and fourteen-week class observations to explore how the English teacher guided students to comprehend his TEIE instruction, but she also invited the students to complete a perception questionnaire to delve into their perception of the TEIE instruction.
    The results showed that the teacher applied suitable teaching strategies in each part of the TEIE teaching (e.g., vocabulary, sentence patterns, reading, class activities, and phrases) to support students' comprehension. Moreover, most of the students showed positive attitudes toward the TEIE instruction. Lastly, this study recommends that English teachers in senior high schools teach English in English to improve students' English proficiency and incorporate appropriate teaching strategies to facilitate students' comprehension effectively.

    CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 Background 1 Purpose of the Study 8 Research Questions 8 Significance of the Study 9 Organization of the Study 9 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 11 Teach English in English (TEIE) 11 Related Theories 13 Related Teaching Methods 17 TEIE (TETE/TEE) World Policies 20 The Bilingual 2030 Policy in Taiwan 23 Empirical Studies of Teachers' Maximum English Use in EFL Classrooms 24 Teaching Strategies Used in English Instruction 30 Definitions About Teaching Strategies Used in English Instruction 35 Empirical Studies on EFL Students' Perception of Teachers' Maximum English Use 41 L2 Learning Strategies 47 Summary 52 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 53 Rationale of Employing a Qualitative Research Design 53 Research Context 54 Participants 57 Methods 58 Semi-Structured Interviews 58 Class Observations 59 Perception Questionnaire 61 Data Collection Procedure 65 Data Analysis 66 Trustworthiness 67 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS 69 Teaching Strategies of Supporting Students' Comprehension 69 Students' Perception of the TEIE Instruction 119 Students' Comprehension of the TEIE Instruction 119 Students' Learning Outcome from the TEIE Instruction 139 Students' Attitudes Toward the TEIE Instruction 143 Students' Suggestions for Future TEIE Instruction 146 Summary 152 CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 154 Major Findings and Discussion 154 Pedagogical Implications 169 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Future Research 170 Conclusion 171 REFERENCES 173 APPENDIX A Interview Questions for the Semi-Structured Interview (Chinese Version) 180 APPENDIX B Interview Questions for the Semi-Structured Interview (English Version) 181 APPENDIX C Format of Class Observation Note (Chinese Version) 182 APPENDIX D Format of Class Observation Note (English Version) 183 APPENDIX E Students’ Perception Questionnaire (Chinese Version) 184 APPENDIX F Students’ Perception Questionnaire (English Version) 187

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