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研究生: 方詠秋
Fang, Yung-Chiou
論文名稱: 青少年在平板電腦情境之閱讀策略使用
EFL Adolescents' Use of Reading Strategies in a Mobile-assisted Context
指導教授: 林至誠
Lin, Chih-cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 178
中文關鍵詞: 閱讀策略行動輔助學習EFL閱讀線上閱讀
英文關鍵詞: reading strategy, mobile-assisted learning, EFL reading, online reading
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203587
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:384下載:14
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  • 對於英語學習者,閱讀是一項必要的技能。由於閱讀在學習過程中所扮演的重要角色,在英語作為第二語言(ESL)及英語作為外語(EFL)的情境下曾有許多研究。研究顯示,閱讀理解在讀者與文本之間是一個複雜的、有目的的、動態的以及互動的過程。讀者運用不同的策略來理解文本。作為教學者,將閱讀策略的教學包含於課程當中似乎是必要的。然而,在教導學生有效的策略之前,教學者需要了解學生個人的閱讀行為。
    本研究採用質性的方法,對於英語作為外語的青少年於行動輔助情境下的閱讀策略使用提供更深入及詳細的分析。共十二位來自同一間位於東臺灣的高中,不同班級的學生被徵募作為本研究的研究對象。在兩個月的資料收集期間,每位學生總共閱讀四篇文章。其中兩篇文章較短且較容易,另外兩篇文章較長且較困難。對於兩篇難易度相同的文章,其中一篇為學生獨自閱讀,而另外一篇學生與同學兩個人一起閱讀。學生閱讀過程的影片、學生閱讀時產生的think aloud 資料、學生在閱讀任務完成時用來反思閱讀過程中使用的閱讀策略所填寫的問卷,以及在學生進行完閱讀任務後立刻做的訪問的逐字稿均收集作為本研究的分析。
    本研究的結果顯示,研究對象在閱讀過程中採用Global Strategy, Problem-solving Strategy, Support Strategy 以及 Socio-affective Strategy。在眾多閱讀策略當中,圖片的使用及字典的使用是本研究中研究對象使用最複雜的兩種。對於本研究的研究對象而言,在他們的閱讀過程當中,圖片不僅僅是圖片而已。圖片甚至比文字更重要,因為圖片扮演著多功能能的助手的角色多方面的幫助學生。此外,根據本研究的分析,研究對象字典使用的方法及情境也因人而異。本研究中,研究對象的字典使用似乎顯示,在閱讀過程中,字典扮演著一個緊張緩解者的角色以及一個可以獲得安全感的工具。

    For learners of English, reading is an essential skill. Because of the crucial role that reading plays in the learning process, a vast body of research has been conducted both in English as a second language (ESL) and English as a foreign language (EFL) contexts. Research has shown that reading comprehension is a complex, purposeful, dynamic and interactive process between the reader and the text. Readers employ different reading strategies to comprehend the text. As instructors, incorporating the instruction of reading strategies in curriculum seems to be necessary. Before teaching students effective strategies, however, instructors need to understand students’ individual reading behaviors.
    Moreover, with the advent of digital media and growing number of digital documents, the shift from print texts to digital texts has prompted teachers to wonder whether students use different strategies while reading texts of different formats. Also, as mobile devices have gradually gained popularity in language classes, it is urgent to learn whether reading on mobile devices demands different strategies or not. Few studies, however, have explored this fundamental issue. To respond to the urgent need to understand learners’ online reading behaviors in this digital era, and to provide some empirical evidence for EFL learners’ online reading strategy use in a mobile-assisted context, the present study is designed to explore EFL adolescents’ use of reading strategies on mobile tablets.
    In the present study, a qualitative approach is adopted to provide in-depth and more detailed analysis about EFL adolescents’ use of reading strategies in a mobile-assisted context. A total of twelve students are recruited from different classes within the same senior high school in eastern Taiwan as participants for the present study. During the two-month data collection process, each participant reads four articles in total. Two of the articles are shorter and easier while the other two are longer and more difficult. For the two articles at the same level of difficulty, participants read one of them alone and read the other in pairs with their peers. The videos of participants’ reading process, the think aloud data produced by participants while reading, the questionnaires filled out by participants to help reflect upon their reading strategy use after the reading tasks, and the verbatim transcribed from interviews conducted immediately after participants’ reading tasks were collected for the analysis of the present study.
    The result of the current study demonstrates that participants employ Global Strategy, Problem-solving Strategy, Support Strategy and Socio-affective Strategy during their reading process. Among so many strategies used, picture use and dictionary use are the most complicated ones as used by participants in the present study. For the participants in the present study, pictures are not just pictures during their reading process. Pictures might even speak louder than words because they act as a multifunctional helper to aid participants in diverse ways. Moreover, based on the analysis in the present study, it is found that the way as well as the situations where the participants use a dictionary are far more different from person to person. Participants’ use of a dictionary in the present study seems to indicate that the role of a dictionary might be a tension reliever and a tool for them to gain a sense of security during their reading process.
    To sum up, from the result of the current study, learners, regardless of their proficiency, are found to possess certain knowledge about reading strategies. Even the less proficient learners employ certain reading strategies when they read. Moreover, when the same strategies are employed by different students, the context or the way those strategies are used might vary. Such results provide those who are interested in this field some pedagogical implications as well as suggestions for future research.

    CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 Background and Motivation 1 Significance of the Study 3 Research Questions of the Study 5 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 7 Definition of Reading Strategy 8 Cognitive Reading Strategy 8 Metacognitive Reading Strategy 9 Proficiency and Reading Strategy Use 10 Text type and Reading Strategy Use 14 Text Difficulty and Strategy Use 17 Growing Number of Digital Information 19 Online Reading Strategy 20 Definition of Mobile Learning 23 Research on Mobile-Assisted Language Learning Worldwide 24 Web-based Mobile Application 26 IPad 26 Podcasting 28 Mobile Phone 28 Research on Mobile-Assisted Language Learning in Taiwan 29 Mobile Phone 29 PDA 31 Tablet PC 37 Picture Use in Reading 39 Dictionary Use in Reading 42 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 45 Participants 46 Materials 47 Instruments 48 General English Proficiency Test (GEPT) 48 Mobile Tablets and Apps 50 Reading Strategy Questionnaire 50 Procedure 51 Data Analysis 53 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 62 Online Reading Strategy Use by Less Proficient Learners in a Mobile-assisted Context 62 Global Reading Strategy Use 62 Problem-Solving Strategy Use 65 Support Reading Strategy Use 66 Socio-affective Strategy Use 68 Reasons behind Less Proficient Learners’ Most Frequent Use of Online Reading Strategies in a Mobile-assisted Context 69 Picture Use in Reading 69 Dictionary Use in Reading 78 Proficiency and Reading Strategy Use 88 Text Type and Reading Strategy Use 94 Text Difficulty and Reading Strategy Use 96 Comparison of Online Strategy Use in a Computer-assisted Context and in a Mobile-assisted Context 99 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION 106 Summary of the Findings 106 Pedagogical Implications 116 Limitation and Suggestion for Future Research 122 REFERENCES 125 APPENDICES 137 Appendix A Reading Tasks for Each Text 137 Appendix B English Version of Questionnaire for Reading Strategy 145 Appendix C Chinese Version of Questionnaire for Reading Strategy 147 Appendix D Reading Materials Used in the Present Study 149

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