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研究生: 蕭潔
論文名稱: 基於索引典概念探討大學圖書館網站標籤之研究
A Study of University Library Website Labels Based on the Concept of Thesaurus
指導教授: 謝建成
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 圖書資訊學研究所
Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 72
中文關鍵詞: 網站標籤卡片分類法索引典尋獲度
英文關鍵詞: Website Labels, Card Sorting, Thesauru, Findability
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:331下載:10
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  • 值此電子化時代,利用網站獲取資訊,已經是現代人經常從事的行為,圖書館網站更是提供多元資訊、資源服務的管道,如何讓使用者能方便、有效率地從圖書館網站中取用所需之資訊,使圖書館網站收藏的資訊發揮應有價值,是網站設計者必須深思的問題。而一個網站中,標籤系統是網站與使用者溝通的重要橋樑,標籤設計之良窳,將會影響使用者是否能有效且準確的獲得資訊。因此本研究希望利用索引典中顯現各相關詞彙、促進標引一致性與協助檢索目標內容之特性,建立更符合使用者需求的圖書館網站標籤系統。

    In the digital age, people use websites to access information frequently. How to make users access the required information from the websites conveniently and efficiently to bring the values of them, website designers must seriously take the problem into consideration. Labeling systems are the important channels to converse with the users in a website. The design of labels will affect whether users can require the accurate information efficiently. This study proposes to construct a better library website labeling system based on the concept of thesaurus.
    This study has five main steps. First, analyzing the contents of library website and picking out the labels. In second step, the participants will discuss the website labels selected from first step and rename the labels if the labels are not easy to understand. Then the researcher will collect all these original library labels (A labels group) and the renamed labels (B labels group) together to construct a library label thesaurus in the third step. After working out the library label thesaurus, there will have the third kind of labels which is generated by combining the original library labels and the characteristic of thesaurus (C labels group). Card sorting test is applied in the fourth step, using three different labels group to construct three new website structures. Finally, we use the evaluation of findability of website to compare the differences of three websites structures to verify their effectiveness. The study shown that the labels with the characteristic of thesaurus (C labels group) show the relationship terms of the original website labels, which can help the users get more understanding to the labels and have more confidence when they conducted card sorting tests. The evaluation of findability also verified that the website structure built after the card sorting test with the labels which have the characteristic of thesaurus is better than other two website structures. That is, the website structure built after the card sorting test with the labels which have the characteristic of thesaurus is more accord with the users’ requirements.

    摘要................................................................................................................................ i Abstract .......................................................................................................................... ii 表次............................................................................................................................... v 圖次............................................................................................................................... vi 第一章 緒論............................................................................................................. - 1 - 第一節 研究動機............................................................................................. - 1 - 第二節 研究目的與問題................................................................................. - 2 - 第三節 名詞解釋............................................................................................. - 3 - 第四節 研究範圍與限制................................................................................. - 4 - 第二章 文獻分析..................................................................................................... - 5 - 第一節 網站標籤............................................................................................. - 5 - 第二節 索引典................................................................................................. - 7 - 第三節 卡片分類法....................................................................................... - 10 - 第四節 網站架構之評估............................................................................... - 18 - 第三章 研究設計與實施....................................................................................... - 23 - 第一節 研究個案與研究對象....................................................................... - 23 - 第二節 研究方法與步驟............................................................................... - 23 - 第四章 研究結果與分析....................................................................................... - 31 - 第一節 研究對象分析................................................................................... - 31 - 第二節 網站標籤討論結果及標籤索引典建立........................................... - 34 - 第三節 網站架構分類結果........................................................................... - 41 - 第四節 網頁標籤命名分析........................................................................... - 45 - 第五節 網頁標籤特性討論........................................................................... - 46 - 第六節 尋獲度分析調查結果....................................................................... - 47 - 第五章 結論與建議............................................................................................... - 51 - 第一節 結論................................................................................................... - 51 - 第二節 建議................................................................................................. - 54 - 參考文獻................................................................................................................. - 57 - 附錄1 標籤討論結果整理.................................................................................. - 62 - 附錄2 卡片分類法結果之網站架構圖-網站架構A ...................................... - 69 - 附錄3 卡片分類法結果之網站架構圖-網站架構B...................................... - 70 - 附錄4 卡片分類法結果之網站架構圖-網站架構C...................................... - 71 - 附錄5 尋獲度調查問卷...................................................................................... - 72 -

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