研究生: |
林啟賢 Lin chii-shain |
論文名稱: |
視動行為複演法對學習足球踢球的影響 Effects of Visuo-motor Behavior Rehearsal on Learning |
指導教授: |
Chien, Lau-Hoei |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
畢業學年度: | 86 |
語文別: | 中文 |
中文關鍵詞: | 視動行為複演法 、意象練習 、放鬆訓練 、運動象清晰度量表 |
英文關鍵詞: | visuo-motor behavior rehearsal(VMBR), imagery, relaxation, sport imagery questionnaire(SIQ) |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:733 下載:0 |
分享至: |
查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
本研究的目的是:(1)探討視動行為複演法(VMBR)對學習足球踢球的影響。(2)探討在視動行為複演練習中,受試者的生理變化情形。(3)探討視動行為複演法(VMBR)對意象清晰度的影響。以國立台北師範學院四十五名男生為受試對象。平均年齡為19.82±1.00歲。所有受試者在實驗處理前填寫先填寫意象清晰度量表 ,並隨機分配到下列三組:一、身體練習組;二、視動行為複演組;三、控制組。隨後進行足球的足背踢球教學和練習並進行前測。身體練習組每次足背踢球十次。視動行為複演組接受每週二次,每次三十分鐘的練習(前四次練習為15分鐘放鬆練習;15分鐘意象練習。爾後的練習則為20分鐘放鬆和意象自己成功踢球;10分鐘錄影帶觀賞和實際動作複演)。控制組閱讀休閒雜誌三十分鐘。三組各接受十二次的實驗處裡。每二週各填寫一次意象清晰度量表,所得的意象清晰度成績和技能成績,以二因子混合設計(一獨立,一重複)變異數分析(split-plot)來處理;若二因子之間交互作用達顯著水準時,則進一步就單純主要效果(simple main-effect)加以考驗。若三組在前後測成績上及VMBR組在各次意象得分上達顯著性差異,則以杜凱氏法(Tukey method)進行事後比較。視動行為複演組則再以重複量數t考驗進行心跳率、皮膚溫度、皮膚電阻、EMG的生理植變化情形探討。本研究結果,經過分析討論後,所得結論如下:一、 視動行為複演練習組與身體練習組經過十二次的練習後,在學習足球足背踢球,具有相同的學習效果。且視動行為複演組的學習效果顯著優於控制組。二、 視動行為複演組在放鬆訓練後,心跳率、肌電圖(EMG)降低;皮膚溫度和皮膚電阻反應(GSR)升高,顯示受試者是處於放鬆狀態。三、 視動行為複演組經過十二次的練習後,在意象清晰度方面,具有學習效果。且視動行為複演組的學習效果顯著優於控制組。
The primary purposes of this study were (1) to investigate the effectof Visuo-motor Behavior Rehearsal (VMBR) on learning of soccer kicking; (2)to examine the physiological change during VMBR ; (3) to investigate the effectof Visuo-motor Behavior Rehearsal (VMBR) on imagery ability . Forty-five malestudents (mean age = 19.82±1.00 years) from National Taipei Teacher Collegeparticipated in this study. Before the experiment, subjects took the scale ofSport Imagery Questionnaire (SIQ), and then were randomly assigned to (1) thephysical practice group, repeated physical practice 10 times per session, (2)the VMBR group, involved relaxation and imagery practice by audiotape and videotape 30 minutes per session, (3) the control group, took 30 minutes to read recreational magazine. and Each group was 15 subjects. Data was collected from performance of soccer kicking and the Sport Imagery Questionnaire and the response of heart rate, temperature, GSR and EMG during VMBR. Two split-plot designs (3 x 2 and 3x 4) and t-test were used to statistically analyze the data obtained.Within thee limitations of this study the following conclusions were derived:(1) Aftertwelve sessions, there was a significant VMBR effect on performing the skillof soccer kicking between subjects in the VMBR and in the control group . Howeverthere was no significance of VMBR effect on performing the skill of soccerkicking between subjects in the VMBR and subjects in the physical practice.(2) The physiological response showed the subjects were in a relaxation stateafter dealing with relaxation training. Heart rate and EMG was reduced andGSR and skin temperature increased.(3) After twelve sessions, results indicateda significant VMBR effect on clarity of idea image. That is, subjects in theVMBR had the highest score on SIQ, and those in the control group had thelowest score on SIQ.