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研究生: 鄭欣恬
Cheng, Hsin-Tien
論文名稱: 夏爾·勒布朗作品中的聖家:十七世紀法國的宗教主題畫作
The Holy Family in the Work of Charles Le Brun: A Religious Theme in Seventeenth-Century France
指導教授: 辛蒂庫絲
Candida Syndikus
口試委員: 辛蒂庫絲
Candida Syndikus
Valentin Nussbaum
Wang, Juei-Ting
口試日期: 2024/11/12
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 藝術史研究所
Graduate Institute of Art History
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 113
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 165
中文關鍵詞: 夏爾˙勒布朗 (1619–90)聖家十七世紀法國藝術反宗教革命宗教繪畫
英文關鍵詞: Charles Le Brun (1619–90), The Holy Family, Seventeenth-century French art, Counter-Reformation, religious painting
研究方法: 主題分析歷史研究法比較研究文件分析法內容分析法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401975
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:250下載:17
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  • 夏爾˙勒布朗(Charles Le Brun, 1619–90年),身為法國國王路易十四(1654–1715年)的首席畫家及法國皇家繪畫與雕塑學院院長,是法國巴洛克時代早期古典藝術的縮影。本文的研究對象是他的一組聖家畫作,迄今為止受到的學術關注相對較少。這些畫作創作於17世紀中葉左右,勒布朗的學生克洛德三世˙尼維隆(Claude III Nivelon, 1648–1720年)在1690年代撰寫的傳記《勒布朗先生作品描述》中對其進行了記載。這些作品可被視為十七世紀法國廣泛流行聖家這一圖像主題的重要例證。

    Charles Le Brun (1619–90), the premier painter to King Louis XIV of France (1654–1715) and the chancellor at the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture in Paris, epitomized classical art during the early French Baroque era. The target of this thesis is a group of his representations of the Holy Family that have received relatively little scholarly attention to date. These paintings were created around the mid-seventeenth century and documented by Le Brun’s student Claude III Nivelon (1648–1720) in his biography Description des œuvres de Mr Le Brun composed in the 1690s. The works can be considered significant examples of the widespread popularity of the iconographic theme of the Holy Family in seventeenth-century France.
    The aim of this study is to examine the popularity of this particular subject matter by applying iconographic and stylistic methods. More broadly, the iconography of the works will be analyzed in the context of the Counter-Reformation, which spread from Rome to the Catholic countries in Europe after the mid-sixteenth century. Since then, new iconographic subjects were promoted to meet the requirements outlined by the Council of Trent (1545–63). It will be necessary to explore the religious and intellectual currents prevalent in the entourage of Charles Le Brun. Next, an inquiry will be made into the sources from which the painter drew inspiration for his creations. To this end, an investigation into Italian, French, and Flemish paintings from the late Renaissance to early Baroque will be conducted. The distinctive contributions of Le Brun to the iconography constitute the final part of the thesis.

    Table of Contents Acknowledgments i 謝辭 ii Abstract iii 摘要 iv Introduction 1 State of Research 3 1. Charles Le Brun’s Holy Family Paintings 15 1.1. The Louvre Holy Family before the Return from Egypt 16 1.2. The Sleep of Christ Child or The Silence (1655) 23 1.3. The Versions of The Holy Family in Egypt in Minneapolis and Cambridge 28 1.4. The Lost Return of the Holy Family from Egypt 33 2. Theological Background 40 2.1. The Devotion to Saint Joseph 41 2.2. The French School of Spirituality 44 2.3. Pierre de Bérulle’s Spirituality of the Silence 46 3. Le Brun’s Artistic Sources 54 3.1. Le Brun and Italy 55 3.2. The French School 66 3.3. The Flemish School 72 4. Special Aspects of the Iconography of Le Brun’s Holy Family Paintings 75 4.1. Inscriptions 76 4.2. The Setting of the Holy Family 85 4.3. The “Egyptian” Landscapes 88 Conclusion 92 Bibliography 94 Appendix: Illustrations 102 List of Photographic Credits 159

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