研究生: |
蕭景祥 josh shiau |
論文名稱: |
營造業勞工防墜行為及其相關因素之研究 |
指導教授: | 黃乾全 |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
健康促進與衛生教育學系 Department of Health Promotion and Health Education |
論文出版年: | 2000 |
畢業學年度: | 88 |
語文別: | 中文 |
中文關鍵詞: | 營造業 、墜落 、勞工 、職業災害 、安全教育 |
英文關鍵詞: | construction industry, falling accidents, labor, occupational accidents, safety education |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:581 下載:0 |
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查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
在勞工防墜行為及其相關因素方面:整體而言,受試者對墜落危害認知的程度不強、大多贊同工地中安全衛生管理的作法。不同年齡層勞工間在墜落危害認知之差異達統計顯著水準(p<0.05),以年齡層50歲以上的作業勞工對墜落危害認知程度較低;不同工種間在墜落危害認知之差異達統計顯著水準(p<0.01),以「雜工」對墜落危害認知的程度最低。無職業災害經驗者,較傾向於覺得自己的安全知識是足夠的; 有職業災害經驗者,反而較傾向於覺得自己的安全知識是不足的。受訪者的防墜行為在「個人防護具」使用方面需加強。各相關因素中以「上司督導管理」、「工作情緒」兩變項對於防墜行為的預測力較佳,因此,如何落實工地安全衛生管理與做好作業者負向情緒(工作緊張、擔心安全問題)的管理工作,是預防工地墜落發生的首要工作。
In recent years, Taiwan has experienced high rates of occupational accidents, among which construction site falling accidents have been a leading cause of deaths and serious injuries and are not to be neglected. The purpose of this research is to examine the factors that help ward off falling accidents at construction sites, including the safety and health management, the facilities that prevent falling accidents, and workers' safety knowledge and precautionary behavior. Therefore the result of the survey will serve as an important reference for those concerned to implement the safety and health management and worker's safety and health education in order to prevent falling accidents at construction sites.
This study assessed the safety and health management and safety facilities in the working environment at twenty Taiwan construction sites. In addition, individual, on-site interviews were conducted with 294 construction workers, using a structured questionnaire, the Occupational Safety Knowledge Assessment Form (reliability: Cronbach's a = 0.91) to evaluate their precautionary behavior.
Results showed that very few construction sites employed licensed safety and hygiene management officers. Instead, site directors themselves were often in charge of safety and health management, in addition to directing the affairs of the entire construction site. 60% of site directors admitted difficulty in undertaking safety inspections, and 70% experienced difficulty in overseeing the health of personnel. 95% of sites had held on-site safety education, usually in the form of short speeches given at planning meetings of all site subcontractors. The commonest way to put the safety and health education into practice is to put up notices and signs at the entrance of the construction site. Also, it is difficult to implement precautionary self-inspections and to promote negotiation organization.
As for the facilities to ward off falling accidents, 65% of the construction sites interviewed didn't have appropriate safety facilities to prevent injuries from falling and trampling. 50% of site directors admitted that it was not easy to create a work environment that would prevent falling accidents. Site directors found it particularly difficult to ensure the safety of temporary elevator shaft cavities and their cover fittings, due to multiple teams and subcontractors working separately on the shafts. While the setting up of warning signs in construction sites is generally in good shape, the temporary lighting systems, safety cable, and safety nets still need improvement.
On the whole, the workers interviewed didn't have extensive safety knowledge and mostly regarded the safety and health management at the construction site as acceptable and considered the facilities to prevent falling accidents sufficient. With one-way analysis of variance, a significant discrepancy in workers' occupational safety knowledge was found among different age groups. Construction workers aged 50~59 had the poorest understanding of occupational safety concepts. A discrepancy also exists among different levels of workers, among which the temporary workers have the poorest safety knowledge. Those who had no experience of occupational accidents tended to consider their own safety knowledge sufficient, while those who had experienced occupational accidents considered theirs insufficient. Those who were interviewed seemed to need more practice in using individual safety equipment. Among all factors, supervision from superiors and working moods had more direct influences on the prevention of falling accidents. Therefore to implement safety and health management at construction sites and to deal with workers' negative moods(nervousness from work, safety concerns) are the priorities in preventing falling accidents at construction sites.
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