研究生: |
林彥伶 Yen-Ling Lin |
論文名稱: |
國中學生知覺體育專家與生手教師回饋對學習成就相關性之研究 A study of Relationship of Student’s Perception of Expert and Novice Teacher Feedback to Students’ Achievement in Junior High School Physical Education |
指導教授: |
Keh, Nyit-Chin |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2008 |
畢業學年度: | 96 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 120 |
中文關鍵詞: | 學生知覺 、教師回饋行為 、學習成就 、專家教師 、生手教師 |
英文關鍵詞: | student's perception, teacher feedback behavior, learning achievement, expert teacher, novice teacher |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:405 下載:42 |
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本研究目的在探討國中學生知覺體育專家與生手教師回饋對學習成就的相關性。研究對象包括一位國中體育專家教師與一位體育生手教師,及任教八年級學生,共68名(專家教師33名、生手教師35名)。教學內容為排球發球與低手傳球兩個單元,共八節課。教學過程全程錄音錄影,採用Fishman 與 Tobey 教師回饋觀察系統工具來蒐集與分析教師回饋行為,以學生知覺教師回饋量表的調查,瞭解學生知覺教師回饋的差異。以相依樣本t檢定比較學生學習成就之差異,以皮爾遜積差相關,分析教師回饋與學習成就之相關,輔以學生知覺訪談,分析學生知覺的教師回饋行為是否有一致。研究結果顯示:(一)體育專家與生手教師在回饋對象與目的的行為類目有不同的表現;(二)體育專家教師以八節共提供510次的回饋總數與每分鐘1.41次的回饋頻率,高於體育生手教師的459次與1.28次;(三)學生學習成就方面,體育專家與生手教師的學生都有進步的表現,且部分回饋類目與學習成就達顯著相關;(四)學生知覺方面,體育生手教師學生知覺教師回饋情形高於體育專家教師學生(生手學生M=3.26、專家學生M=2.31);(五)練習試作成功率方面,體育專家教師學生表現高於體育生手教師學生(專家教師M=.61、生手教師M=.55)。本研究發現可提供師資培育機構、學校體育教師與相關研究人員,在體育課程設計、教學與學術研究之參考。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship of student’s perception of expert and novice teacher feedback to students’ achievement in junior high school physical education class. One junior high school physical education expert and a novice teacher, with 68 eighth grade students in their physical education classes (expert-33 students, novice-35 students) served as the participants of this study. Instruction took place during eight classes of volleyball serve and setting unit. Data were collected by videotaping and audiotaping. The systematic observation instrument used was Fishman and Tobey Teacher Feedback Observation System. A modified “Student Perception of Teacher’s Feedback” Scale was used to investigate the difference of student’s perception in teacher feedback. Dependent t-test was used to determine difference in students’ achievement. Pearson product moment correlation was used to analyze correlation of the teacher feedback and the learning achievement. Individual student’s perception interview was administrated to further understand the consistency of student perceived teacher feedback. Results indicated that: (1) The expert and novice teacher were different in intent and direction feedback categories. (2) The expert teacher provided 510 feedbacks in eight lessons at the rate of 1.41 per minute, which was higher than the novice teacher with a total of 459 times at 1.28 per minute. (3) In student’s achievement, the expert and novice teacher’s students showed improvement in performance, and some feedback categories were significantly correlated with student achievement. (4) In student’s perception, students of the novice teacher scored higher in perceived teacher feedback than the expert teacher’s (the novice teacher’s students M=3.26, the expert teacher’s students M=2.31). (5) In successful rate of practice trial, the expert teacher’s students showed higher performance than novice teacher’s (the expert teacher’s students M=.61, the novice teacher’s student M=.55). These findings have implications for teacher education and physical education teachers, as well as provide insights for researchers.
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