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研究生: 洪梓容
Hung Tzu-Jung
論文名稱: 台灣產堇菜屬多倍體物種演化與起源
指導教授: 王震哲
Wang, Jenn-Che
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 133
中文關鍵詞: 堇菜屬多倍體化雜交trnL/trnFrpl16ITS
英文關鍵詞: Viola, hybridization, polyploidization, trnL/trnF, rpl16, ITS
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:297下載:3
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  • 雜交與多倍體化為植物界中常見的種化機制,由這兩種機制所產生的新物種會帶有更高的基因歧異度,並將物種帶往新的適應高峰。堇菜屬(Viola, Violaceae)植物是研究植物演化的重要材料之一,屬內物種在雜交及倍體數上的變化長期以來十分受到學者的關注。台灣產堇菜屬植物中,以蔓莖群(Diffusae)和合生托葉群(Adnatae)的染色體數目變化最引人注目。在蔓莖群中的四個物種其染色體為n=13 (茶匙黃)、24 (台北堇菜、普萊氏堇菜)、37 (心葉茶匙黃),合生托葉群內四個物種的染色體數則是n=12 (短毛堇菜)、24(小堇菜、紫花地丁)、36 (箭葉堇菜),兩群中染色體數皆呈倍數增加,雖然早有學者推論六倍體物種是由二倍體和四倍體物種雜交而來,卻遲遲未被證實。本研究利用母系遺傳的葉綠體DNA序列片段(trnL/trnF、rpl16)及核DNA序列片段(ITS)進行分析,加上鄰近地區樣本之序列,以最大簡約法與貝葉氏導出式分析重建台灣產堇菜屬蔓莖群與合生托葉群的演化歷史。

    Hybridization and polyploidization are common mechanisms in plant speciation. Via these mechanisms, the new lineages often can get higher genetic diversity than their parents and reach new adaptive peaks. Violets (Viola, Violaceae) are used as a material for plant evolution process, particularly focus on the ploidy level. In Taiwan, Viola group Diffusae and group Adnatae have very special cytological situation. The chromosome numbers in group Diffusae are n=13 (V. diffusa), 24 (V. nagasawai var. nagasawai and V. nagasawai var. pricei), 37 (V. tenuis), and the chromosome numbers in group Adnatae are n=12 (V. confusa), 24 (V. mandshuica and V. inconspicua subsp. nagasakiensis), 36 (V. betonicifolia), both of them increase as polyploidy. Early studies inferred that the hexaploid may be derived from hybridization and subsequent polyploidization between diploidy and tetraploidy ancestors which in the same group, but none of them be tested. This study used cpDNA (trnL/trnF, rpl16) and nrDNA (ITS) and be analyzed by maximum parsimony analysis (MP) and Bayesian inference analysis (BI) to reconstruct the relationship within these two polyploidy complex.
    Based on the phylogeny tree of cpDNA, group Adnatae and group Diffusae were grouped separately in two well-supported clades but V. nagasawai var. nagasawai was not included. The nrDNA phylogeny tree showed that V. teunis nests in three different clades: V. diffusa, V. nagasawai var. nagasawai and V. nagasawai var. pricei, and the species of group Adnatae. Viola betonicifolia was separated to several different clades and gathered with V. mandshuica or V. inconspicua subsp. nagasakiensis.
    The results indicated that V. teunis have three different parental species, one is V. diffusa or closely related species, another is a unknown diploid which shares a genome with V. nagasawai var. nagasawai and V. nagasawai var. pricei, and the last one is another unknown diploid which were shared with group Adnatae. Viola betonicifolia maybe a hybrid between V. confuse or closely related species, V. incospicua or closely related species and a diploid which were shared with V. mandshuica and V. prionantha.

    目錄 -----------I 附表目錄 -----------II 附圖目錄 -----------II 附錄目錄 -----------II 中文摘要 -----------III 英文摘要 -----------V 本文目錄 壹、 前言 --------------1 貳、 材料與方法 --------------11 參、 結果 --------------19 肆、 討論 --------------23 伍、 結論 --------------32 陸、 參考文獻 --------------33 柒、 附錄 --------------41 附表目錄 台灣產堇菜屬植物分類現況與染色體數目列表 ------8 用於本研究之亞洲產堇菜屬植物已知的染色體數量報導 -------9 實驗樣本編號與採集地 -------12 引子序列資訊 -------15 附圖目錄 以cpDNA所建構之親緣關係樹 --------------21 以nrDNA所建構之親緣關係樹 --------------22 結合cpDNA親緣關係樹與nrDNA親緣關係樹 ----31 附錄目錄 採用樣本的DNA編號與PCR編號 --------------------41 NCBI下載鄰近地區堇菜屬植物序列編號 --------------42 台灣產堇菜屬植物與其相近類群cpDNA (trnL/trnF、rpl16)之變異位點資訊 --------------------------------------------44 台灣產堇菜屬植物與其相近類群nrDNA (ITS)之變異位點資訊-----68

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