研究生: |
郭曉媚 Kuo, Hsiao-Mei |
論文名稱: |
中文語意分析應用於部落格自動配色系統之研究 A Study on designing an automatic system of color harmony for Blog Based on Chinese Semantic Analysis |
指導教授: |
Chou, Tzren-Ru |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
圖文傳播學系 Department of Graphic Arts and Communications |
論文出版年: | 2015 |
畢業學年度: | 103 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 99 |
中文關鍵詞: | 色彩配置 、色彩調和理論 、中文語意分析 、群眾分類法 、部落格 |
英文關鍵詞: | Color combinations, Color harmony, Folksonomy, Blog Website, Semantic Analysis |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:341 下載:9 |
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目前部落格網頁樣版與配色主要以部落格供應商(Blog Service Provider,BSP)提供的固定樣版為主,重複性高且文章內容與部落格樣版無相關性,部落格使用者也因為無設計相關經驗,導致自訂的部落格網頁樣版與色彩配置缺乏美感與規律性,再者修改樣版的CSS樣式表需要專業的網頁技術知識,一般使用者無法勝任。因此本研究開發一套部落格網頁樣版自動配色系統,透過分析部落格文章內容與網頁樣版配色之關係,提供部落格使用者具有調和色彩且快速的網頁樣版配色系統,並增進文章內容與部落格樣版配色的相關性。
本研究開發的部落格網頁樣版自動配色系統主要使用中文語意分析技術(Semantic Analysis)。透過詞意資料庫辨識文章類型,以群眾分類法(Folksonomy)對應文章類型與主題圖片,搭配圖片自動調和配色系統,最終提供部落格使用者,一個自動配色的CSS樣式表。研究結果顯示,本研究提出的部落格自動配色系統,文章符合性、配色協調性、喜好度方面皆高於標準值。研究結果有效提升現有部落格網頁樣版配色,可作為部落格使用者、部落格供應商以及色彩相關產業單位參考運用。
The BSPs (Blog service providers) nowadays give their bloggers certain number of blog Templates to apply on their blogs. Not only make everyone's blog look similar to one another, those fixed and pre-setted style sheets are also irrelevant to their blog's content. Besides, one's blog may be lack of beauty and taste due to having no ability to match colors properly, not to mention that it also requires a special skill to modify CSS style sheets on their own. Therefore, in this study it presents an automated color-harmonizing system for blog's template. By analyzing the relationship between blog content and pages of color patterns, this system provides bloggers templates with harmonized color-matching and ease of use that could enhance the degree of color-harmonization and content-consistency.
The automated color-harmonizing system for blog's template of this research is mainly based on the technique of Chinese semantic analysis. In conjunction with the post type identified through the semantic relational database, the system automatically generates theme images by the method of hybrid image folksonomy and a CSS style sheet with harmonious combination of colors. The results show that the automated color-harmonizing system for blog's template makes the content-consistency, color-harmonization and likability higher than the standard value, and improves the color schema of existing blog templates. This study also serves as a reference of bloggers, BSPs and color-related industries.
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